Here's A Question For The Flyboys


May 26, 2003
During these high stress times I can't help but notice the increase in pilots who come up the jetway, call the tower, or come down to the ramp to yell at the ground crew.
What makes you think you have the right to talk to fellow employees the way you do?
We are all under a lot of pressure and most of us are doing the best we can with what the company gives us.
There is a policy to follow if you have a complaint.....verbally attacking an agent isn't it.
Just like Philly, a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch.
Point taken. Just please remember that not every pilot "who come up the jetway, call the tower, or come down to the ramp" is doing it to yell at somebody. Some of us do think we should treat others as we'd like to be treated......

I apoligize for some of my fellow pilots who may get caught up in the stress of the moment. The vast majority I fly with understand that it's usually a management failing and not the individual employee's fault. There is no place for that kind of behavior. Let's try to all stick together.
If you are in Philadelphia then I am sorry but the ground crew situaition is virtually worthless and the pilots are taking their frustration out the nearest folks at hand.

Philadelphia is a "work-free drug zone" and the ramp is a mess. I could feel much stronger support for the IAM and related folks if they hustled and got the job done quicker and with more quality.

The pilots would be much more supportive if we found that the rampers were working harder and not engaging in slowdowns. The poor quality of managment would show though if ground crews worked as efficiently as possible and made an effort to meet the aircraft when it arrives at the gate and get the customer bags off as quickly as possible.
If we saw that type of effort we would know the problems were with management and not the labor group.

Sorry if this is not what anyone wants to hear but it is the perception in the cockpit.
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Groucho said:
it is the perception in the cockpit.

It's easy to get a distorted view when you are just looking out the window.

Management assigns flts to agents in PHL. If there is no one to meet your flight it is most likely because managemant has them elsewhere. I know you will find this hard to believe but it is not unusual for a manager to tell the ramp to "let it sit."
If manpower isn't being used properly that's management! Like it or not.
One more thing.....those ramp agents that you see sitting out on the ramp under B-5........they are not out there because they like sitting on a curb like school children. They are waiting for transfer bag runners to come back from running a flight so that they can use the tug to run their bags.....which have most likely been thrown on the ground since they didn't have any equiptment to meet the flight.

Thanks for the "worthless" comment are a true asset to your profession.
As a PAX, the ground crews at PHL do not appear to care. I can't believe how slowly they saunter out to greet a late plane - as if they're modeling in some Paris fashion show. In ORF, or CLT, you'll see them hustle or even sprint to a late plane. Baggage handlers sit around and chat and go slowly in PHL but they seem to work as a group quickly at other cities. I just don't check luggage when I go through PHL.
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Groucho said:
the pilots are taking their frustration out the nearest folks at hand.

I beleive the question was what gives you the right?
Groucho said:
If you are in Philadelphia then I am sorry but the ground crew situaition is virtually worthless and the pilots are taking their frustration out the nearest folks at hand.

I have to agree with this one 100%. I'm sure there a few hard workers in PHL, but most could care less. I'm tired of waiting for parkers, waiting for some to put the bag count in, moving ground equipment, waiting for wing walkers. You just never see anyone run in PHL. I hope it will change.
crushed said:
During these high stress times I can't help but notice the increase in pilots who come up the jetway, call the tower, or come down to the ramp to yell at the ground crew.
What makes you think you have the right to talk to fellow employees the way you do?
We are all under a lot of pressure and most of us are doing the best we can with what the company gives us.
There is a policy to follow if you have a complaint.....verbally attacking an agent isn't it.
Just like Philly, a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch.

AC and Lakefield should just sit up in the ramp tower or listen to the PHL ops freq if they want to get a picture of what goes on during every bank of flights. Problems range from:

-No Jetway Operator
-No One to Park The Jet
-No Catering or Incorrrect Catering
-No Pillows/Blankets
-Late Bags
-Lav/Water Service Not Accomplished
-No Fuel
-Maintenance issues

That's just the part that is "controllable" by USAirways. Has not changed since the US/PI/PSA merge through a litany of station managers.

Then you get to join in the fun of Phillly Ramp/ATC operations. Interesting when there is no Wx or ATC problem. Borderline ridiculous when you add some deicing or TRW's over the departure/arrival gates.

But since PHL is USAirways crown jewel, lets add more flying to an already saturated environment and see what happens. The addition of the Canyon Blue/Desert Sunset jets has only exacerbated the problem. By design I believe.

Rumor has it the Transformation Team has addressed these issues and if U survives beyond FEB05 a "rolling hub" and other refinements should help. The trouble is it takes a total team effort to effect this strategy. Good luck in PHL!

While there are MANY good workers in all groups in PHL all it takes is a few obstructionists to tube the operation. Witness the sick calls and baggage debacle of a few weekends ago with the Eagle/Steeler game. Chaos that other employees have to deal with and explain to irate customers.

Pilots are highly proactive by nature and profession. It's frustrating to sit in the cockpit with the entry doors closed and the cargo doors open with up to 270 anxious customers with genuine concerns about their flight's status.

Just as a bit of information. The Captain is charged by USAirways and the FAA
with sole responsibility for his/her aircraft, crew, and passengers. The Captain is the final authority in Flight Operations matters (e.g. boarding, fueling, maintenance,etc.) Coming up the jetway to confer with the agent, calling ops/ramp tower, or even conferring with fleet service as to the status of baggage/cargo loading is certainly within the scope of this charge.

Being impolite, rude or offensive is not.
Heinrich said:
I just don't check luggage when I go through PHL.

That what I tell every customer. NEVER NEVER check bags if going thru or to PHL. Unless it's absolutely necessary, chances are that you and your baggage will not get to your destination at the same time. Just all part of the mess that USAir tolerates as part of their business plan. But Im sure Al Crellin is on top of the matter now....after all, it's his job..... ;)
Yesterday in Philadelphia--

Early arrival, short taxi to gate C-30.

Aircraft stops short of gate, no one to marshall aircraft. 5 min.
Aircraft moves, allegedly is parked, brakes set 2 min
Jetway begins to move, can't get into position after multiple attempts 10 min
Jetway breaks--needs to be reset--call for mechanics--10 min
Aircraft turns out to be parked 20-30 feet short of correct parking position-wait for tug to tow a/c forward 10 min
Jetway reset, in place, doors open finally 10 min

Flight now has officially arrived 20 minutes late.


No or little communication between ramp/mechanics, flight crew and agent working jetway.

Aircraft improperly parked at gate

Jetway which should have been replaced/repaired LONG ago

This would have been okay if this was the first time, but this is like the 5th or 6th time this exact scenario has played out at the exact same gate with the exact same A/C type...don't you think it would have been fixed by now????

I am NOT pointing fingers here folks, just making a couple of observations..however I will say that the folks outside the airplane did look quite annoyed that they had to deal with the situation. Maybe if the work groups started working TOGETHER instead of pointing fingers at each other, we could make some progress.....

PS--can anyone fill me in as to the reason for the change of guage from 767 to 757 on 244 yesterday?? I would think there were 16 first class passengers who weren't too happy....

My best to you all....
Art at ISP said:
This would have been okay if this was the first time, but this is like the 5th or 6th time this exact scenario has played out at the exact same gate with the exact same A/C type...don't you think it would have been fixed by now????

I am NOT pointing fingers here folks, just making a couple of observations..however I will say that the folks outside the airplane did look quite annoyed that they had to deal with the situation. Maybe if the work groups started working TOGETHER instead of pointing fingers at each other, we could make some progress.....

PS--can anyone fill me in as to the reason for the change of guage from 767 to 757 on 244 yesterday?? I would think there were 16 first class passengers who weren't too happy....


And, I don't have this problem with other airlines in PHL or on US at other airports. The F/A's even blame the ground crews.

They have downsized US70 (PIT-PHL) from 767 to 757 several times also. That flight goes onto Shannon. I was one of those that go stuck in a middle seat in the back on a full flight one of the times it was downsized because they didn't monitor the downsizing of the aircraft properly and didn't reassign my seat until I got to the gate--I had an upgraded seat in FC and a boarding pass showing me in FC. Being in the back on that PIT-PHL flight is not fun because you end up sitting on the runway for 45 minutes or more and you can wait at the gate for a long time while they load cargo or get fuel. Also, I pay about $700 for that ticket. And, when they screwed up, the gate agent didn't even apologize, just, the only seat I have is a middle seat.
WestCoastGuy said:
That what I tell every customer. NEVER NEVER check bags if going thru or to PHL. Unless it's absolutely necessary, chances are that you and your baggage will not get to your destination at the same time. Just all part of the mess that USAir tolerates as part of their business plan. But Im sure Al Crellin is on top of the matter now....after all, it's his job..... ;)

Uncle Al will fix this one also like Flt 834.......................NOT!
Art at ISP said:
Yesterday in Philadelphia--

Early arrival, short taxi to gate C-30.

Aircraft stops short of gate, no one to marshall aircraft. 5 min.
Aircraft moves, allegedly is parked, brakes set 2 min
Jetway begins to move, can't get into position after multiple attempts 10 min
Jetway breaks--needs to be reset--call for mechanics--10 min
Aircraft turns out to be parked 20-30 feet short of correct parking position-wait for tug to tow a/c forward 10 min
Jetway reset, in place, doors open finally 10 min

Flight now has officially arrived 20 minutes late.


No or little communication between ramp/mechanics, flight crew and agent working jetway.

Aircraft improperly parked at gate

Jetway which should have been replaced/repaired LONG ago

This would have been okay if this was the first time, but this is like the 5th or 6th time this exact scenario has played out at the exact same gate with the exact same A/C type...don't you think it would have been fixed by now????

I am NOT pointing fingers here folks, just making a couple of observations..however I will say that the folks outside the airplane did look quite annoyed that they had to deal with the situation. Maybe if the work groups started working TOGETHER instead of pointing fingers at each other, we could make some progress.....

PS--can anyone fill me in as to the reason for the change of guage from 767 to 757 on 244 yesterday?? I would think there were 16 first class passengers who weren't too happy....

My best to you all....
How do you know what communication was going on between the flight crew and anyone?? Was the cockpit door opened? Just wondering....

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