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700UW said:
Hey Petey
Yeah the whole "Petey" thing really wasn't very funny the first five hundred times. How long are you going to beat that joke into the ground?
Zom JFK said:
Glen you clearly have no idea who my family and friends are so ill try to let you down easy. And no I don't think ill spare you the lecture. My Father (PO), brother(Sgt), aunt(Sgt), brother in law(Sgt), and three close friends (all PO) were and are all NYPD. I never said the choke hold was kosher. I think its horrible that Garner died. But make no mistake he brought it on himself. He was not "executed" or "murdered" like KC maintains. When you RESIST ARREST you put the cop in a bad position where he doesn't know what you're capable of. You having a family of cops should know that. Guys like KC love to Monday morning quarterback these things but walk a mile in the cops shoes before you open your mouth. 
Where did I use the word "murder"?  Where did I use the term "executed"?   They killed him.  That's a fact.  There were better ways to handle it.   That's also a fact.  KC isn't as big as NYC...no doubt about that.  But the KCPD is trying something a little different.  But I guess the mentality of "the cop is always right" and "listen to those in authority" and "just do what they say" will never allow "big cities" to even try it. 
I agree Zom.

Some of the family i mentioned are lifelong NY city and state. It should never have escalated. As I said, this is a one off event. The problem with all of these events now is social media. This all used to happen before clicks meant money. Now every event is posted with the spin any media outlet chooses to ptesent.

Society is addicted to click bait and the savvy media know it. Shame on us. I don't have an answer to it. I wish I did Zom.
Bill Vestrup said:
They should try to de-escalate a situation that is NOT threatening their or anyone elses lives.

If you could do better, what's stopping you from signing up in law enforcement?

You sure do seem to have a keen insight over actual experienced LEO's.
Exactly. Thank you Bill. This is what I usually say to people that play Monday morning quarterbacking when it comes especially to police matters.

LEO's are taught to deescalate every situation. That video you posted isn't some ground breaking new advances in police training. They don't hire you, show a 10 min TED talk, and then throw you out on the street.
That guy saying how the cop replaced the family's ruined dinner....stuff like that happens a lot more then you know. It just doesn't sell papers or make great 6-11pm news.  
KCFlyer said:
Where did I use the word "murder"?  Where did I use the term "executed"? Sorry that was Kev not you.  They killed him.  That's a fact. Its not as simple as that. There were better ways to handle it.   That's also a fact. Yes he could've NOT resisted arrest and be alive today. KC isn't as big as NYC...no doubt about that.  But the KCPD is trying something a little different. Really? does it involve letting the perps decide if they want to be arrested or not? But I guess the mentality of "the cop is always right" and "listen to those in authority" and "just do what they say" will never allow "big cities" to even try it. Whatever you are talking about would probably get cops killed in NYC.
Glenn Quagmire said:
I agree Zom.

Some of the family i mentioned are lifelong NY city and state. It should never have escalated. As I said, this is a one off event. The problem with all of these events now is social media. This all used to happen before clicks meant money. Now every event is posted with the spin any media outlet chooses to ptesent.

Society is addicted to click bait and the savvy media know it. Shame on us. I don't have an answer to it. I wish I did Zom.
Respectfully disagree about the rise of cell phone cameras and social media. With increased visibility comes accountability...
Kev3188 said:
Respectfully disagree about the rise of cell phone cameras and social media. With increased visibility comes accountability...
And then it all falls apart much like the Castile thug incident.

Look what happen with that narrative.
OgieJFK said:
Exactly. Thank you Bill. This is what I usually say to people that play Monday morning quarterbacking when it comes especially to police matters.

LEO's are taught to deescalate every situation. That video you posted isn't some ground breaking new advances in police training. They don't hire you, show a 10 min TED talk, and then throw you out on the street.
That guy saying how the cop replaced the family's ruined dinner....stuff like that happens a lot more then you know. It just doesn't sell papers or make great 6-11pm news.  
Here is a link to the training the KCPD used  Watch the video.   IT's more than a 10 minute Ted Talk.  KCPD has made some pretty big strides in the community.  In the 10 minute Ted Talk, he mentioned something about the "west side".   The KCPD pretty much revitalized a "rough" area of town - and reduced the force from 40 officers to 2.  And they got the community to work WITH them.    KC didn't have riots after Ferguson.  KC didn't have riots when Donald Trump was in town.  KC ain't perfect - but our police department is really trying to make a difference.  They COULD play the "tough guy" role, that is apparently what is expected in NYC.  But they TRIED something different.  It seems to be working here.  It MIGHT make a difference in Dallas, Chicago or New York.   I never said all cops are bad.  But it takes two to tango.  And thus far, all I've read is that if those n*****rs would just listen to the cops, none of this would happen. 
Glenn Quagmire said:
I agree Zom.

Some of the family i mentioned are lifelong NY city and state. It should never have escalated. As I said, this is a one off event. The problem with all of these events now is social media. This all used to happen before clicks meant money. Now every event is posted with the spin any media outlet chooses to ptesent.

Society is addicted to click bait and the savvy media know it. Shame on us. I don't have an answer to it. I wish I did Zom.
I agree social media is big part of the problem. The main stream media is a problem that feeds this hate all for ratings, an agenda, and money. And last but not least is our politicians and the zealous nutjobs that support them. As the Left and the Right wing supporters are brawling in the streets...they're down the block eating some surf and turf at the finest steakhouse laughing at the sheep.  
KCFlyer said:
Here is a link to the training the KCPD used  Watch the video.   IT's more than a 10 minute Ted Talk.  KCPD has made some pretty big strides in the community.  In the 10 minute Ted Talk, he mentioned something about the "west side".   The KCPD pretty much revitalized a "rough" area of town - and reduced the force from 40 officers to 2.  And they got the community to work WITH them.    KC didn't have riots after Ferguson.  KC didn't have riots when Donald Trump was in town.  KC ain't perfect - but our police department is really trying to make a difference.  They COULD play the "tough guy" role, that is apparently what is expected in NYC.  But they TRIED something different.  It seems to be working here.  It MIGHT make a difference in Dallas, Chicago or New York.   I never said all cops are bad.  But it takes two to tango.  And thus far, all I've read is that if those n*****rs would just listen to the cops, none of this would happen. 
Come on. Please no racist comments. People are more then just a skin color. ughhh

And I'll say it again...This is not any new advances in law enforcement training. When you go thru the academy here in NYC they hammer this stuff home. 
OgieJFK said:
Come on. Please no racist comments. People are more then just a skin color. ughhh

And I'll say it again...This is not any new advances in law enforcement training. When you go thru the academy here in NYC they hammer this stuff home. 
Odd..the video was longer that the time between when I posted and when you posted.  Thanks for not watching.  

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