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Another thought: What if it turns out to be Delta and American Airlines?

Lotsa Boeing widebodies (tons of 767s) and the combo would own three nonstops to China. If my earlier speculation is correct (that AA can grow its way into China without buying NW), then AA and Delta would be a good start. Probably have to divest some JFK assets and ops, but the combo would completely own that airport.

Here's a link to Delta's potential talks with UA or NW: http://biz.yahoo.com/rb/080110/delta_ual_northwest.html?.v=1
This, of course, is what is raising all the stocks in the transportation. It's just a play by those corporate types to jack up their stock value. Bonus time is just around the corner for all these carriers.
AHHH, the creative thinkers at work today I see/// \\\\ ... DAL doesnt want anything to do with AMR.. UAL, DAL NWA and CAL are the ones in play... AMR I have a feeling will be left out... Afterall, who wants to merge with them after all the mess with the TWA stuff...
This, of course, is what is raising all the stocks in the transportation. It's just a play by those corporate types to jack up their stock value. Bonus time is just around the corner for all these carriers.

Bears: Ever have the kids (long ago) or the grandkids (more recently) come down the stairs when you're having a party and they repeat some gibberish that's not really germane to the conversation in a futile attempt to join the conversation the adults are having?
I still think AA is better off biding their time on China. There are more frequencies coming down the pike in 2010 and 2011, and

15 years ago, AA would have given just about anything to get more routes into Japan. Today, there's not a market left that AA doesn't want to serve.

The same is going to happen with China.

Another factor you have to consider --- the long forecasted recession is going to put a damper on business travel between the US and both China and India... Buying into the market now might be a losing proposition.
I still think AA is better off biding their time on China. There are more frequencies coming down the pike in 2010 and 2011, and

15 years ago, AA would have given just about anything to get more routes into Japan. Today, there's not a market left that AA doesn't want to serve.

The same is going to happen with China.

Very strong likelihood that these points you make are completely correct.

Another factor you have to consider --- the long forecasted recession is going to put a damper on business travel between the US and both China and India... Buying into the market now might be a losing proposition.

On this point, however, all the more reason to buy/merge so as to acquire some or all of the diminishing pool of high-yield business travelers. If demand for high-yield China, India, Japan, Europe travel declines, then maybe combining with another airline (which also doesn't have enough of this biz to stay profitable) might just result in a combo with sufficient high-yield biz travelers. Maybe not.
FWAAA, ...........a lot of what you say is correct(but pardon me, I'm gonna pass on DL/AA)

Also correct about "the kiddies"(lack of "true" knowledge)

And, as for "beauty"..........well, ...we ALWAYS have to keep in mind that "beauty", is "beauty" :blink:

Believe it or not....there is a significant part of me, that agrees with you ! (Perhaps, better to hang around the US Justice Dept. and "acquire" a NE shuttle, and "maybe a China slot)

One thing IS for certain.
I HOPE that THIS is FINALLY the beginning of the Loooooooong Overdue "moment(s) of Truth, the "SHET or get off the POT showdown(s)

Hey guys,....Know what would be a fuuking RIOT ?

DL and NW hook up, followed by CO following AA's lead...to "go it alone"
Well you know what would happen next ! TILTON calls up Dougweiser,.....who has the AUDACITY to set ALL the TERMS of ANY deals :shock: :shock: :shock:

THAT my friends, would have me PISSING in my pants, beyond my WILDEST Imagination :up:
That's an offer I'm sure even Doug could refuse after failing a breatholyzer test...

Honestly, I see the investment in JBLU and admitting US into Star Alliance as a smart insurance policy on LH's part. Aside from ORD, there are few places domestically where UA is and US ain't.
Business news segment on NPR this afternoon reported that today Delta asked the Feds (anti-trust concerns, you know) for permission to talk with both NWA and UAL regarding possible merger. I don't remember the exact phrase that was used but it was something like "explore merger possibilities" or "conduct merger talks."

DL and either NWA or UAL would be a formidable combination.
Business news segment on NPR this afternoon reported that today Delta asked the Feds (anti-trust concerns, you know) for permission to talk with both NWA and UAL regarding possible merger. I don't remember the exact phrase that was used but it was something like "explore merger possibilities" or "conduct merger talks."

DL and either NWA or UAL would be a formidable combination.


Correctemundo jimntx !

I may be wrong, but I really don't think so,
Meaning that DL/UAL is a "long shot", because Anderson, and Steenland Know each other Very Very well, just like the NWA BOD's know Andersen Very Very well.

Also, known to all party's concerned is how MUCH of the store Tilton is willing to GIVE AWAY !

I was told about a month ago, from an ENORMOUSLY credible source(UA),(and I'm not going to go into any "prove it" dialog) that UAL has been "hounding" DL for months now, to do a deal.
I believe that all this time, DL has been placating UAL, while the HEAVY negotiations have been going on, between DL and BIG RED. It NOW looks like those 2, are now going through the final stages of the necessary federal stuff.
Business news segment on NPR this afternoon reported that today Delta asked the Feds (anti-trust concerns, you know) for permission to talk with both NWA and UAL regarding possible merger. I don't remember the exact phrase that was used but it was something like "explore merger possibilities" or "conduct merger talks."

Not approval from the feds, Jim; the WSJ reported today that Delta execs will ask their board Friday for formal approval to discuss a deal with UA and/or NW.

Feds don't get involved until a purchase agreement is prepared (I've coordinated dozens of HSR merger approvals).
That's an offer I'm sure even Doug could refuse after failing a breatholyzer test...

Honestly, I see the investment in JBLU and admitting US into Star Alliance as a smart insurance policy on LH's part. Aside from ORD, there are few places domestically where UA is and US ain't.


I'm not quite sure what your saying as far as UAL goes.
But IF you are saying that US doesn't NOW need UAL, because of their "new found" German friend, and their admittance into STAR, and couple that with a very Independent CO, then UAL could be up "Shet's Creek" with a broken paddle.
Not approval from the feds, Jim; the WSJ reported today that Delta execs will ask their board Friday for formal approval to discuss a deal with UA and/or NW.

Feds don't get involved until a purchase agreement is prepared (I've coordinated dozens of HSR merger approvals).
Don't tell me, tell NPR. I'm just telling you what they reported. Though, I would not be surprised if DL went to the Feds first just to make sure there were no anti-trust concerns in advance. The airlines have to be careful about talking to each other about anything. Past history on possible ticket-price fixing, don't you know.
Don't tell me, tell NPR. I'm just telling you what they reported. Though, I would not be surprised if DL went to the Feds first just to make sure there were no anti-trust concerns in advance. The airlines have to be careful about talking to each other about anything. Past history on possible ticket-price fixing, don't you know.



What I'd give, to have "uncle" Bobby CRANDALL back, ..on the phone,..trying to "cook up a deal"(even though his A$$ almost wound up in the slammer).

BOY,...those were the days my friend :up: (Too bad they had to End) :down:

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