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Health Care Reform

We all know why Nobama is pushin' the "Nukaler Option".

Spring break is right around the corner and there's gonna be Hell to pay at Town Hall meetings !
I think it does show that Americans do not like to see our government do what it does. It is messy business. The longer and more transparent the legislative process is, the more it is disliked.

"Americans do not like to see our government do what it does".......Duh?

The reason your Marxist boss is falling out of the sky in polls is because of his perpetual lies, distortions and absolute lack of transparency. You can say all politicians lie...but it looks like America is tired of it now.

"The longer and more transparent the legislative process is, the more it is disliked"....Duh?

Dude what the hell you smoking?

I guess now you're the resident polling expert now,eh?
So much for the pearl of socialized medicine that was championed to pass Obamacare.

Soaring costs force Canada to reassess health model

TORONTO (Reuters) – Pressured by an aging population and the need to rein in budget deficits, Canada's provinces are taking tough measures to curb healthcare costs, a trend that could erode the principles of the popular state-funded system.

Ontario, Canada's most populous province, kicked off a fierce battle with drug companies and pharmacies when it said earlier this year it would halve generic drug prices and eliminate "incentive fees" to generic drug manufacturers.

British Columbia is replacing block grants to hospitals with fee-for-procedure payments and Quebec has a new flat health tax and a proposal for payments on each medical visit -- an idea that critics say is an illegal user fee.

And a few provinces are also experimenting with private funding for procedures such as hip, knee and cataract surgery.

Gee who knew that was gonna happen?
Keeps getting better all the time.... :angry:

CBO Director Elmendorf Destroys A Core Presidential Health Care Argument
CBO Director Dr. Douglas Elmendorf has posted the slides he used in a presentation Wednesday to the Institute of Medicine, titled “Health Costs and the Federal Budget.” The presentation obliterates the claims of the President and his allies about the effects of the new laws on federal health spending and the budget.

For months the President and his Budget Director correctly argued that the goal of health care reform was to “bend the cost curve down.”

The projected path of per capita health spending is unsustainable and will result in three bad outcomes:

1. those with health insurance will have less money available for other needs;
2. it will be harder for the uninsured to buy insurance; and
3. government spending on Medicare and Medicaid will break federal and state budgets.
Its looking more and more like the righties were right about the greatest healthcare on earth as time shows the true contents of the HC bill.