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Got Privacy?

JS said:
It's not paranoia, it's a matter of protecting our Fourth Amendment rights. Would you think nothing of the police searching people's homes without a search warrant, under the assumption that the cops know who the bad guys are, and you won't have to worry about such an instrusion?
But it's not an unwarrented PHYSICAL search such as that. The airline security system would do checks in the background...the same as police currently do with random cars...plug in the license plate number and gather the information. That's been in practice for quite some time and has helped catch criminals that otherwise would be free until they were caught in the act doing something else. And I venture to say that nobody who has had their license plate run has had the government constantly tracking them from that point forward.

Yes...I agree that privacy is as incredibly important as overall freedom but it is paranoia when it is felt that the government knows too much about us if they know our passenger itineraries. They couldn't care less and knowing where you fly could never harm you in any way. Hence...paranoia.