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Hot-line Message From The Employees Of U


Dec 29, 2002
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"Everything is on the table"?

What part of your compensation package along with your management, is on the table? You took a 20% paycut last year. While admirable, you then received 1.7 million shares of stock at a value of $7.34 per share. So, then, what is the net effect of compensation cut you received as part of your sacrifice to the "business plan" and USairways restructuring plan?

In your latest hot-line message you compare America West cost structure to U's. In the Time article I read, that you cite, basically magnified the ineptness of U's management team specifically, in comparison to other airlines' managements. Not a good example for U to use in your hot-line message or draw employee attention to.

If you threaten or plan to go back into Bankruptcy as a way to get additional cost savings, what vendor will ever do business with U again? If you liquidate, Dr. Bronner will not receive his return on investment, and YOU and your team will never operate another airline.

I wager that Bronner has given this team an ultimatum and doesn't care how this management accomplishes the goal of increasing "share holder value". It won't be on our backs again.

Lead by example:

A suggestion to improve bottom line and to set an example in ridding U of the unnecessary waste and featherbedding that needs to be addressed in order to compete, get rid of 60% of the VPs and just retain the Directors.

Build morale. Cut with the doom and gloom hotline messages every single week.

Keep in mind, the employees of U are not interested in making you wealthy on a one-stop employment here at U. If your goal was to retire at 45, it won't be on the backs of the employees anymore.

It's time to work harder, better and smarter; "Do more with less".

There's your Friday hot-line message from the employees of U.
very well said. I definetly am the one to support the getting rid of the 60% or even more of the inept, incompetent mgmt crooks we have running this airline.
PITbull said:
A suggestion to improve bottom line and to set an example in ridding U of the unnecessary waste and featherbedding that needs to be addressed in order to compete, get rid of 60% of the VPs and just retain the Directors.

Build morale. Cut with the doom and gloom hotline messages every single week.
Bravo....I agree.....stop the beatings and lead by example.
PITbull said:

"Everything is on the table"?

What part of your compensation package along with your management, is on the table? You took a 20% paycut last year. While admirable, you then received 1.7 million shares of stock at a value of $7.34 per share. So, then, what is the net effect of compensation cut you received as part of your sacrifice to the "business plan" and USairways restructuring plan?

In your latest hot-line message you compare America West cost structure to U's. In the Time article I read, that you cite, it basically magnified the ineptness of U's management team specifically, in comparison to other airlines' managements. Not a good example for U to use in your hot-line message or draw employee attention to.

If you threaten or plan to go back into Bankruptcy as a way to get additional cost savings, what vendor will ever do business with U again? If you liquidate, Dr. Bronner will not receive his return on investment, and YOU and your team will never operate another airline.

I wager that Bronner has given this team an ultimatum and doesn't care how this management accomplishes the goal of increasing "share holder value". It won't be on our backs again.

Lead by example:

A suggestion to improve bottom line and to set an example in ridding U of the unnecessary waste and featherbedding that needs to be addressed in order to compete, get rid of 60% of the VPs and just retain the Directors.

Build morale. Cut with the doom and gloom hotline messages every single week.

Keep in mind, the employees of U are not interested in making you wealthy on a one-stop employment here at U. If your goal was to retire at 45, it won't be on the backs of the employees anymore.

It's time to work harder, better and smarter; "Do more with less".

There's your Friday hot-line message from the employees of U.
Echo Echo Echo !!!....where have I heard this before? :up:
From you AOG.

Brilliance is contagious.

Told you we have the same mind set. Only your better, and I spring from you.
U's management team would be well served to read Ken Blanchard's "Gung Ho!". It's shows you how you can go from last to first by treating your employees correctly.
You could just read "Gordo's" book about how he did it at CO............... 😉
Rudy said:
U's management team would be well served to read Ken Blanchard's "Gung Ho!". It's shows you how you can go from last to first by treating your employees correctly.

Sadly, I think a certain someone has been reading "Grounded: Frank Lorenzo and the Destruction of Eastern Airlines" by Aaron Bernstein....