Hall Beach

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Actually i know very little about Hall Beach, I do know that they do not/did not have a approved GPS approach, tsk tsk tsk.

So what else illegal have we done ;) ;)

:up: :up:
He did say it was an illegal approach, duh.

I once flew around for awhile and the wx got bad and had to land because it was really snowing hard and when landing it was probably below vfr limits. Hmm, guess it would have been better to keep flying away from the bad wx until we got out of the storm, ran low on fuel, waited overnight in freezing temps, had no fuel to get home the next day,put common sense and safety aside, tried using the toilet paper filled sleeping bag supplied by the company, maybe even froze to death, but hey, wouldn't have broke any law. Old saying comes to mind about dieing is cheap and living ain't easy. Its is one thing to be out looking for trouble and it finds you and another about trying to stay clean and trouble sneaks up behind ya and bites you on the ass. Me thinks this is what the boys are trying to say. Never met a sole that didn't break a rule or a law sometime doing something, remember the golden rule, no 407 no THAT Golden rule.

My, my, what must it be like to be so bitter with the world? This cannot be the same man I worked with so many years ago - he was not as negative toward everything as you are.

THis is the second time you've used the 'legend in his own mind' thing on this forum - do you have an axe to grind? Want to make this personal? Let's go.

Like the guy said to the horse - "Why the long face?"
B) I forgot to mention:
Hall Beach-sleep-eat-watch tv-eat-sleep- go out and try and burn some arctic jello in a PT6- sleep-find Hall Beach in the dark- eat- sleep. Just an average day.
:blink: I'm having a hard time keeping up with the humilities!!! :blink:

Must be the long winter...I think everyone's goin shack wacky! <_<

I think everyone should make tomorrow (Friday) Rum & Rib Nite!!! :up:
Ahhhh CTD, you do speak well and need no one to come to your defense ;) ! However, for the record, at least you have a mind, seemingly some of us are suffering from shack wacky (love the expression Chevy!) fever :blink: and I guess (it affects all of us from time to time). This year seems to be riddled with epidemics and outbreaks (SARS, Chicken Flu, Mad Cow) and now Shack Wack Fever! :wacko:

Again I say, Vegas will be a warm, welcoming change B) - too bad all the diseased can't come down for the R & R! :p OOOOHHHH ya'll relax now, I'm just playfully pulling a leg or two! :D :lol:
Now, now Biggles.....you should read back in these threads...........

I have come to CDT defense a couple of times and I have never even met him....

However we can usually seperate sh.it for shinola after a while just by the way people get their message across.

Also I hope I've been around long enough not to make to many bad calls on who know their stuff and who do not.

Everyone can change their attitude on these sites if they so wish.

The Reverend C.W.
Oh come now Charles, or Rev CW, get your nose out of the good book will ya :D , what I said or meant is that our CDT (as you call him) doesn't need help in the "gonna tell him" dept, does purty good on his own, that doesn't mean though that we can't support or encourage our own as you or we often do. As you said birds of a feather flock together, ah no, birds of a flock fly together, (no room for typos here!) anyways you did use the word prey (as in pray) and said something to this effect .... :lol: :lol:

ANNNND, as far as reading back in these threads, you must be mad :p , reading through them once is hard enough !!! :wacko:

You have yourself a heavenly day CW ;)
Thanks for the jokes guys and gals and Reverand thanks for the PM, may the almighty be with y'all.

Just watch it Rev. , I think a fellow Newfoundlander or a wannebe is trying to steal your pulpit, guy by the name of slinkyray or something like that.

What's Black and Blue and floats in St. John's harbour.

Mainlanders telling "Newfie" jokes.

Cheers, Don
ain't no wannebe :up: :up:
I think Rev cas. doesn't need any help from me.
Keep up the good work with HEPAC. I really hope you succeed with the endevor :up: :up:
Stealthray: Me first visit to NFLD was in 1956 on the back of the HMCS Labrador heading for Hall Beach and the Dew Line.

Further to that I have spent quite a bit of time on the Granite Planet and
Laborador or Labrador and even ran a base there under Wheeler Northland Airways, including Frobisher Bay. (at the time)

Most Irishmen (Newfoundlander's) can laugh at themselves.

Who export's Newfie jokes, Newfoundlander's

Thanks for the :up: