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Hillary, Above The Law

700UW said:
Do you even know the difference between being hacked or personally handing over information to a mistress?
do you even know what gross negligence is??

of course you do , you just don't care

the other liberals here see her for what she is' but you're too blind or not intelligent enough
cltrat said:
do you even know what gross negligence is??of course you do , you just don't carethe other liberals here see her for what she is' but you're too blind or not intelligent enough
So when did you work for the FBI on the investigation?
700UW said:
So when did you work for the FBI on the investigation?
Didn't have to, the director made it pretty clear

when did you spend your time there?
Kev3188 said:
You know what surprises me? Not a single one of these so called "patriots" has called the FBI director out on his extra judicial commentary. Either indict her, and let her exercise her right to defend herself or don't say anything...
Seems to me all he did was outline the facts.

Career professionals still report to political appointees, so they found a way to thread the needle without actually crossing the line.

Now, it's up to the voters.
cltrat said:
Didn't have to, the director made it pretty clearwhen did you spend your time there?
I'm not the one claiming she should be charged, you are, and the FBI Director stated that no charges are warranted.

You say they are.
700UW said:
Do you even know the difference between being hacked or personally handing over information to a mistress?
Do you even know the difference between sending classified emails through a secure government server vs. a home brewed server managed by Barney Fife?
Ignorance of the law is no excuse. LEO’s and lawyers learn this the first week in school. Am I surprised Hillary got off? No I am not. Do I think it is BS? Yes I do.

Think on this. You have a person running for our highest office and would be commander in chief. If she was a normal person she wouldn’t be able to get a low level government job cause she wouldn’t be able to get security clearance after playing fast and loose with her emails. This goes for everyone involved with her server.
Insp4 said:
As for "intent", next time you are pulled over for speeding, you just tell the police officer you didn't "intend" to go over the speed limit. See if he'll give you a free pass like the head of the F.B.I. just did for Hillary.
It's not ignorance, Comey clearly stated there was no intent to violate the law and this statute is quite clear, there has to be intent.
southwind said:
Do you even know the difference between sending classified emails through a secure government server vs. a home brewed server managed by Barney Fife?
Typical don't answer and throw something else out there.

Condi and Colin did the same actions, where is your outrage there?

And you can't even comprehend the facts, it was a private server, not your hero and idol Barney Fife.
700UW said:
It's not ignorance, Comey clearly stated there was no intent to violate the law and this statute is quite clear, there has to be intent.
  As usual 700, you, and it would seem, the head of the FBI are conveniently overlooking "grouse negligence", which also is a part of that statute, and also determines guilt. And by his own definition, she is guilty of.