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Horrible Company II

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Hi Everyone,

It seems this has gotten turned around and I was made aware of this posting this afternoon. Since pot shots are being taken at heritage and what it is not time to set the record straight and without dispute.

We were contacted by this individual who stated he had some memorabilia that he wanted to donate to US Airways.

No inventory sheet was enclosed, two people confirmed each item and condition in the box.

This individual no longer works for US Airways, if you are for telling the truth, tell everyone the real reason you do not work for US Airways any more.

Only after he leaves does the donation become a loan, although he has no loan agreement that was done for the over 100 individuals who loaned items to US Airways. Nor was it ever disputed by him until after he leaves the company. a time peroid of 18 months.

We cannot send items back unless we have good address. One was provided only two weeks ago.

The items were double bubble packed and carefully packed with lots of protection to protect the items.

The heat damage is impossible since, the disputed model was in a locked display case with cool lights with a average temp of 70 degrees.

The items were insured and sent via FED EX.

Only the items on the log in sheet were sent back, nothing else. Again this was done by two individuals with a witness and in the box was both the log in and log out inventory sheet that was done with all items currently on display at the two locations.

This is someone who is upset with our company and is using this vehicle as his only way to get back at another department.

In closing, we wish him well in his career at Skybus.
Even if NCFL is taking pot shots and is in the wrong and lying why would you stoop to that level? And what does it matter if this person is going to work at Skybus or not? You're not by chance the former AFA 66 president/company @$$ kisser that constantly has their face planted in every picture possible are you?

Anyway it's not really my place (or anyone else's on here) to judge or make assumptions about NCFL or anyone for that matter, however I would think that everyone in charge of the heritage displays would need to be in a position of responsibility and wouldn't want to be so irresponsible as to lash out and give personal information about an individual on the internet. But then again this is Tempe we are talking about.
Even if NCFL is taking pot shots and is in the wrong and lying why would you stoop to that level? And what does it matter if this person is going to work at Skybus or not? You're not by chance the former AFA 66 president/company @$$ kisser that constantly has their face planted in every picture possible are you?

Anyway it's not really my place (or anyone else's on here) to judge or make assumptions about NCFL or anyone for that matter, however I would think that everyone in charge of the heritage displays would need to be in a position of responsibility and wouldn't want to be so irresponsible as to lash out and give personal information about an individual on the internet. But then again this is Tempe we are talking about.
airbus a320, trust me my friend don't get caught up in all the drama on usaviation. you posted your side now leave it alone because they will crucify you on here. it's rediculous sometimes.
Now it's their word against the other party...Jeez...

I, for one, will take the word of the previous employee over the word of the company. Because, after all, this company has such a stellar record of treating employees so exceptionally well. Ha. Who in the he** really cares why this person is no longer employed with US? It's their stuff, give it back. End of story. Like anyone at the sandcastle really cares about these particular items anyway, but way to bash the guy.

Yes, I'm jaded. The company goes back on THEIR word ALL THE TIME, but employees (previous or otherwise) are held to a different level of accountability. Right....

By the by, I know some one who "loaned" the company some items, and according to her she has no "loan agreement" either. She was led to believe it depended on who was handling the intake at the time. She's in management as well, works at the castle....maybe that has something to do with it. Perhaps it's just different rules for different people. 🙄
Allow me to set the record straight...

Hi Everyone,

It seems this has gotten turned around and I was made aware of this posting this afternoon. Since pot shots are being taken at heritage and what it is not time to set the record straight and without dispute.

We were contacted by this individual who stated he had some memorabilia that he wanted to donate to US Airways. False. Items were always described by me as being on loan to the company, never an out-and-out donation.

No inventory sheet was enclosed, two people confirmed each item and condition in the box. False. Placed list in there myself

This individual no longer works for US Airways, if you are for telling the truth, tell everyone the real reason you do not work for US Airways any more. True. I resigned from US in October. Why else would I want my stuff back? You want to get people's wheels turning on why I left? Fine. I'll set the record straight. I resigned from the company and entered rehab for alcoholism. I am approaching 5 months sober and doing wonderfully. There. Kill the rumor mill by being honest. It's the law of Louisiana Politics

Only after he leaves does the donation become a loan, although he has no loan agreement that was done for the over 100 individuals who loaned items to US Airways. Nor was it ever disputed by him until after he leaves the company. a time peroid of 18 months. Again, why would I ask for the items back before I left the company? And, when the notion of a loan agreement is made known to me, only after I ask for my things back, and I question it, I am told by the heritage folks that "they have a new administrative assistant and the old person must have made a mistake."

We cannot send items back unless we have good address. One was provided only two weeks ago. I worked for US/EN for 18.5 years. You mean to tell me the company doesn't have a "good address?" They managed to send me a W-2 for 2007 when I didn't work for Airways and they managed to send me a benefits open enrollment package.

The items were double bubble packed and carefully packed with lots of protection to protect the items. They were bubble wrapped. That's why I doubt they were damaged in transit.

The heat damage is impossible since, the disputed model was in a locked display case with cool lights with a average temp of 70 degrees. I was told by the heritage guy that the model was not used because of its size/scale and that it had been kept in storage. When I was there for the lobby opening, it was not in the display case. I'm not a model enthusiast, so I don't know what exactly caused the damage. It looks melted and gouged to me.
The items were insured and sent via FED EX. True. US has to be the one to file the claim, per Fedex.

Only the items on the log in sheet were sent back, nothing else. Again this was done by two individuals with a witness and in the box was both the log in and log out inventory sheet that was done with all items currently on display at the two locations. Again, I sent the inventory list myself. Based on the inaccuracies and the changing stories throughout this debacle, I have every reason to doubt the organization of this project.

This is someone who is upset with our company true...wouldn't you be? and is using this vehicle as his only way to get back at another department. False. I've been more than patient waiting since November to get this matter resolved.

In closing, we wish him well in his career at Skybus. False. Currently unemployed and loving every minute of being Mr. Mom.

Kudos to you for setting the record straight. Sometimes not an easy thing to do, especially around these parts. We can sometimes
be a tough audience. 😉

Staying at home with the kid(s), is something you will never, ever, regret. Trust me on that one! 😀
NCFL...Congratulations on 5 Months...I need to attain Soberity after my college days are done and hang up the Beer Bong! As for being Mr. Mom Your kid has a lucky dad!

I hope these two so called members of the Heritage project have some self dignity to admit their wrong doings and redress for their mistakes.
If the company threatened to out your reason for quitting that is against Federal Law, and alcholism is covered under the ADA, you did not have to quit to seek treatment, but you probably knew that.

Looks like Tempe will stoop to new low levels in their quest to blame others for their failings.
i am still at the flight school here at orlando executive airport going back up in about 30 min. beautiful day to fly.

.....flight training in Orlando in the middle of winter!! Tough duty! What equipment are you training on??

Keep the shiny side up! .........

Since pot shots are being taken at heritage and what it is not time to set the record straight and without dispute.

if you are for telling the truth, tell everyone the real reason you do not work for US Airways any more.

In closing, we wish him well in his career at Skybus.

What a half assed attempt at outing a poster by some on one their first try.

Where are the moderators?
Hi Everyone,

In closing, we wish him well in his career at Skybus.

While I understand your desire to present your side of the story, your references to the employee's seperation from the company and current employment are very tacky.

Therefore, you are definitely a US Airways employee, and definitely in Tempe.
Hi Everyone,

It seems this has gotten turned around and I was made aware of this posting this afternoon. Since pot shots are being taken at heritage and what it is not time to set the record straight and without dispute.

We were contacted by this individual who stated he had some memorabilia that he wanted to donate to US Airways.

No inventory sheet was enclosed, two people confirmed each item and condition in the box.

This individual no longer works for US Airways, if you are for telling the truth, tell everyone the real reason you do not work for US Airways any more.

Only after he leaves does the donation become a loan, although he has no loan agreement that was done for the over 100 individuals who loaned items to US Airways. Nor was it ever disputed by him until after he leaves the company. a time peroid of 18 months.

We cannot send items back unless we have good address. One was provided only two weeks ago.

The items were double bubble packed and carefully packed with lots of protection to protect the items.

The heat damage is impossible since, the disputed model was in a locked display case with cool lights with a average temp of 70 degrees.

The items were insured and sent via FED EX.

Only the items on the log in sheet were sent back, nothing else. Again this was done by two individuals with a witness and in the box was both the log in and log out inventory sheet that was done with all items currently on display at the two locations.

This is someone who is upset with our company and is using this vehicle as his only way to get back at another department.

In closing, we wish him well in his career at Skybus.

i can't say who's telling the truth here , but i like your style , you didn't waste anytime in telling the other guy to :censored: off ... hehe
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