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Res87rno, this whole situation sucks and you and the thousands of other US Airways employees deserve better. Thanks for what you have done and I hope things work out the best for you.

Goodbye and best wishes. I know several MCO agents and hope they are all going to be ok.[BR]You dont have to leave us here though. Even lilninj still comes back to liven things up now and then.
Hello everyone! It''s time say goodbye! I''ve enjoyed all the postings from everybody and I loved being a part of USAirways, but tonight we closed and I just wanted to tell everyone thankyou. A320 driver, Piney bob, Dea Carte, Mcorores, etc...... I will miss you all
We all wish you the best of luck. Don't leave the boards yet, as the fun is about to begin.

We all love when Lilninj drops by for a visit from the TSA.

Good bye and God Bless. All of you are in my prayers and thoughts. I'm sorry we are losing so many valuable members of our team. I hope you'll find the time and money to use your passes now that you're no longer with US Airways. Thanks for all the good work from MCORES! You will be missed!

Goodluck in your future endeavors,Godbless you and the rest of our comrades at MCO.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/11/2003 8:29:39 PM night_ice wrote:
[P]For those that are being furloughed, whether CWA, IAM, ALPA, are the flight beenies still being offered throughout the furlough, or just a certain time period?[BR]Best of luck to all of you-I know it sux out there trying to find a good job in today's market. With the threat of war with Iraq, God Bless Our Troops![/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]cant speak for all unions but cwa has online pass privileges for a period of 3 years including eligible family members.[BR]this is for invols after 9-01[BR][BR][BR][/P]
For those that are being furloughed, whether CWA, IAM, ALPA, are the flight beenies still being offered throughout the furlough, or just a certain time period?
Best of luck to all of you-I know it sux out there trying to find a good job in today's market. With the threat of war with Iraq, God Bless Our Troops!
RESrno87, take care and God Bless...if you are ever at INT feel free to stop by!!!!!!!