- Jan 27, 2006
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There's a terrible misunderstanding by the travelling public about the stock symbol, LCC, chosen by Dougie.
USAirways IS INDEED a Low Cost Carrier. It's just not a Low Fare Carrier. The costs of running the operation are low because the company beat up the employees, lessors, airports, vendors, etc. in bankruptcy. They never intended that this would translate to the fare structure. How could they line their pockets, along with those of the "big money" that put this mess together, if they gave the customer a break?
Actually, it is SWA that pioneered that misconception.
SWA was the first to speak "low cost" and get the public to think "low fare". Dougie is simply attempting to copy an established trend. Good for him but he gets no points for originality.
Problem is, he doesn't have the intelligent management to compete head to head with SWA, so LCC will always lose. His attempts to combine a hub and spoke concept with low costs is not working. It never will, as long as Dougie doesn't change. Therefore he can only live by cannibalizing the compensation of his employees.
As long as LCC employees entertains such buffoons, they will always be "bottom of the barrell" as it is the only way his "noble goals" can survive, just like another moron we know.
When LCC employees get real and finally realize that they are enabling incompetancy, perhaps they might try demanding change, for once.