You can focus on it all you want. What happens today is not going to change what happened yesterday.
As far as learning from the past: I have learned that these parachutes happen when these top guys are hired, they have lawyers assisting them with their employment contract and these employment contract types will not change. Do you think Dave S. went to his new job with no parachute? Do you think his new employer read these boads and said, I am not going to get fooled by this guy, his former employees showed me a lot? No.
Therefore, since this is not one of those "learn from the past so as to not make the same mistakes in the future", type of issues that I am not in control of, I will make decisions on MY future based on what I think is best for ME. Not what I think is fare or just for THEM or what they will or wont get from me.
Don't you see my point?