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Gun Threads - Merged

Kev3188 said:
What's "unbelievably lame" is your willful insistence on getting it completely backwards.
Even after I gave you all the statistics, you're still so incredibly brainwashed in your liberal ideology.
Remember this AR-15 PTSD guy?
What is it like to fire an AR-15? It’s horrifying, menacing and very very loud 
Looks like they made a nice holster for Gersh Kuntzman's tampon! 
After you guys take our AR-15's and terrorists go for the grid, what's the survivability plan when the power is out for weeks and maybe months and cops and military can't protect you anymore?
Multiple officers killed at Dallas protest over police killings

CNN has a video of some of th live firing, this is disturbing.

How did that open carry law work out?

Four cops already dead.