But I would appreciate if you didn't refer to my children in your posts. (*you're gonna need it for your precious kid's therapy in 10-15 years...if not for their rehab.)
And this..... "What you are telling your children are lies based on your delusions and in this case pure FEAR. THAT is ABUSIVE!"
You don't have a clue to what I tell my kids. But I can asure you this, I will tell them to avoid people like you who think that a 3 yr old knows all about his/her sexuality. You DON'T have kids do you?????
I guess it's abusive to tell a child about Santa LCC????
*1. As YOU stated, "I could give a rats ass what you think" so I WILL say as I desire.
*2. YOU brought your children into this discussion, not me..so YOU put yourself in that situation. I'm sure you are a very good parent (although too protective).If I had a dollar for every parent that made the same statement of knowing what is best for their kids that were in prison today, I could pay for a home for those that have been abused and put into foster homes BECAUSE of such statements.
*3. GET A CLUE!! Most studies..oh I forgot that would be too liberal for you..suggest children know their sexuality VERY early on. Who you DO need to fear are the men who you THINK are your best pals and those you THINK are the staple of the community and those you THINK you can trust and those you THINK would never abuse or moleste. BTW, 90% of child molestors are heterosexual, so you don't have to fear me.
*4. I don't take your typical snide remarks about #3 personally. I like children, but I don't LIKE children.
*5. I dont have kids and after your post, I know why. Thank you.
*6. Telling someone there is a Santa IS A LIE!!! I love how you categorize lies. Now that isn't very christian...or is it?
*7. I am not entitled to anything and have never stated such. But YOU did. That is the typical response many have to gay people when somehow they need to explain themselves. Heard it before. My peeps and I have learned what it means.
I have a lot of years hearing the same BS spew out of people's mouths wrapped around their ideas of what normal is about and what is appropriate or descent. All because they somehow think they have a direct redline between that person and God.Most of those people are the first to say many of the same things you posted and guess what? THAT makes me nervous, MANY...and I am NOT suggesting YOU...are the ones arrested for child abuse and child molestation. They are the first people to drag the same stereotypical lies about gay people like child recruitment and gay agendas to somehow convince the community that it is this or that they need to fear and not the true abuser.
You and I differ on displays of any affection. Many agree with me. Many with you. I have seen situations like this play out when involving gay people. So many times situations would never be questioned until two men buck the hetro system and bring out people's dis-ease when dealing with gender and sexuality. I HIGHLY doubt a peak would had been said had these two been a honeymooning heterosexual couple. That has been my experience as a gay man in America. That has nothing to do with left-right or political correctness.
To get back to the subject, YOU many times keep referring to your children AND those that don't have them. I am sorry if you feel either your parenting skills or your children are being attacked, but I was once a child and I came from a similar family structure that frankly that was sufficating, Myself AND my parents suffered alot of turmoil because of their oppressive and sufficating parental skills. It took YEARS and YES, lots of therapy and money to overcome those things. We worked very hard as a family, so I do not need your shoulder or anyone elses to cry over. I love my parents. They are my best friends. I will always be their baby, no matter what age.
Fate itself took care of the parenting issue. With 100% certanty I can tell you there are no LCC_#1 Jrs. But please know that it was a DIFFICULT and MOARNING process of simply accepting the fact that I would never know the joys of parenthood. I am very aware of the impact children have on parents and they way they view life. That is a great contribution, but one that is TOO many times abused with the response of "you must not have children" remark when a parent has done something inappropriate. So inappropriate and entitlement runs both ways. BUT if I DID have children, I WOULD want them to be affectionate to their loved ones AND their S O. No, I don't want them to be slobbering over their bf/gf, but I wouldn't want them to be dried fish toward them either. There is NOTHING to suggest anything more than affection here with TRUE homophobia (remember it means fear of homosexuals or anything perceived as homosexual) making a moutain out of a mole hill IF what was reported was true.
I'll never convince you of this but those of us that live on the other side of the fence have seen situations like this time and time again and it sends chills up our spines at the painfull similarities. But then why should you care? You're the one that said "you could give a rat's ass, so I guess we will have to agree to disagree.