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Health Benefits May Be Killed - Article

mweiss said:
Nope, you can't have it both ways, unless you're a hypocrite. The pensions and health care were contractual benefits, and so were the golden parachutes. Either they're both sacred, or neither one is.
Nor can they...and I guess they are hypocrites then, if they can smugly assert entitlement of corporate executive largesse guaranteed by a contract, while showing utter contempt of the contracts of those they manage. I figured they should lead by example...being leaders and all.
High Iron said:
Nor can they...and I guess they are hypocrites then, if they can smugly assert entitlement of corporate executive largesse guaranteed by a contract, while showing utter contempt of the contracts of those they manage. I figured they should lead by example...being leaders and all.
THANKS...MW needs to go to work and walk the walk, his turn to be dumped on.
Dark Cloud,

You're right - many times it's like being caught between a rock and a hard place. Pay somewhere else to keep retirement benefits & then watch a BK judge take those away anyway, or give them up to save current goodies & watch a BK judge take those away.

HSAs are probably going to become more prevalent. I suspect that many companies will introduce much more costly healthcare alternatives for their active employees in part so they can reduce retiree healthcare benefits which are clearly very costly, esp. during those years between retirement and Medicare.
The US is clearly not capable of continuing to provide relatively inexpensive high quality care to the insured while providing nothing to nearly one-fourth of the population. The reality is that the haves are probably going to lose some of what we have in the interest of providing some level of care for the have-nots. That isn’t socialistic but points to an unsettling reality if large portions of the population do not have access to health care.
That isn’t socialistic but points to an unsettling reality if large portions of the population do not have access to health care.
thats not socialistic? then what the hell is?
Can anyone help me out with legalities regarding a retiree protest of some sort...We have no voice...We can't call in sick...We can't walk out...We can't vote..(Suppose those are the reasons they've decided to hit us the hardest?) But can we get our wheelchairs, walkers and canes and do informational picketing...maybe in DCA? (Yes, I know...we'd probably have to drive...flying in and out might be a problem...) After all, we have nothing better to do with our time, right?
Whoops!...Forgot that exposing a company's questionable (immoral?) business practices could lead to boycotts by certain moral individuals...and a boycott is what USAir doesn't need...talk about biting the hand that doesn't feed us...I'm just SO FRUSTRATED!!!
High Iron said:
Nor can they...and I guess they are hypocrites then...
Yes, they are.

cavalier said:
MW needs to go to work and walk the walk
Yes, that'd be smart. Three weeks to a master's degree, and you'd suggest that I drop the whole thing in favor of returning to the workforce three weeks early? 🙄