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Holy Travis Christ! -- Another customer bites the dust

Goldener said she explained that "the airline has been transforming itself into a discounted economy airline and that they were not courting business passengers.

If they want to become a "low cost" economy carrier as was quoted in the story, so be it. But then they cannot justify charging legacy prices, and they will lose their core customers who contribute a significant part of the revenue. Yields will plummet.

It makes ya wonder..........
It sure does... I'm starting to wonder how long it will take before the announcement that domestic F is gone. I mean if US isn't going to go after business travellers, what is the point of domestic F? (Or international C for that matter). Why bother with the Star Alliance?

Slowly morphing into RyanAir...
I am sure Travis didn't have Gardner's "rap sheet" when he called with his spiel. So that info is a moot point.

I'll give you guys the 411, you can't cheapen the product to the point where "Chairman's Preferred" ends up becoming "Chumps Preferred." Get real, these people pay good money to fly on US Airways Envoy; quite frankly, they should be treated as very valued customers. On every other airline with first and business class service they would be. I don't blame the guy for seeking to spend his money elsewhere. Vote with your wallet.

If this is true, someone needs to send these details to every newspaper in every city where US has a major or moderate presence. There are better ways to handle these types of scenarios ...
<SNIP> (One Customer) LOST By Joe Brancatelli December 5, 2006 --


I called Christ myself and he confirmed what Goldener told me about their conversation. And he added another fillip: Christ suggested that Goldener should appreciate that he'd been called by the vice president of marketing of an airline. "I know a lot of Chairman's Preferred members would consider that a tangible benefit," Christ said.
I guess if a “tangible benefitâ€￾ is nothing more than having one’s ego stroked.
Bob, et al.,

I don't necessarily disagree with any of you. And I have seen Travis's arrogance first-hand, so I know there is a grain of truth to this story.

However, none of us where there, and in my dealings w/ people in general, the seemingly irrelevant mention of Mr. Goldener's peccadillo give a glimpse of someone who may be more difficult to handle than they are worth. Bob, you know that one of the first rules of sales is to generate money. If a company, any company, spends an inordinate amount of time or money on one customer, regardless of the amount they may theoretically bring through the door, it may not be worth the effort to keep them around.

caveat - there are many, many fine VFFs who provide constructive, and necessary feedback. These are the people to whom this company should listen to gauge customer insight. However, I would imagine that Mr. Goldener's opinion is one that may not have mattered. FWIW, there is no active John Goldener of any level in the PHL area. This story may have been made up to prove a point.
This story may have been made up to prove a point.
Sure it was.....That is why US sent the guy a voucher for $400.00.

I spoke to Goldener one more time this afternoon. He said he'd just received an unsolicited form letter from US Airways that explained the Paris-Philadelphia fiasco last month was not covered under the European Community's tough delayed-flight compensation rules. A $400 travel voucher was included as a good-will gesture.

My guess some where this story checked out.
I dont know anything about this so I wont pretend. As the saying goes, theres 2 sides to every... My question coming from the west is what is the mindset of the east coast elite traveler and how do you think it differs from the west? West coast elites travel to the east on business and east to the west so what is it that is so vastly different? I know among employees of the same company there is a different mindset east vs west and I know how great that is but when it comes to our customers... Im not well versed. Thanks Mama
The thought that popped into my head was Christ should apply for a job at Costco since he likes that business model.

There is no excuse for his attitude. I would suggest that he would fire, or arrange to have fired, any front line employee who acted in that manner.
Having grown up on the East Coast (100 miles N. of Philadelphia), and lived on the West Coast for 15 years, it has been my experience that - in general - West Coasters are more laid back than East Coasters in most aspects of their lifestyle. East Coasters tend to be "Type A," whereas West Coasters are "Type B."

I think if there is any truth to this article, the behavior demonstrated by Mr. Christ is a slap in the face to all of US's customers, regardless of their elite level (or lack thereof). While his statement may not reflect the official (or unofficial) position of US management, as Art has said many times in the past..."perception is reality."
I agree with that perception. I was an east coaster for 31 years before I moved west.
Ok, Im going to need some clarification. In coach going to BOI for non elite, I think you'll see more backpacks. I know this is not scientific but usually going to that part of the country you'll see a less than an urban traveler. More of a lifestyle. That was non elite in coach. Interestingly, you note that west customers in F took upgrades as a perk not an entitlement. Isnt that what it is? Just because west elites dont think about questioning a f/a about a predeparture drink(that you've seen-anyway) why do you think that makes them passive? Maybe a predeparture drink is not high on the priority list? (Trust me with bonus miles and web issues they are NOT passive!) I keep hearing from management that fares have dropped in numerous markets, is that not true? Are fares staying the same and are customers getting less? I know there have been a great many threads on the F product but what are they taking away now? You said less and less? Can you pinpoint when the product started to decline? Was it prior to the merger? I know the DM product is drastically different but is the product in F that bad? Mama

Dr. Goldener asked nothing of US Airways. He merely asked Joe to help him find a new airline. Joe tried to save the day and reached out to Tempe, and it was downhill from there.

US Airways is still suffering from an identity crisis. Those who say it cannot be all things to all people are correct. But they are trying to be and failing. If they want to be the "Costco" of the skies that's fine, but then you can no longer charge "Nordstrom" prices. Don't nickel and dime customers who are already paying top price. Charging $300 for a seat just because it lies flat is ridiculous. If it included stepped up service from normal Envoy then it might work, but as is it is at best ill advised. If you need the revenue, RATIONALIZE the fares.

As Bob said, the EAST elite customer is VERY different from the WEST elite customer, and this has been acknowledged from within Tempe, along with a stated desire to learn more about us in the East. That said, the experience spelled out in this story indicates a total disdain for the high yield business traveler.

The sad part is it will take up to 100 "Ma and Pa Kettle" customers to make up the revenue lost by one of Dr. Goldener's type. For every one who speaks up there are hundreds who don't, so one only needs to do the math here......
While his statement may not reflect the official (or unofficial) position of US management, as Art has said many times in the past..."perception is reality."
When you are the VP of Marketing and speaking with the press, you ARE the official position of the company. You can't come back and retract it.

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