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Horrible Company II

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. the display cases that they have made are truly awesome . they do not get paid for this. they do this voluntarily on there own time!! i have donated some items to the dispaly cases myself and i trust them with my stuff. something happened to this person items and it was very unfortunate . but i can tell you that neither wally or a320 damaged his stuff.

It is sad that this topic had to be started, but I think you might want to look into some facts on this...I know A320 is getting paid 100 credits of flight pay to be the company historian. Not sure if the $22 per day crew meal allowance is paid in addition, but I am sure expense reports (hotel stays, meals, etc.) are submitted for when they travel to other locations: CLT training center, the upcoming display cases at Winston Salem, etc. I do know that they created a special display in Mr Isom's office as well.

It is unfortunate that many employees are struggling to make ends meet to survive on reserve, or having to pick up additional hours to pay their bills. Pay parity differences between West and East Flight Attendants are huge, anywhere from $4-9per hour difference. I think the company needs to focus on these areas before allowing money to be spent to pay employees to be company historians when Etops states that they are doing this voluntarily on their own time. That leaves some of us a little red under the collar.
I think the company needs to focus on these areas before allowing money to be spent to pay employees to be company historians when Etops states that they are doing this voluntarily on their own time. That leaves some of us a little red under the collar.

I agree with Jetsetter. Misallocation of resources is a theme that US Airways continues to repeat over and over again.

As far as the subject of the thread goes, the OP has illustrated why those of you who still work for US Airways need to be a bit more selfish with your possessions and your time. What gets donated appears to get abused at a higher rate than what gets paid for, and that can be interpreted in a variety of ways.

NCFL: It takes a stand up person to change those things you control. I congratulate you.

Maybe everybody who donated to the Heritage display needs to demand their things back. It's the kind of gesture that would send a strong message. No one deserves the kind of abuse that Tempe management doles out day after day to employees and passengers.
It is sad that this topic had to be started, but I think you might want to look into some facts on this...I know A320 is getting paid 100 credits of flight pay to be the company historian. Not sure if the $22 per day crew meal allowance is paid in addition, but I am sure expense reports (hotel stays, meals, etc.) are submitted for when they travel to other locations: CLT training center, the upcoming display cases at Winston Salem, etc. I do know that they created a special display in Mr Isom's office as well.

It is unfortunate that many employees are struggling to make ends meet to survive on reserve, or having to pick up additional hours to pay their bills. Pay parity differences between West and East Flight Attendants are huge, anywhere from $4-9per hour difference. I think the company needs to focus on these areas before allowing money to be spent to pay employees to be company historians when Etops states that they are doing this voluntarily on their own time. That leaves some of us a little red under the collar.

THIS should have people really upset! I had an inkling that this person wouldn't just be "volunteering" their time. Now the truth has come out and the plot thickens. What a bunch of crap.


If you don't like the thread/topic then don't participate, it's really quite that simple. If there is something else you would rather discuss then start your own thread. You've gone to the trouble to create a screen name so you can post. Seems we must not be quite that pathetic if you're willing to spend any amount of time on here. 😉
It is sad that this topic had to be started, but I think you might want to look into some facts on this...I know A320 is getting paid 100 credits of flight pay to be the company historian. Not sure if the $22 per day crew meal allowance is paid in addition, but I am sure expense reports (hotel stays, meals, etc.) are submitted for when they travel to other locations: CLT training center, the upcoming display cases at Winston Salem, etc. I do know that they created a special display in Mr Isom's office as well.

It is unfortunate that many employees are struggling to make ends meet to survive on reserve, or having to pick up additional hours to pay their bills. Pay parity differences between West and East Flight Attendants are huge, anywhere from $4-9per hour difference. I think the company needs to focus on these areas before allowing money to be spent to pay employees to be company historians when Etops states that they are doing this voluntarily on their own time. That leaves some of us a little red under the collar.
jetsetter are you sure about this? seriously because i was told otherwise. and right now i am a little upset by reading this.
. . . I know A320 is getting paid 100 credits of flight pay to be the company historian. Not sure if the $22 per day crew meal allowance is paid in addition, but I am sure expense reports (hotel stays, meals, etc.) are submitted for when they travel to other locations: CLT training center, the upcoming display cases at Winston Salem, etc. I do know that they created a special display in Mr Isom's office as well.

It is unfortunate that many employees are struggling to make ends meet to survive on reserve, or having to pick up additional hours to pay their bills. Pay parity differences between West and East Flight Attendants are huge, anywhere from $4-9per hour difference. I think the company needs to focus on these areas before allowing money to be spent to pay employees to be company historians when Etops states that they are doing this voluntarily on their own time. That leaves some of us a little red under the collar.

Veering slightly off topic, but Jetsetter, aren't you also being paid 100 credits of flight pay (plus allowances) for a company project - one which has been delayed indefinately? Others could also be a little "red under the collar" since you are the volunteer Union Person.
Uniforms, delayed or not, ugly or not are a necessity for us. The roll out delay is a pain in the a** because many of us are on our last legs with the uniforms we are currently wearing. Now, all that being said, is having a "Company Historian" a necessity? No. Do we really need someone flying around the system setting up Heritage displays? No. While I do find there are quite a few things I dislike about the new uniforms and disagree with Jetsetter on things from time to time I hardly think you can compare the pay he is getting to that of our esteemed "Company Historian". In fact the amount of hours Jetsetter and the others are getting paid as compared to the actual number of hours they are putting in at the airport actually puts them money behind. I'm not sure of the ratio, but (I think) its something like 5 credit hours of pay for 8 hours of time spent at the airport crew lounge.

By they way, the company hasn't been very forthcoming on reimbursing expenses, at least for the west people anyway. On the flip side I'm sure our company historian has more than figured out his expense reports. 😉 Jetsetter has nothing to hide and anyone can look up his line at anytime as see exactly what and who is paying him. The company historian on the other hand has their line restricted. If there is nothing to hide then let the world see.
Hi Everyone,

It seems this has gotten turned around and I was made aware of this posting this afternoon. Since pot shots are being taken at heritage and what it is not time to set the record straight and without dispute.

We were contacted by this individual who stated he had some memorabilia that he wanted to donate to US Airways.

No inventory sheet was enclosed, two people confirmed each item and condition in the box.

This individual no longer works for US Airways, if you are for telling the truth, tell everyone the real reason you do not work for US Airways any more.

Only after he leaves does the donation become a loan, although he has no loan agreement that was done for the over 100 individuals who loaned items to US Airways. Nor was it ever disputed by him until after he leaves the company. a time peroid of 18 months.

We cannot send items back unless we have good address. One was provided only two weeks ago.

The items were double bubble packed and carefully packed with lots of protection to protect the items.

The heat damage is impossible since, the disputed model was in a locked display case with cool lights with a average temp of 70 degrees.

The items were insured and sent via FED EX.

Only the items on the log in sheet were sent back, nothing else. Again this was done by two individuals with a witness and in the box was both the log in and log out inventory sheet that was done with all items currently on display at the two locations.

This is someone who is upset with our company and is using this vehicle as his only way to get back at another department.

In closing, we wish him well in his career at Skybus.

It shows a lot of class that someone took the time to answer on this message board. Trash mouth all you want but I'm happy to get the company's side on this
It shows a lot of class that someone took the time to answer on this message board. Trash mouth all you want but I'm happy to get the company's side on this

Does it show a lot of class if it puts forth something that the poster almost surely knows to be false?
(Skybus -- not true.)

Is it "WELL SAID" to reveal through innuendo that a former employee left under a cloud of dark issues?

From where I'm sitting, I don't think that posting was WELL SAID nor do I think it showed class.

For the record, I have no dog in this hunt and I have no idea where the truth lies. I do think it's ideal to hear the story from both the OP and from Heritage and now we have. I still have no idea where the truth lies since both have different stories.

What I am sure of, however, is that a320 was way off base in two key areas that killed his otherwise informative posting. There was no reason for either of those things to be brought up in a posting and now a320 must live with the consequences of having done it.
a320 never said he was a recovering alcoholic. ncfl outed himself. actually the a320 had no idea why ncfl left usairways. as for working at skybus so what if he did or didn't. this thing is getting blown way out of porportion IMO.
Veering slightly off topic, but Jetsetter, aren't you also being paid 100 credits of flight pay (plus allowances) for a company project - one which has been delayed indefinately? Others could also be a little "red under the collar" since you are the volunteer Union Person.

Yes, you are correct. I have nothing to hide. I am being paid 100 hours to work 5-8hr shifts putting in a 40 hour work week x 4=160 hours. So I actually am giving 60 hours a month to the company and not being compensated for it. Infact, there are 3 Peer Educators in PHX, 4 in CLT, 4 in PHL, 2 in DCA, and 2 in BOS. You are welcomed to come work with your peers and receive the same compensation.

The time I put in to volunteer as a MEC Uniform Chair is all non paid. So the countless hours I spend answering emails at home on my own time, or the phone calls I receive, along with the expense of my personal cell phone are all non reimbursed hours and expenses. Something I enjoy doing to assist my fellow peers.

Now if you want to do the math on our Historian I would be happy to assist you.
It is unfortunate that many employees are struggling to make ends meet to survive on reserve, or having to pick up additional hours to pay their bills. Pay parity differences between West and East Flight Attendants are huge, anywhere from $4-9per hour difference. I think the company needs to focus on these areas before allowing money to be spent to pay employees to be company historians when Etops states that they are doing this voluntarily on their own time. That leaves some of us a little red under the collar.

You appear to have missed your own point.

You were "throwing stones" about the company wasting money on a historian, which is another matter.

I merely found it ironic that you would raise the issue in the thread, on a seemingly personal gripe, when you are being similarly reimbursed. Indeed, you have been documented being highly inappropriate with the comments you have made to others in this Forum while apparently acting as a company spokesperson.

The irony of hypocrisy.
You appear to have missed your own point.

You were "throwing stones" about the company wasting money on a historian, which is another matter.

I merely found it ironic that you would raise the issue in the thread, on a seemingly personal gripe, when you are being similarly reimbursed. Indeed, you have been documented being highly inappropriate with the comments you have made to others while acting as a company spokesperson.

The irony of hypocrisy.

Just stating the facts sir. In regards to the similarily reimbursements...I hate to provide you the facts..but do the math and see how much your historians are making a year.

My special assignment is a totally different topic, one that you seemed to derail from the original topic on this thread. The peer educator program has been said to be very successful to assist your peers.

Lets get back to the topic on NCL and his items being damaged and not returned. I do not need to defend my position on my pay for company business. Again, I am not being compensated for 60 of the 160 hours I am putting into the company for this assignment. And I am not complaining about that either, otherwise I would not have agreed to working this assignment. End of this topic.

My sources indicate that this so called "historian" is working the system in such a way as to make John McCorkle blush. I have the suspected individuals name along with some pretty specific details that should be easy for US Airways corporate security to investigate.

So if Andrea Rader, Morgan Durant and the rest of the Tempe lurkers care to contact me regarding this I'd be happy to share what information I've been given regarding this unfortunate incident. Now for some I've mentioned I realize it will be difficult for you and may interfere with your bashing some of your best customers in the media but hey at least you'll be doing the right thing and helping the company save money and isn't that what it's all about?
You know Piney, if we're all talking about the same person here (a320) then they've already been judged by the court of public opinion a few years ago IIRC!!! I'll tell ya if that had happened to me I would certainly be keeping it on the DL (Down Low) and staying as far under the radar of EVERYONE.
Sheesh 9 Pages NCFL! I sure hope these folks in Tempe are churning the wads of cash 😉

As for A320...I hope he gets reassigned to Guam.
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