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Happy New Years!

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Happy hour at the local tavern. Tempe management buying.

Just remember..We will never be one airline. Get over it.
UPNAWAY - great post. If any person unfamilar with US sits down and reads this board you would only read misery. All the folks attacking you are the folks that you can't make happy. I'm sure there are alot of happy people working at US. There are things that are wrong at every airline even at SW. Why are they changing their fare structure?

Anytime their is a merger there are lot of issues - no one can point to an airline merger that has gone seamlessly.

I applaud the management team for merging the airlines keeping alot of people employed. The alternative was unemployment.

Maybe the folks on the board should try to put their energies in working with management to improve the airline instead of complaining. I know I will get attacked since people will say management won't work with them. My answer to that attack is try for 6 months and see if it is different instead of just complaining.

I will time how long it takes for me to be attacked like UPNAWAY.
My answer to that attack is try for 6 months and see if it is different instead of just complaining.

I tried for 2 years dealing with your inept management and found that they don't care about their best customers.
it took less than a minute.

for them to: ruin the DM program, chase away the airline's best customers, lower employee morale, screw up everything they touch, make fools out of themselves, ghetto out the operation......
US1YFARE - your spot on - let's start a petition to shut the airline down since tempe does not know how to run an airline. We could help the environment by reducing fuel consumption and electricity used to run this board.

This one is spiraling out of control, and needs to be closed.

For the record, the moderating on these boards is FAR more liberal than it is on other boards. You do NOT want us to tighten up the reigns now really do you? If we adopted some of the others' rules, there would be fewer people left around here.....

Moderation is just what the word says--MODERATION.

Happy New Year All,
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