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Good to be the King!

On 2/17/2003 5:40:26 PM Hopeful wrote:

By now most have heard that Carty, his wife, and child bumped 3 First Class passengers and gave each of them $500 vouchers.

That's a great story, Hopefull!

Now, some facts...
[li]They booked COACH over a month in advance. Yes, coach. In advance.
[li]Nobody was bumped out of the premium cabin.
[li]The flight paid three volunteers a $500 voucher. Maximum voucher for PVR is $800, so they must have really wanted to get off the aircraft.
[li]Because the flight paid oversales, Carty's trip isn't free. He gets something called imputed income (similar to a D3 charge) for each seat added to his W2. Trust me -- that will end up being more than the actual dollar value of the vouchers...

What story? It obviously happened, didn't it? You seem to have all the facts. I just posted this, I did not fabricate it. You seem to know an awful lot about upper management perks and rules, don't you. IT'S THE PRINCIPAL! Let's listen to Carty how we all have to sacrifice with pending cuts in wages and benefits, but at the same time applaud him because three full fare pax got "compensated." This is the same Carty who appeared before Congress to strip unions of their collective bargaining rights. BRAVO, CARTY! This will also be the same Carty to jump on the PENSION reduction bandwagon as soon as Congress passes legislation that will protect corporations from AGE DISCRIMINATION lawsuits! Poor Carty, he needs a nice long vacation from all his trips to Capitol Hill!
I think the reason why most DFW employee's are mad is that 3 people were removed from the flight in order for Carty and family to go to PVR. If Carty would have removed himself and family, he may have scored some points with the employees, and made it look like he was doing his part to save money and be more productive. What has not mentioned is that the flight took a nice delay getting the 3 volunteer's bags off the flight, then triggered a few unnecessary gate changes...

It's just the whole principal....
Might have looked awful good for the flying public if Carty and family flew coach!
On 2/18/2003 9:23:09 AM eolesen wrote:

[li]They booked COACH over a month in advance. Yes, coach. In advance.

Nice save. You know the CEO is NOT about to fly coach - they all went first class, check again. No one cares what they booked for PR purposes....only what they ended up getting.

[li]The flight paid three volunteers a $500 voucher. Maximum voucher for PVR is $800, so they must have really wanted to get off the aircraft.

Nobody should have had to get off, voluntary or otherwise. Revenue was lost, period. Those vouchers will get used and it's a revenue LOSS to the bottom line.

[li]Because the flight paid oversales, Carty's trip isn't free. He gets something called imputed income (similar to a D3 charge) for each seat added to his W2. Trust me -- that will end up being more than the actual dollar value of the vouchers...

Poor ba$tard, let's hope that doesn't cut too deeply into this year's 8 million!

Also, if AA has an age limit for flying in the first class cabin, they don't enforce it. And, if Carty has a kid that young, do we add "dirty old man" to his list of "accomplishments"? The man is in his 70s, he'll be six feet under before the kid is out of grade school!
On 2/18/2003 3:08:36 PM eolesen wrote:

On 2/18/2003 1:34:55 PM WingNaPrayer wrote:


Nice deflection. I checked the ON lists. Carty and son flew coach -- his son is too young to fly in first, and yes, that policy applies to him as well if he doesn't buy tickets.

-- that's funny but all these years i've been non=revving, on oversold flights, I've never seen agents offering vouchers so i could ride in FC. Oh i hear them offer, but screw it if I've meal-listed in first as D1, they let the volunteers get on and then give me a middle Main Cabin seat....


Does anyone complain about union officials traveling confirmed space in F, denying upgrades or possibly forcing an oversale? Nope. It's only an issue if someone in management does it...

that's because Union Officials have more imprtant pressing business to attend to, especially since they have to decide whether or not we'll agree to concessions. Management do so because they can and it's their "perk"

Y'all have much bigger things to be worried about rather than where the CEO happens to be flying for a long weekend.

yup. like deciding if this latest escapade and blatant slap on the face to anyone willing to help save this company from Bankruptcy by suggesting cost-saving ideas and wage concessions, will actual help the workgroups TRUST management even more. what do you think?

Carty's mistake was booking a vacation flight on AA at this sensitive time.

The man has a right to holiday --- c'mon guys, there are hundreds of posts here about airline employees taking advantage of that unique benefit. A benefit that would seem rather extravagant to Joe Sixpack working on the widget line who hasn't taken his family on vacation in years.

Besides, it appears that the disgruntled AA employees "really showed Don" (and the paying customers too) by taking their time in recovering the bumped luggage.
eolesen = management!

wingnaprayer: remember, it is easy to fall in love with an old rich man as it is a young poor one!
On 2/18/2003 1:34:55 PM WingNaPrayer wrote:

Nice save. You know the CEO is NOT about to fly coach - they all went first class, check again. No one cares what they booked for PR purposes....only what they ended up getting.


Nice deflection. I checked the ON lists. Carty and son flew coach -- his son is too young to fly in first, and yes, that policy applies to him as well if he doesn't buy tickets.

Does anyone complain about union officials traveling confirmed space in F, denying upgrades or possibly forcing an oversale? Nope. It's only an issue if someone in management does it...

Y'all have much bigger things to be worried about rather than where the CEO happens to be flying for a long weekend.
I guess people here just do not get it. Sitting in coach was part of his "shared sacrifice." Just kidding. His undershorts must be getting a bit tight. Not a good move at this point in time.
On 2/18/2003 3:35:14 PM Hopeful wrote:

eolesen = management!


Corporate spy, thank you. That's why I use my real name...

On 2/18/2003 3:35:14 PM Hopeful wrote:

wingnaprayer: remember, it is easy to fall in love with an old rich man as it is a young poor one!


I'm sure even WNP can relate to that, but check out the reruns of Joe Millionaire just in case...
On 2/18/2003 3:45:00 PM coldplay wrote:

that's because Union Officials have more imprtant pressing business to attend to, especially since they have to decide whether or not we'll agree to concessions. Management do so because they can and it's their "perk"


Really? Without giving specifics, the spouse of a union official recently flew in F for a weekend trip, preventing an exec platinum I know from getting an upgrade.

Does that fall into "pressing union business" too???

I'm not a fan of reserved space travel for personal travel by any means. I'd be more than happy to see it go away for everyone.

The ON list is included in the email that the APA members are forwarding to all of the news media. Don and his son show as having been checked into seats 7A and 7B.

WNP, since you're the expert around here, where exactly is row 7 on a MD80? Last time I checked, it was still in coach. Has it moved?
On 2/18/2003 12:08:47 PM DFWFSC wrote:

I think the reason why most DFW employee's are mad is that 3 people were removed from the flight in order for Carty and family to go to PVR. If Carty would have removed himself and family, he may have scored some points with the employees, and made it look like he was doing his part to save money and be more productive. What has not mentioned is that the flight took a nice delay getting the 3 volunteer's bags off the flight, then triggered a few unnecessary gate changes...

It's just the whole principal....

Storming the Bastille from outside could prove suicidal.

At $3.00 a share, now is the time for the Unions and non-union employees to buy shares in AMR and finally get a voice on the BOD.

Or just maybe, we ( labor ) are our own worst enemy.
On 2/18/2003 3:41:06 PM whatkindoffreshhell wrote:

Carty's mistake was booking a vacation flight on AA at this sensitive time.

The man has a right to holiday --- c'mon guys, there are hundreds of posts here about airline employees taking advantage of that unique benefit. A benefit that would seem rather extravagant to Joe Sixpack working on the widget line who hasn't taken his family on vacation in years.

Besides, it appears that the disgruntled AA employees "really showed Don" (and the paying customers too) by taking their time in recovering the bumped luggage.


I seriously doubt DFW FSCs would intentionally delay a flight. The MD-80 is freeloaded and bag pulls on N/B A/C are quite time-consuming. 129 paxs max on the MD-80, avg 2 bags per pax equals 258 bags. They may have an idea of where the bags are according to the manifest, but they still need to move the other bags to reach them. Bag pulls are a bit easier on W/B container A/C.

eoleson - playing the devil's advocate here, but did the DC clan confirm Y because E F/C booking was not available?

I don't deny DC a holiday whatsoever, however, paying a voucher is paying a voucher. Maybe HDQ has a different dollar amount for a $500 voucher, but looking at some of our current fares, that is easily 2 roundtrip tickets.

If union leaders are travelling confirmed F/C, I am against that as well. I will be calling my union to verify this.

For the record, deadheading crews are confirmed Y-class, upgraded if available. I have flown in the jumpseat to accomodate D3 travellers and I would most certainly do the same for revenue.

My biggest beef with management is "the emperor has no clothes" syndrome.

Back in the glory days of AA69 DFW-MIA (the SCUD, in a nod to my mechanic friends ), the GM of MIA issued a mandate that there would always be 4 agents working the flight, regardless of the booking. Nevermind there was an A300 to CCS or BOG overbooked by 40 going down the tubes with 2 agents. Also, there were to be 2 CSMs manning AA69 due to the amount of HDQ management returning to DFW after meetings in MIA. I'm sure it was staffed with extra FSC as well.

The point is, this was not an honest reflection of MIA as a station. If everything is "perfect" when you fly, how can you accurately gauge the problems and the solutions needed to propel us to the top?

All you have to do is talk to and listen to the frontline employees. Relying on the "filtering" process of manager upon manager is grossly inaccurate based on my time spent in the land of pie charts and Powerpoint presentations. [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/3.gif']

eoleson - Not attacking you at all, I appreciate the "other side" viewpoint of your posts, but have you ever worked at an airport in the trenches? Level 3 manager in Pax Svc or Ramp Svc counts as "in the trenches".

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