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Gate Gourmet Names David N. Siegel

PineyBob said:
Now you have ordained youself as my time management guru. You just NEVER give up trying to control people thoughts. Typical neo-fascist, or are you acting on God's orders?

If I buy a ticket genius it makes it my business. Why not respond> Afraid to engage in honest debate when sniping is so much easier then having to confront your own hypocracy?

I find it interesting that PITbull, 700UW and others can engage me in spirited debate without resorting to personal attacks, name calling and denegration of my personal faith. So it leads me to one of 2 conclusions.

1. You are the only one on here who has it ALL figured out and PITbull, 700UW, and several others have me pegged all wrong


2. The reality is the other way around.
AMEN!!!!!!! LOL, Cav.... Your way too easy!! LOL :up:
PineyBob said:
No disgrace in getting fired! especially when you 4.5 million asprin to ease the pain!

He could clearly see the writing on the wall and was ready with plan "B" when the ouse of cards came crashing down courtesy of Jerry Glass and his tactics.

Dave Siegel had a plan and he worked it. Do you have a plan?

But it is disgraceful that he ruined the livelihoods of tens of thousands of people in order to get his 4.5 mil. It is disgraceful to lie. It is disgraceful to extort.

Plan? What plan? The only plan Siegel had was to take and take from the employees, the very people who can make this airline or break this airline. And when it was clear he couldn't take any more, he got the hell out... granted, with a little nudge.

He did nothing to further rationalization of the fleet or the express carriers... in fact, we have more contract carriers, another wholly-owned, and more aircraft types.

He did nothing to rework our route network so that we wouldn't be landlocked on the north-east corridor. He did nothing to increase long-haul (i.e., profitable) flying except to add a few European destinations (which, by the way, we don't have sufficient widebody fleet to effectively serve).

All of the things which have been broken for years and years still aren't fixed, and now we've got more problems.
FM2436 said:
So, you'd still vote "NO" and take the entire company down?
Yea, sure, my one little vote is going to take the WHOLE company Down!!!

Ah, well, blame it on me :shock:
Boy, Siegel's old lady is going to be really confused when he comes home from work and says "Wanna hide the salami?" :lol:

I can picture David N. Siegel's first day at office: "Just call me Dave"... now about those salads.. lets take off five cucumber slices, leave one tomato slice, use cheap iceburg lettuce not those expensive salad greens then charge a higher price at $8.95 instead of $6.95. Also, we have to kill the pickle on the deli bagles...
ktflyhome said:
Yea, sure, my one little vote is going to take the WHOLE company Down!!!

Ah, well, blame it on me :shock:
It takes a lot of little votes, but ultimately each of them are equally responsible for the results, whatever they might be.
FM2436 said:
Do you realize what your saying? You won't vote "YES" because you believe you'll be voting yourself out of a job. So you'll claim you have no other choice but to vote "NO" which is a vote that will assure you'll have no job.
You make it sound like a "self-fulfilled prophecy," but really, people have to stand up for their principles. Management of US Airways largely put the company in this predicament. They have asked for and recieved two rounds of concessions, and now they want more before they implement any changes? I think Labor has made their contributions. Implement the plan ASAP. Its far too late already, as this plan should have been in place post-BK. Its not the employees fault that management could not or did not implement the necessary changes sooner, yet they will receive a great deal of the fall-out. It sounds like many are already prepared to move-on, but are awaiting a final death such that unemployment benefits may come their way.

I think that each union member has a vote and must vote their conscience.
maybe the catering staff will run over dave with the gate gourmet truck on the ramp at some random airport, then scoop him up, throw him in the microwave and serve him as an economy class meal.
BMIBABYgirl737 I am sure that will be thought of by the employees after they get clobbered with paycuts and layoffs. Heck it may even qualify as a kosher meal.
PITMTC said:
First let me start by writing that I am in no way proud or happy for him.
What I want to point out is what I stated in the past during arguments with the you-know-whos of this board.
You will not "take these guys down with us". You will not "see them on the unemployment line with us."
This is your job, your income. This is the place you have given your 15 or 40 years to. Don't focus on what they get when they come or go. Worry about your role in the company and your interests. Don't make decisions that will affect your life based on what you hope to prove to them.
.............Seem to remember a certain "so called" CEO of the now defunct Texas Air, named Frank "union buster" Lorenzo, who is banned from the aviation industry for life. ..... But what you say, most of the time, is true.. When you get to the "blue blood fraternity" level,, Seems you can do know wrong in the eyes of your elitists cohorts. Even when they fail to get the job done, They still walk away with the golden parachute...
TheX said:
Funny how Cavalier professes to be such a godly man yet turns out to be such a shmuck.

Given his penchant for wanting to destroy the lives of the 25000 employees by using his single voice to represent those of the rest of us, he should consider this as his next congregation.

You are a sick little monkey :shock: !!!
FM2436 said:
Do you realize what your saying? You won't vote "YES" because you believe you'll be voting yourself out of a job. So you'll claim you have no other choice but to vote "NO" which is a vote that will assure you'll have no job.
Whether you want to conceptualize this or not...the future concessions will create huge furloughs...FACT!
PITMTC said:
First let me start by writing that I am in no way proud or happy for him.
What I want to point out is what I stated in the past during arguments with the you-know-whos of this board.
You will not "take these guys down with us". You will not "see them on the unemployment line with us."
This is your job, your income. This is the place you have given your 15 or 40 years to. Don't focus on what they get when they come or go. Worry about your role in the company and your interests. Don't make decisions that will affect your life based on what you hope to prove to them.
Don't focus on what they get when they come or go. Worry about your role in the company and your interests.
well if you add the parachutes of wolfe/gangwal...and seigel/cohen.....you get pretty close to the giveback lakefield wants from the utility group..
so who in their right mind wouldn't focus on this??
delldude said:
well if you add the parachutes of wolfe/gangwal...and seigel/cohen.....you get pretty close to the giveback lakefield wants from the utility group..
so who in their right mind wouldn't focus on this??
You can focus on it all you want. What happens today is not going to change what happened yesterday.
As far as learning from the past: I have learned that these parachutes happen when these top guys are hired, they have lawyers assisting them with their employment contract and these employment contract types will not change. Do you think Dave S. went to his new job with no parachute? Do you think his new employer read these boads and said, I am not going to get fooled by this guy, his former employees showed me a lot? No.
Therefore, since this is not one of those "learn from the past so as to not make the same mistakes in the future", type of issues that I am not in control of, I will make decisions on MY future based on what I think is best for ME. Not what I think is fare or just for THEM or what they will or wont get from me.
Don't you see my point?
PITMTC said:
You can focus on it all you want. What happens today is not going to change what happened yesterday.
As far as learning from the past: I have learned that these parachutes happen when these top guys are hired, they have lawyers assisting them with their employment contract and these employment contract types will not change. Do you think Dave S. went to his new job with no parachute? Do you think his new employer read these boads and said, I am not going to get fooled by this guy, his former employees showed me a lot? No.
Therefore, since this is not one of those "learn from the past so as to not make the same mistakes in the future", type of issues that I am not in control of, I will make decisions on MY future based on what I think is best for ME. Not what I think is fare or just for THEM or what they will or wont get from me.
Don't you see my point?
i see your point quite clearly...but it is others who won't digest it too well.
What happens today is not going to change what happened yesterday.
let me see....i hear you but we've heard this how many times now??
schoefeid/scwabb-wolfe/gangwahl-seigel-lakefield-bronner....get my point?
it brings to mind the line of:
those who don't learn lessons from the past are doomed to repeat it..
looks to me and many others like the lline is quite accurate.
hows your etr today?
I wonder how Dave is gonna deal with the Gate Gourmet Employees, seems some of them are IAM Represented by District Lodge 142, funny same District as the US Airways IAM Mechanic and Related.

Gotta love it!

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