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Goldman, Sachs & Co Resumes Uair

The chances of Northwest merging with US Airways are as good as my chances of going to the moon next week -- in other words, ZERO!

This is just more of a certain captain's unsubstantiated rumors and innuendo.
USA320Pilot said:
and rumors the ATSB will not approve their loan guarantee again,
There you go again.

Do you really think that repeating your lies and rumors over, and over, and over, and over will eventually make it true?
767jetz said:
There you go again.

Do you really think that repeating your lies and rumors over, and over, and over, and over will eventually make it true?
Maybe he read my signature? 😛
You guys don't understand board ettiquette do you? If you disagree with A320DRIVER then appropriate comments would be on the order of "this statement is erroneous and beyond substantiation." A "lie" is intentional deception. A320DRIVER posts statements from sources to back up his opinions. You guys resort to PERSONAL INSULTS. I wish you'd go work for George W. Bush and stop posting here, personally. Or go pick up INTERNET FOR DUMMIES from amazon.com and learn some adult etiquette.
USHenry said:
You guys don't understand board ettiquette do you? If you disagree with A320DRIVER then appropriate comments would be on the order of "this statement is erroneous and beyond substantiation." A "lie" is intentional deception. A320DRIVER posts statements from sources to back up his opinions. You guys resort to PERSONAL INSULTS. I wish you'd go work for George W. Bush and stop posting here, personally. Or go pick up INTERNET FOR DUMMIES from amazon.com and learn some adult etiquette.
We have the moderators who do a good enough job, the moral police are not required until the new world order kicks in with their thought control monitors.
cavalier said:
We have the moderators who do a good enough job, the moral police are not required until the new world order kicks in with their thought control monitors.

I believe that those who sneak in their personal attacks probably DO think the moderators do a good enough job around here. Those of us who enjoy watching discussions and learn a lot from them and find that they are very educational think that the moderators do not do a good enough job around here.

Go to Anandtech and see a well-moderated forum that does not allow people to sneak in perosnal insults such as calling people liars. You'll find it a much richer environment.

I'm trying to call attention to ways of being respectful when disagreeing. You are the one trying to thought-control and thought-police me.
USHenry said:
Go to Anandtech
Well this is NOT Anandtech and since you find this forum so offensive, I suggest you either grown thicker skin or go back to dream land. That’s what’s great about this country, all kinds of choices. I LOVE THIS COUNTRY :up:
USHenry said:
appropriate comments would be on the order of "this statement is erroneous and beyond substantiation." A "lie" is intentional deception. A320DRIVER posts statements from sources to back up his opinions.
Thanks for the clarification.

For your information, USA320pilot does not provide sources to back up his opinions.

Most of his statements are "erroneous and beyond substantiation."

In the case of his continuous comments like: "news reports that the ATSB is jittery regarding United's loan guarantee application..." he has been corrected numerous times and continues to intentionally deceive people by repeating it. THERE ARE NO SUCH NEWS REPORTS. Therefore, by your own definition, he IS lying.

Then when someone digs up his past deceptions along with proof, he conveniently redirects the conversation to cast himself as a victim of the emotional and evil UA employees, who he has made the subject of his endless bantering in the first place.
Looks like Mr Anti-union is back.

Is it time for a cold one????????????????
cavalier said:
USHenry said:
Go to Anandtech
Well this is NOT Anandtech and since you find this forum so offensive, I suggest you either grown thicker skin or go back to dream land. That?s what?s great about this country, all kinds of choices. I LOVE THIS COUNTRY :up:

This is a privately run bulletin board, not quite sure what loving the USA has anything to do with any of these issues. In my other discussions with other folks who have said that, it has been a vague phrase thrown out to completely distract the discussion and make the other person appear as though he were somehow "anti-USA" but such distractions don't work but for a very small number of readers.
PineyBob said:
How do you know he is lying, Maybe Dave flys in the jump seat to LGA and spills his guts to Our MR UCT/ICT?
I think Siegel is dumb, but not that dumb.

He would be begging for any numbers of problems with the SEC, for starters.
PineyBob said: "How do you know he is lying, Maybe Dave flys in the jump seat to LGA and spills his guts to Our MR UCT/ICT? Just because his opinions can't be verified by a third party doesn't mean they are untrue it means they are unsubstantiated. And when exactly does an opinion have to be substantiated by facts? Apparently only when you disagree with the IAM, TWU, CWA & AFA. That's sure the way it seems."

USA320Pilot comments: Bingo!


PineyBob said:
Just because his opinions can't be verified by a third party doesn't mean they are untrue it means they are unsubstantiated.
Maybe. However when someone starts a sentence with "News reports state..." isn't it reasonable to ask, What News Reports???

A statement like that is not an opinion. It says there are others who specifically stated this in a news report. It also implies a certain amount of factual substance. Both of which can and should be substantiated if challenged. Otherwise it is just crying wolf. (Or lying, as I prefer to say.)

Let me be a little more specific...there is US Airways management and Wall Street reports that United could be rejected by the board. Apparently, the board is concerned with the industry-wide revenue break down, especially since the board found United to be overly optimistic in its last application regarding revenue projections.

Regardless, check this story out:

See Story



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