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Can they? Other than the top 1% wage earners, who among us is better off today VS 6
years ago?

I definitely am, but that's because I left the airline industry.

For someone who stated to me, to be an Independent Voter, I fear ERIC, that you spent TOO MUCH time in TEX.A$$, in that brutal heat, and "overdosed" a time or two, on the AA/HDQ/Kay Bailey Hutchinson/John Cornyn KOOL AID !!

Bears, I'm still a fierce independent, and will vote based on a candidate's stance on issues like enforcing the borders, kicking out the illegals instead of rewarding them with amnesty, etc. I never voted for Bush before 9/11, and in the last election, there was no way I could vote for a scumbag like Kerry who flaunted medals received under extremely suspicious circumstances. Kerry has shown himself to have far less character than even Bill Clinton did.

I wish I could vote in the TX governors race -- there are two independents running against career politicians, and I'd gladly vote for Kinky Friedman just to send Rick Perry ® packing...

Now, if you can find me a Dimocrat who supports evicting the UN from NYC, I'll gladly vote for them. Let 'em set up shop in Venezuela with their friend tHugo.
I definitely am, but that's because I left the airline industry.
Bears, I'm still a fierce independent, and will vote based on a candidate's stance on issues like enforcing the borders, kicking out the illegals instead of rewarding them with amnesty, etc. I never voted for Bush before 9/11, and in the last election, there was no way I could vote for a scumbag like Kerry who flaunted medals received under extremely suspicious circumstances. Kerry has shown himself to have far less character than even Bill Clinton did.

I wish I could vote in the TX governors race -- there are two independents running against career politicians, and I'd gladly vote for Kinky Friedman just to send Rick Perry ® packing...

Now, if you can find me a Dimocrat who supports evicting the UN from NYC, I'll gladly vote for them. Let 'em set up shop in Venezuela with their friend tHugo.

I see that you've taken up the Neo-con talking points. How dare you smear a Vietnam vet like Kerry? You are smearing all of those who actually served in Vietnam (unlike Bush and Cheney who used their wealth to get out of service). Bush is a lying hypocrite who did NOT serve his country. Where was he during those months that he DID not serve in the National Guard?
I see that you've taken up the Neo-con talking points. How dare you smear a Vietnam vet like Kerry? You are smearing all of those who actually served in Vietnam

Excuse me? Have you actually WATCHED or LISTENED to what Kerry said under oath about the real troops who served in Vietnam? The man has no character, and was clearly getting medals to look better politically.

I don't discount the fact that Kerry served his country. Whether or not he personally served his country well is another story.
I see that you've taken up the Neo-con talking points. How dare you smear a Vietnam vet like Kerry? You are smearing all of those who actually served in Vietnam (unlike Bush and Cheney who used their wealth to get out of service). Bush is a lying hypocrite who did NOT serve his country. Where was he during those months that he DID not serve in the National Guard?

You are correct about Bush.....no argument there.

What about Bill Clinton...HE DODGED THE DRAFT...

Al Gore? another favorite son of his father, a senator..........Al was a journalist in the armed services during the Vietnam War.

Now for John Kerry....he couldve used his privilged upbringing to avoid the draft.....he didnt.

But his attitude after the war likening his former fellow comrades to Ghengis Khan was unacceptable. Yes he earned the right but he aired the atrocities being commited while American POWs were still in captivity.

He started his political carrer right then and there before Congress
Now for John Kerry......But his attitude after the war likening his former fellow comrades to Ghengis Khan was unacceptable. Yes he earned the right but he aired the atrocities being commited while American POWs were still in captivity.

But what evidence did he ever submit that "the atrocities being commited" were in fact committed -- NONE. He tarred every NAM vet with the same brush.

He had politics on his mind during his entire very short time there. But thankfully he was eventually vetted before he could do even more damage.
What about Bill Clinton...HE DODGED THE DRAFT...


Now for John Kerry....he couldve used his privilged upbringing to avoid the draft.....he didnt.

Actually, he did try to petition for a deferral so he could study in Paris for a year after graduation from Yale. It was turned down, so he enlisted in the Navy (before graduating) rather than be drafted (after graduation) into the Army.

He started his political carrer right then and there before Congress

That gave him some name recognition, but Kerry started his political career before then. He testified in front of Congress in 1971. He'd applied for early discharge from the Navy in November 1969 on the grounds that he wanted to run for the House in 1970 (he did and was defeated).

If you ask me, someone who manages to earn all those medals in a four month period , gets himself shipped stateside, and then gets an early discharge didn't just decide to run for Congress because they had nothing else to do. Running for Congress was his intent all along, and he knew that being a decorated veteran gave him instant credibility with those who served in WW-II and Korea.

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