Holy Travis Christ! -- Another customer bites the dust

There's a terrible misunderstanding by the travelling public about the stock symbol, LCC, chosen by Dougie.

USAirways IS INDEED a Low Cost Carrier. It's just not a Low Fare Carrier. The costs of running the operation are low because the company beat up the employees, lessors, airports, vendors, etc. in bankruptcy. They never intended that this would translate to the fare structure. How could they line their pockets, along with those of the "big money" that put this mess together, if they gave the customer a break?

Actually, it is SWA that pioneered that misconception.

SWA was the first to speak "low cost" and get the public to think "low fare". Dougie is simply attempting to copy an established trend. Good for him but he gets no points for originality.

Problem is, he doesn't have the intelligent management to compete head to head with SWA, so LCC will always lose. His attempts to combine a hub and spoke concept with low costs is not working. It never will, as long as Dougie doesn't change. Therefore he can only live by cannibalizing the compensation of his employees.

As long as LCC employees entertains such buffoons, they will always be "bottom of the barrell" as it is the only way his "noble goals" can survive, just like another moron we know.

When LCC employees get real and finally realize that they are enabling incompetancy, perhaps they might try demanding change, for once.
Didn't mean to imply I believed it, just pointing out where the public may have heard it......

Oh, and I'd point out that the public being gullible - taking Parker's words at face value - is very different than them misunderstanding Parker's words.

Bob, et al.,

I don't necessarily disagree with any of you. And I have seen Travis's arrogance first-hand, so I know there is a grain of truth to this story.

However, none of us where there, and in my dealings w/ people in general, the seemingly irrelevant mention of Mr. Goldener's peccadillo give a glimpse of someone who may be more difficult to handle than they are worth.

Oh great. We have COMMENT DELETED BY MODERATOR in our management.

Bob, you know that one of the first rules of sales is to generate money. If a company, any company, spends an inordinate amount of time or money on one customer, regardless of the amount they may theoretically bring through the door, it may not be worth the effort to keep them around.

Are you nuts? Did you do the math? Are the employees concessions allowing you to be really stupid, yet again?

caveat - there are many, many fine VFFs who provide constructive, and necessary feedback. These are the people to whom this company should listen to gauge customer insight. However, I would imagine that Mr. Goldener's opinion is one that may not have mattered. FWIW, there is no active John Goldener of any level in the PHL area. This story may have been made up to prove a point.

No caveat for you, DELETED BY MODERATOR. People like you are the reason people with a few bucks don't fly USAirways. Do you get it? DELETED BY MODERATOR. You couldn't get through a made-up scenario or a wet-paper bag, just like him.

I would request, in the future, you refer to any potential or actual client (customer) as sir. That would be a start.

They are your bread and butter. Even the "bad" ones. Get used to it or leave.

MODERATOR NOTE--Name calling, insults and slurs will not be tolerated.
Do you have the authority to access this information?

As a matter of fact, I do, or I wouldn't have been able to do so, now would I?

I have information in my profile that should be protected from prying eyes.

That information is not made readily available to all employees. It is made available to those employees who need it to conduct their business. Since you are, thankfully, not my direct customer, I do not have access to your private information. And that's the way it should be.

Incidentally, Mr. Oh-So-Rational, pointing out that a name does not exist in a database, and using someone's information for ill-gotten gain are two entirely separate and unique incidents. The day I do the latter to you, please call the FBI and see that it is handled appropriately.

The day you can do my job better than I can you are welcome to walk into my office and replace me. You are also welcome to the 7-day work week (which comes with its very own 24-hour pager and cell phone), the skipped lunches, the lost vacations, and the 12-14 hour days. You'll also have an 8-pound laptop and Blackberry to carry around with you so you can answer all internal and external emails within the same work day. Oh, and did I mention that even when I'm sick, there are no sickouts because there is work to be done, and you'll need to have your but in the chair doing it? Until then, please continue to fly our planes in a safe manner. And when I can do that better than you, we can switch.

Again, I agree, which is why I have done much personally and behind the scenes to bring senior management in contact with FFOCUS specifically.

There was no question of validity. A fact is, unfortunately a fact.
The day you can do my job better than I can you are welcome to walk into my office and replace me. You are also welcome to the 7-day work week (which comes with its very own 24-hour pager and cell phone), the skipped lunches, the lost vacations, and the 12-14 hour days. You'll also have an 8-pound laptop and Blackberry to carry around with you so you can answer all internal and external emails within the same work day. Oh, and did I mention that even when I'm sick, there are no sickouts because there is work to be done, and you'll need to have your but in the chair doing it? Until then, please continue to fly our planes in a safe manner. And when I can do that better than you, we can switch.
Oh cry me a river, I guess the six figure salary can make up for all those heartaches and don't forget your stock options.
A seat is NOT a service either!! NEXT PLEASE!

Bob, the point in all of these postings is clear. This dumb ape stepped over the line and sent revenue to a competitor. If a front line employee made the same remarks to a CP, they'd lose their job in a heartbeat. However it doesn't appear that the same rules apply to the morons in the Sandcastle, and that is why this is such a big deal.
Note to those who would still like to read the article:

If you want to read the story in its entirety, please send an email to joe@biztravelife.com, and Joe will arrange free access for you to get the article.

I hope this is helpful to those who have not as yet read the story.

A seat is NOT a service either!! NEXT PLEASE!
So . . . a seat is just a seat? They're all the same?

(Careful -- that's a trick question.)

If people are willing to pay more for certain seats, provide the seat and charge them more. If not, make all the seats the same.

Simple, no?
We're done, you're hijacking the thread topic. The topic here is the conduct of a Senior US Airways Executive towards a premium paying customer. This is not a debate on the relative merits of the policies of various carriers.
I guess this is your way of saying you are wrong?

If you hadn't noticed, one of the issues this premium paying customer has is paying extra for a lie-flat seat. So I'm not sure how that is "hijacking" the thread (oh, the drama you like to use when things aren't going your way).

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