Adjusted for inflation TWA guys were earning more after TWA went BK than they are now for AA.
AA in some cases got more outside of BK from their workers than UAL did through BK.
True, but in many cases, employees of bankrupt airlines fared very poorly compared to AA nAAtives. Pilots at the former TWA, for instance, lost their pensions and then, in the wake of the September 11 attacks, lost most of their jobs. Pilots at USAir, especially in the East, still make less money than jetBlue pilots on comparable equipment.
Speaking of UAL, some of their employees suffered much worse fates than their AA counterparts, like the employees of the UAL versions of Tulsa and Kansas City (Indianapolis and Oakland). UAL's AFW (San Francisco) fared much better.
Of course, closing Tulsa and AFW wouldn't mean those guys would be permanantly out of aviation maintenance like was the case with many IND and OAK employees of UAL given the need to fully staff the line stations. Presumably, many of the TULE employees would find their way to the line stations.