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Gay couple rebuked for "kissing, touching" on flight

Should never be brought to the flight deck door. If it is serious enough to invlove the Captain, then it is serious enough to keep it away from the cockpit door.

It was a 3 pilot crew, at least 1 pilot would be on break during most of the flight. I would find it hard to believe that the Captain would come out for a situation like this. Most likely it was combined with a lav or crew break. Passengers have been told to sit down/shut up since the DC-3 days.
Although it's possible that in the case there was the wrong combination of a CA and FA who were disgusted by the lovebirds, I doubt it. Most likely the involvement by the Captain was to end the perceived behavior that he felt might escalate. A small tube at 36,000 feet is no place for a Jerry Springer show.
I guess the question might be, in which galley did the Captain speak to lover#1, the one in front of coach or by the cockpit door?

Agreed that problems shouldn't be brought to the cockpit door.

Good perspective. Thank you. I particularly like the Jerry Springer reference. 🙂

Yes, it is true that "Passengers have been told to sit down/shut up since the DC-3 days." The reference is colorful, but i neither historically accurate nor germane to the issue. In the DC-3 days, passengers were better behaved than today. Same with DC-6, 7, and early 707 days. Then the demographics shifted. In the present case, the passenger did not need to be told either "sit down" or "shut up". He was already seated, and did indeed "shut up" when the purser walked away. But I digress.

However, 9/11 opened a lot of eyes. We were all caught with our pants down. Or at least with our defenses down. The fired PSA agent should have caused a paradigm shift with regard to thinking about hijacking, but all it did was change the locks on terminal doors. My own perspective now is that the cockpit crew should stay in the cockpit. I will go farther and posit that the cockpit crew should have their own fortified lav with exclusive access, not just a food cart barricade. We could learn from El Al on this. I will not discuss details publicly, but they really have their act together. Have for years. We are not even playing catch up. We are just stragglers in the race to airline security.

Take a trip on El Al and ride First Class and watch what they do. Or maybe some on you also have friends there. Much can be learned. Even if we don't want to do it their way, they have some good thought-provoking ideas.
Although I agree that problems shouldn't generally be brought to the flight deck door, let's remember that we're talking about some kissy-face sissy-boi here. Not very likely to successfully storm the flight deck. 😀

Two considerations:

1. He is a bad guy masquerading as the (politically-incorrect-term-I-dare-not-repeat) you so aptly describe.

2. As I mentioned earlier, he/they could be a diversion for the bad guys. Both the military and criminals use diversionary tactics.

Paranoia? Perhaps. But 9/11 has made us all a little more prone to consider what could go wrong.
Just not ready or willing to go into detail to 5 and 3 yr old children about why 2 men are huggin, touchin' and squeezin' thank you very much.

Tell them they are Italians!

In some cultures physical contact between heterosexual males is common. Poor kid may never eat Pizza again though!
That, in my opinion is a homophobic remark. The connotation and the words are all there. Straight couples get away with far more on a daily basis and not a word is said. The flight attendant should be at the very least reprimanded and docked pay. The Pilot should be forced to do community service in the gay community. Probably would not help the SOB but it would make me feel quite a bit better. Tim Wagner ought to be asked who the hell told him to say that and they should be terminated on the spot. The purser needs to get a spine at wal-mart.

Crap like this makes me embarrassed to work for AA. MY only consolation is that pin heads like this work for all companies.

yes - we have pinheads at all companies - but you should know better about AA - they are the cheesiest republican airline out there - In fact - I know an AA stew (purser) who let an Indian man masturbate in first class on the way from Delhi to the US. She went to the captain as well bet they decided it was "ok" because of their culture.. This does indeed sound like discrimination - I guess their is on lesson learned - dont fly AA
yes - we have pinheads at all companies - but you should know better about AA - they are the cheesiest republican airline out there - In fact - I know an AA stew (purser) who let an Indian man masturbate in first class on the way from Delhi to the US. She went to the captain as well bet they decided it was "ok" because of their culture.. This does indeed sound like discrimination - I guess their is on lesson learned - dont fly AA
Speaking of pinheads. Would that apply to people who in the course of a thread come in post innuendo and hate, with nothing to add to the topic at hand?

We do have some discrimination here, I know for a fact we do not allow seeing eye pigs at AA.
yes - we have pinheads at all companies - but you should know better about AA - they are the cheesiest republican airline out there - In fact - I know an AA stew (purser) who let an Indian man masturbate in first class on the way from Delhi to the US. She went to the captain as well bet they decided it was "ok" because of their culture.. This does indeed sound like discrimination - I guess their is on lesson learned - dont fly AA
So what happens if you get caught spanking the monkey in coach? You blame the rebubicans for this behavior?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

The next hurricane was W's fault as well huh?

Your the pinhead dumb arse. :up:
So what happens if you get caught spanking the monkey in coach? You blame the rebubicans for this behavior?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

The next hurricane was W's fault as well huh?

Your the pinhead dumb arse. :up:

Maybe, just maybe you misunderstood my post. I didn't blame the incident or the outcome on Republicans - just stated that AA was a cheesy Republican airline.... C'mon guys - I am just saying that it is amazing how they threaten to divert b/c a guy is leaning his head on another guy or giving him a kiss - It could happen on any airline - but maybe PFLAG or the GLAB asso. should make their voice well heard. On the republican issue - we all know the trouble they have caused our country and AA plays on that through the Dallas political ring. Get over yourself and step outside the box...
Maybe, just maybe you misunderstood my post. I didn't blame the incident or the outcome on Republicans - just stated that AA was a cheesy Republican airline.... C'mon guys - I am just saying that it is amazing how they threaten to divert b/c a guy is leaning his head on another guy or giving him a kiss - It could happen on any airline - but maybe PFLAG or the GLAB asso. should make their voice well heard. On the republican issue - we all know the trouble they have caused our country and AA plays on that through the Dallas political ring. Get over yourself and step outside the box...

Right on!

These things are best left to the office with an intern under your desk!
Maybe, just maybe you misunderstood my post. I didn't blame the incident or the outcome on Republicans - just stated that AA was a cheesy Republican airline.... C'mon guys - I am just saying that it is amazing how they threaten to divert b/c a guy is leaning his head on another guy or giving him a kiss - It could happen on any airline - but maybe PFLAG or the GLAB asso. should make their voice well heard. On the republican issue - we all know the trouble they have caused our country and AA plays on that through the Dallas political ring. Get over yourself and step outside the box...
Now this is funny...."I didn't blame the incident or the outcome on Republicans - just stated that AA was a cheesy Republican airline.... C'mon guys -" 🙄 🙄 :lol: :lol: .....and I suppose broke dick US Airways management is a Donkey lovin' union friendly bunch who always has the best of intentions? You really should stop doing tequilla shots before noon sweety, Jose' is not your friend. :unsure:

Here's another clue sweety, most big businesses are republican friendly, including US Air. Ask your former CFO, Neal "the butcher" Cohen.
This is one thread that has (so far) not blamed the TWU for anything. However, blaming the Republicans is along the same lines. 🙂
Straight couples get away with far more on a daily basis and not a word is said.

That's because straight relationships are normal and homosexual relationships are considered abnormal. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)
That's because straight relationships are normal and homosexual relationships are considered abnormal. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)
Oh great. Homo's are still abnormal. Just watched a straight couple beat the sh*t out of each other on that COPS TV show. This particular episode was in Dallas. Thank god that is considered normal...... :lol: Gays ruin everything..... 😛h34r:
No Flyboy I'm not kidding. I just don't feel it is appropriate GROWN-UP behavior (for anyone) to be exhibiting such behavior in a public place. ESPECIALLY WHEN THERE ARE CHILDREN PRESENT.

Just curious Flyboy....do you have kids????? By the way, I DO tell my kids that the stork brings the babies. I don't think that a 5 yr old and a 3 yr old are quite ready to hear about sex yet. DO YOU????????? Kind of like the concept of telling kids about Santa or the Easter Bunny.

When I, as their father and protector, feel they are old enough to understand such things then I will tell them. But until such time SHOW SOME FREAKIN' RESTRAINT!!!!!

21st Century my arse!!!
It's much better for them to hear the TRUTH from their parents than wildly false stories (or even the truth) from kids at school, etc.

And just because you don't want your kids to know the truth about sex, that doesn't mean that other people should not be allowed to do something COMPLETELY LEGAL in public.

And since when is kissing sex???????? Have you never given your wife a kiss in front of your kids? And what was inappropriate about their behavior? Laying a head on a shoulder???????? Ooooh .. yeah the kids will know all about sex after seeing that.

And you dont want your kids to see "gay relations??" Why not??? Do you HONESTLY think that seeing that will "turn your kids gay"???? please.\

Parents better not let their kids lay their heads on their parents lap and fall asleep during a flight. The parents might be accused of being pedophiles.