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This is all a broken record...you will give again AA employees!


Sep 7, 2002
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These messages I read on this board are almost identical to the ones that were on the US Airways message boards last summer!

Everything seems to be falling into place just like it did for U and UAL. You negotiate under the threat of BK, you agree to concessions. Then, your airline goes ahead and files Chapter 11 anyhow, and then you go back to the table to give them more. At least once if not 2 or 3 more times! AA has not filed yet, but I predict that they will before the month is over. I hope not though.

All the while, labor groups and individuals within labor groups start telling each other how to vote. The no voters tell the yes voters that they''re yellow and running scared. The yes voters tell the no voters that they''re stupid and need to just quit or leave the company.

Labor''s give backs subsidize the executives'' bonuses. Their give backs also help pay the airfare for all those passengers flying non-stop across the country at 500mph for $99!

Employees will lose benefits like vacation days (or weeks), holidays, hourly wages, sick leave accruel, and medical. The concessions are all long-term too....lasting much longer than any United States economic recession has ever lasted. Let''s also not forget the thousands more jobs that will be lost when the blood-letting starts. It''s all very sad.

Unfortunately, I hear from the analysts that US Airways, who just emerged from Ch-11 on March 31st, is the most likely airline to enter BK next!

As I said...it''s all so familiar, and maybe about to get even more so.

Oh it''s going to get very ugly indeed. What I have enjoyed most over the past couple of months on this board is all the "turn coating" I''ve seen. The nay-sayers of past postings are now the biggest opponents of what is happening at AA. It''s absolutely amazing!

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