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Horrible Company II

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Hi Everyone,

It seems this has gotten turned around and I was made aware of this posting this afternoon. Since pot shots are being taken at heritage and what it is not time to set the record straight and without dispute.

We were contacted by this individual who stated he had some memorabilia that he wanted to donate to US Airways.

No inventory sheet was enclosed, two people confirmed each item and condition in the box.

This individual no longer works for US Airways, if you are for telling the truth, tell everyone the real reason you do not work for US Airways any more.

Only after he leaves does the donation become a loan, although he has no loan agreement that was done for the over 100 individuals who loaned items to US Airways. Nor was it ever disputed by him until after he leaves the company. a time peroid of 18 months.

We cannot send items back unless we have good address. One was provided only two weeks ago.

The items were double bubble packed and carefully packed with lots of protection to protect the items.

The heat damage is impossible since, the disputed model was in a locked display case with cool lights with a average temp of 70 degrees.

The items were insured and sent via FED EX.

Only the items on the log in sheet were sent back, nothing else. Again this was done by two individuals with a witness and in the box was both the log in and log out inventory sheet that was done with all items currently on display at the two locations.

This is someone who is upset with our company and is using this vehicle as his only way to get back at another department.

In closing, we wish him well in his career at Skybus.
Real professional to imply that a person was fired from their job. Any crediblitly that your post may have had was lost when you mentioned that and your personal dig on where the guy works.
NCFL was just trying to get the heritage items back, and in good condition. A320, to come on this forum, and personally embarress or attack, is way wrong, and very disrespectful. Regardless of your opinion, or postion with the company, shame on you for not fully educating yourself before posting and making judgement against NCFL. Not cool. :down:
You know, I'm not a litigous person by nature. Nor am I claiming to be a saint. I was a damn good employee who happens to be an alcoholic. Not once in 18.5 years of employment was I ever counseled verbally or in writing about any job performance matter or any matter related to alcohol consumption. I resigned from the company; I was not fired. I entered rehab voluntarily, although I admit I was nudged by many people in my life and that it was someone at US who started that ball rolling. I'm actually thankful that person started that ball rolling, and have expressed my thanks to the person in question. Do I like the way he/she handled it? No. But I don't lose sight of the fact that without that nudge, I'd likely be dead at this point. There - that's out of the way.

I've printed a copy of this thread and Airbus 320's little posting in which he attempts to defame my character. I suspect I know who Airbus 320 is. That person had knowledge of my condition, and I agree with those of you who have expressed that it was completely inappropriate and possibly unlawful to make certain implications about my departure from the company on a public forum. I'm not an attorney. But, if I need that evidence, now I have it in black and white. Thanks for the ammo.

Also, I went back and looked at the inventory list that was enclosed with my return package. Airbus 320 is right. There was a supposed "inbound" list included with my returned stuff. Odd: Both were strangely presented sandwiched between two oversized pieces of plastic - sort of the kind one uses for overhead projectors - that were taped together. Go figure. I didn't notice the back page which was supposed the inbound list which had been supposedly lost at some point in history by the mysterious former administrative assistant in the legal department who is no longer in her job. Remember - I put the inbound list in the package myself. I spent $150 on shipping to have it bubble wrapped and filled with ghost poo (styrofoam peanuts) so nothing would get broken. The inbound list notes damage to the horizontal stabilizer. It says nothing about it being snapped off, nor does it say anything about the vertical stabilizer being snapped off. I saw many of my missing items in the display case, although I suppose others could have donated similar things like obscure Allegheny pocketknives from the 1970s, huh?

Thank you to those of you who have posted and PM'ed your support.
Hi Everyone,

It seems this has gotten turned around and I was made aware of this posting this afternoon. Since pot shots are being taken at heritage and what it is not time to set the record straight and without dispute.

We were contacted by this individual who stated he had some memorabilia that he wanted to donate to US Airways..........................

You are truly despicable!
I wonder if Airbus 320 and robynita hang out together - plotting how to "out" people and defame characters..... :down: :down:
Airbus A320

Go crawl back under your display cases. I am embarassed that you actually alluded to wrong-doing on the part of the donor.

Why not attribute the misplacement of donated/loaned items and lack of care in organization and accountability to what it is?
Standard operating procedure.

It seems this has gotten turned around and I was made aware of this posting this afternoon. Since pot shots are being taken at heritage and what it is not time to set the record straight and without dispute.*

This individual no longer works for US Airways, if you are for telling the truth, tell everyone the real reason you do not work for US Airways any more.

In closing, we wish him well in his career at Skybus.

Was it a Freudian slip? Not time to set the record straight?

The individual in question has a LEGAL right to privacy. Are you aware that you have broken employment laws in your post?

You may legally only CONFIRM to a prospective employer: Dates of Employment and Job Title.

Not the reason they've left, not where they've work(ed) prior or hence, and to make the slightest hint of or about that individual's character/performance during said employment is not, legally, permissible.

Nice going. :down:

*Bolding Emphasis by TLA
.....flight training in Orlando in the middle of winter!! Tough duty! What equipment are you training on??

Keep the shiny side up! .........

i fly a diamond da-44 twinstar. awesome airplane.
Oh boyo boyo where to start. Let's talk about the blatant hypocrisy of your comments shall we? Chastizing someone for resigning to get treatment for alcohol abuse when your very own beloved CEO has been charged and convicted DUI either 3 or 4 times, I forget. ANYONE who has that many DUI's over a period of years has an alcohol problem.

I'm personaly offended that you see fit to reveal information that should never be made public under any circumstance. I sincerely hope that NCFL pursues you legally for violations of various Federal laws, If you have knowledge of NCFL's medical condition and disclose it here you've exposed you and your employer to some serious charges. See HIPPA regulations along with others.

NCFL has more personal integrity in his pinky than you will ever possess. To come clean as he has speaks volumes about his character. While your decision to act as you have speaks volumes about your character.

I'll allow others to decide who they'd rather share a foxhole with.

God Bless NCFL, I know it's daily struggle.

Well said Piney! :up:

Hey Airbus A320,

If you really wanted to stand by your post "setting the record straight and all", why not sign your "real" name? Or should we just refer to you as the US Airways Company Historian? People like you give the rest of us westies a bad name. Shame on you. :down:
I know who I believe....the only one with "full disclosure"...

My best regards, sir.

How embarrassing for the company with such petty banter and ill-advised commentary which opens the company up for litigation...

el stupido..

hmmm, both browsing as I type...

how fitting.

All my best to you my friend!! I have a loved one who is a recovering alcoholic and know that it is a daily struggle that takes a lot of strength and courage. I truly admire your integrity to admit such a life lesson on here as that really took guts... alot more than we will ever see come out of the entire building on Rio Salado combined. Good luck to you and your family and enjoy your time raising your kids.


What a pig!!! Just what we've all come to expect from the great halls of W. Rio Salado!!! Did you know alcoholism is a disease?? an illness?? probably not because your too busy wiping someone's butt!! it's not something that someone chooses to have. I hope you enjoy your place in #eLL! Now you and your lips can go back and attach yourselves to someones @$$ in Tempe.
The airline industry is in a downward spiral... yet we have a company historian on the payroll! :up:

All my best to you my friend!! I have a loved one who is a recovering alcoholic and know that it is a daily struggle that takes a lot of strength and courage. I truly admire your integrity to admit such a life lesson on here as that really took guts... alot more than we will ever see come out of the entire building on Rio Salado combined. Good luck to you and your family and enjoy your time raising your kids.


What a pig!!! Just what we've all come to expect from the great halls of W. Rio Salado!!! Did you know alcoholism is a disease?? an illness?? probably not because your too busy wiping someone's butt!! it's not something that someone chooses to have. I hope you enjoy your place in #eLL! Now you and your lips can go back and attach yourselves to someones @$$ in Tempe.
ok . i have had enough of this ####. a320 happens to be a friend of mine. and i am not going to sit here listening to you guys bashing the crap ot of him for stupidity!! now we really do not know if NCFL is telling the truth or not .i find it very hard to believe because one of the guys who packed his stuff was another friend of mine from pit. wally bold . he is an outstanding gentleman and is really upset over all this. you people on this board can get very offensive sometimes with your choice of words!!! no one really knows the truth of what happened. it's one persons word against another. you guys are so quick to judge on these boards . what a320 and wally have done regarding to our heritage is outstanding. the display cases that they have made are truly awesome . they do not get paid for this. they do this voluntarily on there own time!! i have donated some items to the dispaly cases myself and i trust them with my stuff. something happened to this person items and it was very unfortunate . but i can tell you that neither wally or a320 damaged his stuff.
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