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Highlights Of United AFA''s Tentative Agreement


Feb 15, 2003
Reaction score
Duration: 6 Years (May 1, 2003-May 1, 2009)

Compensation Modifications:

Nine percent (9%) reduction in hourly book rates and the following pay factors:

Purser Pay (Narrow body purser pay preserved)

Galley Pay (Applies to 747-400 only)

Aft Purser Pay (Applies to 747-400 only)

Language Qualified Pay

Language Incentive Pay (Language Speaker on Domestic Flights)

Reserve Override (Currently $2.00 per hour)

Pay increases of two percent (2%) on the following dates:




Hourly Book Rates: Domestic

Year: 05-01-03 05-01-07 05-01-08 04-30-09

1 19.03 19.41 19.80 20.20

2 20.11 20.51 20.92 21.34

3 21.40 21.83 22.27 22.72

4 22.00 22.44 22.89 23.35

5 24.94 25.44 25.95 26.47

6 32.81 33.47 34.14 34.82

7 34.57 35.26 35.97 36.69

8 35.43 36.14 36.86 37.60

9 36.58 37.31 38.06 38.82

10 37.75 38.51 39.28 40.07

11 38.58 39.35 40.14 40.94

12 39.48 40.27 41.08 41.90

13 40.35 41.16 41.98 42.82

14 40.97 41.79 42.63 43.48

Hourly Book Rates: International

Year: 05-01-03 05-01-07 05-01-08 04-30-09

1 19.59 19.98 20.38 20.79

2 20.68 21.09 21.51 21.94

3 21.97 22.41 22.86 23.32

4 22.57 23.02 23.48 23.95

5 25.50 26.01 26.53 27.06

6 36.51 37.24 37.98 38.74

7 38.26 39.03 39.81 40.61

8 39.04 39.82 40.62 41.42

9 40.32 41.13 41.95 42.79

10 41.10 41.92 42.76 43.62

11 42.04 42.88 43.74 44.61

12 43.07 43.93 44.81 45.71

13 43.90 44.78 45.68 46.59

14 44.47 45.36 46.27 47.20


Ground Pay (Holding Pay For Delays)

ORC (Per Diem Overrides in Europe and Asia)

COLA (A-Scale Cost-of-Living Adjustment of $48/Mo.)

COLA (Honolulu Base Cost-of-Living Adjustment)

Reduce Per Diem:

From $1.85/Hr. to $1.75/Hr. (Both Domestic and Int''l.)

Reduction in Paid Holidays:

From Ten Paid Holidays to Five:

1. New Year''s

2. Fourth of July

3. Birthday

4. Thanksgiving

5. Christmas

Maintain Sick Leave Cap at 950 hours.

Combine Occupational and Sick Leave into one bank.

Maximum Medical Leave of Absence reduced from 7 years to 3 years.

Days Off:

Reserve days off reduced from minimum of 12 to minimum of 11.

Monthly Maximums increased to 92/184/261 (Three month quarter system).

Line of flying averages increased to 84/168/252.

Ability to opt to 97/194/226 (Read first month, second month, third month).

Work Rule Modifications:

Combine both Domestic and International Reserve Pool.

Reserves to be paid international pay for international ID''s (ID is UAL''s term for trip pairing) and domestic pay for domestic ID''s. (Currently, the two are separate; if you are an international reserve and are assigned a domestic ID, you are paid at the international rate of pay).

Minimum legal rest from U.S. to Japan reduced to 20 hours.

Minimum Rest at Domicile:

Flight/Deadhead time over 12:00; 36:00 rest for lineholder
48:00 rest for reserve.

Duty Times:

05:00-18:59 13:00 scheduled; 14:30 actual

19:00-04:59 11:30 scheduled; 13:00 actual

Westcoast to Hawaii:

Flight Attendants will be scheduled to work a round-trip to Hawaii in a single duty period. (Currently, we can only work one way to/from Hawaii with a deadhead on one of the segments).


Layovers of 20 hours or more will be provided in a downtown location (currently, any layover of over 13 hours goes downtown).

Duty Rigs/Minimum Pay And Credit

1 day trip: worth min. 5:00

2 day trip: worth min. 10:00 (currently 9:00).

3 day trip: worth min. 15:00 (currently 17:00).

4 day trip: worth min. 20:00 (currently 21:00).

Full pay and credit for deadheading preserved.


Here, we take a huge hit!

Flight Attendants with 25 or more years of service earn the maximum of 44 days (reduced from the current 51 days).

Vacation overlap eliminated.

Vacation to be paid at 2.8 hours per day for lineholder.

Vacation to be paid at 3:57 per day for reserve (in a 30-day

Vacation to be paid at 3:45 per day for reserve (in a 31-day month).

Medical Premiums:

Effective 07-01-03, Flight Attendant to pay ten percent (10%) of Medical Premium.


1 Adult: $25.24

2 Adults: $53.00

1 Adult and Child(ren) $47.95

2 Adults and Child(ren) $75.76

Effective 01-01-04, Flight Attendant to pay 12%.

Effective 01-01-05, Flight Attendant to pay 14%.

Effective 01-01-06, Flight Attendant to pay 16%.

Effective 01-01-07, Flight Attendant to pay 18%.

Effective 01-01-08, Flight Attendant to pay 20%.

Other Compensation:

Profit Sharing Plan

Performance-based Incentive Plan

Equity stake in a reorganized UAL.

I hope this information is useful.


Your UAL Cohort
Thank-you so much! I was looking for this yesterday.

Your hourly compensation is a bit lower than our T/A (aka F/A for Forced Agreement) but many of your work rules are preserved.

I have a feeling ours (APFA) is going to be rejected.

If it had looked like this, it might have passed.

We''ll know pretty soon.

FA Mikey, AA Stew, FlydCoop, et al:

I was wondering if you could post AA''s new hourly book rates for F/A''s. Also, is there a pay differentential between domestic and international? Thanks for any info.

I tried to copy from a spreadsheet, but it comes out completely discombobulated, so you''ll have to settle for this. Domestic rates, hourly/overtime go from 50.59/58.18 with overtime starting at 67 hrs, to 42.70/49.11, with overtime starting at 70 hrs. International goes from 54.05/62.16 to 45.62/52.46. This is top of pay scale, which is 15 yrs.
