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Here's A Question For The Flyboys

Finish or Ignore said:
After all you described in you previous posts, I promise you the company focus is the amount of customers we drag to the kiosks. Ths simple but true statement is: They just don't get it. It is maddening.

This is quite possibly the truest statement of the condition of this airline I have read
N924PS said:
AC and Lakefield should just sit up in the ramp tower or listen to the PHL ops freq if they want to get a picture of what goes on during every bank of flights. Problems range from:

-No Jetway Operator
-No One to Park The Jet
-No Catering or Incorrrect Catering
-No Pillows/Blankets
-Late Bags
-Lav/Water Service Not Accomplished
-No Fuel
-Maintenance issues


We should start taping the PHL ops frequency and send the tapes to Lakefield. But I doubt it would do any good even if we could get him to listen.

I must take exception to calling "No fuel" a problem in PHL. I can't remember the last time I had to call for fuel there. (BTW, the fuelers are contracted out. 'nuff said.)

I promise not to go down and scream at any agents on the ramp, but do you think they would take offense if I drew a chalk line in front of them so I could tell whether or not they were actually moving?
If I may say (as a former Gate/Counter Agent and now thankfully employed elsewhere), frankly, I hated PHL. The passengers were crumby, rude, sneeky, and "over the top" demanding.

Call the Tower in PHL and get a usually nice person who had few answers as to why it takes 70+ minutes to turn a flight with 50 pax off and 75 pax on (just read the logs agents put in to "CYA"). It seemed that the equipment was not the issue, but the agents using it. Bag tags ripped off for what reason no one ever admitted to. Entire carts left off, no lav dumps. Delays out the A#$. You name it.

ATC Delays of such a sort that we re-routed flights hours before they arrived in the out station, simply because we knew it would never leave on time. Bags, people, all loaded on time only to sit and wait for an eternity. International passengers and their MONEY sent to other carriers by the bus loads. Ask any NON HUB gate or ramp agent which hub they think is the worst and you will get a unequivocal "PHL" from virtually everyone. REROUTE REROUTE, it's endless.

Now that I have gotten that off my chest, let me say this in big letters NOT EVERONE IN PHL -OR- GOING THROUGH PHL IS A WASTE OF SPACE. There are some wonderful agents and passengers, not everyone there is a turd. That being said, there are enough of the jerks to screw it up for everyone. I hope they are happy in the misery they sent to everyone else. Such pitiful little minds and souls.

Let the "ripping" begin.
PHL is a mess ---havent been through in about 4 weeks---but back in June a ramp crew on B-9 worked like champs---one dude jumped off his tug-- RAN over and parked us---and then started unloading bags----I ran down stairs and thanked him for the good work and told two shirt/ties dudes on the ramp about him. Only seen this type of work once---it was a site to see.
twoturnin said:
PHL is a mess ---havent been through in about 4 weeks---but back in June a ramp crew on B-9 worked like champs---one dude jumped off his tug-- RAN over and parked us---and then started unloading bags----I ran down stairs and thanked him for the good work and told two shirt/ties dudes on the ramp about him. Only seen this type of work once---it was a site to see.

I've never seen that in PHL, but I'm sure there are some employees there who make that extra effort to make the operation run better. However, I wonder if the rarity of such workers is the result of a perceived threat by others to give the go-getters of PHL the "parking lot transition to the emergency room."
nycbusdriver said:
However, I wonder if the rarity of such workers is the result of a perceived threat by others to give the go-getters of PHL the "parking lot transition to the emergency room."

Nah, everyone knows there are cameras in the parking lot.
I make an effort to be polite to every other fellow worker I meet, no reason not to be.

But those people, who are wearing US Airways uniforms, but cannot really be described as felllow "workers", well, I guess I see it as people are part of the solution, or part of the problem.

I try to focus on thanking those who ARE working to keep this place afloat. I really appreciate someone that CAN do the job that they signed on for, despite the tough conditions, and the apathy of other co-workers.

So to those that still care, still try, and are grown up enough to do their job, Thank you.
EyeInTheSky said:
That's why the Eagles will never win the Super Bowl. 😛

Sure didnt run in PIT a couple of sundays ago..GO STEELERS

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