" FRANCIS is coming.............FRANCIS is coming " !

If y'all remember your history, it always takes the church a few hundred years to catch up to what the rest of the world knows, and accept that the science is in fact real, and that they have to change their teaching to reflect reality.

Happened with Galileo, will eventually with gender and sexual orientation. This pope is a step in the right directin, but The Church isn't ready yet.

This has absolutely not a damn thing to do with Poster Child Davis or Fundamentalism.

The Pope a Fundamentalist?

Time for more random nonsense...
Ifly2 said:
Actually, they did something

Moved the predators to different parishes so they could molest a whole new crowd of innocents, or moved them to different countries to avoid prosecution.

That is not an attack on anyone's faith. It is an indictment if the institution

Yea, that was mighty nice of them now wasn't it.

Isnt the faith and the institution interrelated? The belief in the infallibility of the pope and the idea that the church should not be questioned part of the problem? I'm not sure the two concepts can be separated.
The infallibility of the pope deal is widely misunderstood even among catholics, and is actually one of the creations of and problems with the institution, or one could say the religion, which I do seperte from tje core faith.

Of course, there are meny members who also conflate the two, and do consider belief in the institution the same as their belief in the church.

Just like a lot of non-thinking people equate belief in the GOP to belief in conservative principles, when in reality the two have absolutely nothing to do with each other.
As an ethical apatheist, I do not care.

As a human, I realize that ~90% of my fellow humans believe in some sort of god, gods, a creator or a higher power. Oddly enough this god chose to give them many differing and disputed books with differing histories and different sets of directions.

I have no idea why this god would do such a thing. It would seem that a divine supreme being would give everyone the same stuff, and be capable of making it both easy to understand and difficult to fight over.

Anyway, the history of religion and human behavior is still fascinating, and it is impossible to seperate religion from history, or from current events.

I do draw a distinction between the institutions of religion and faith.
delldude said:
Not to worry. Soon we be praising Allah and all the dikes and ferries be all gone.
Since Allah is also the god of Ibriham, you already do praise him.

So far as practicing Islam, if you and the roughly 300 Million other Christians and Jews in the US choose to convert, I would say your faith in christianity is pretty weak, or that Islam is very convincing, but whatever.

Do you really believe the stuff you write?
Ifly2 said:
Since Allah is also the god of Ibriham, you already do praise him.

So far as practicing Islam, if you and the roughly 300 Million other Christians and Jews in the US choose to convert, I would say your faith in christianity is pretty weak, or that Islam is very convincing, but whatever.

Do you really believe the stuff you write?
Before Mohammed scammed all the Arabs, Allah was merely a moon deity......hijacked by Mohammed.
ISIS has a rather nice way of helping one to make up their mind on conversion.
Before Abraham, and even after, the judaic/israelite people worshiped Baal and a host of others.

Allah/YahwehGod are still all the same god to the three Abrahamic religions, so you do worship Allah.

Again, if a few million Muslims or a few thousand IS fighters are able to convert ~300 million US christians, then that it would appear to be the god's will, wouldn't it?

Who am I or you to argue with that?
Ifly2 said:
It's kind of like the fanfare surrounding the British Royal Family
Yes but the last time I checked the Royal family has not shuffled pedophiles around to circumvent the law and protect them selves.