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American Airlines Cancels Flight Due to Hostile Passengers

I like your 'prescription' doc, but it's rather doubtful the good folks in medical would see the sensibility of said concoction after one pees in a jar.

Our old substitution for your mix consisted of a bottle of Cripple (Ripple) along with herbs grown in various locations.

As far as Obama's concerned:

While suturing a laceration on the hand of a 70-year-old Texas rancher (whose hand had caught in a gate while working cattle), a doctor and the old man were talking about Barack Obama being in the White House.

The old Texan said, "Well, ya know, Obama is a 'post turtle'."

Not knowing what the old man meant, the doctor asked him what a post turtle was.

The old man said, "When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle."

The old man saw a puzzled look on the doctor's face, so he continued to explain, "You know he didn't get there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he's up there, and you wonder just what kind of damned fool put him up there in the first place."

As someone who is a Texas, you should probably know that joke is regularly told about George Bush and John Coryn down here. Obama actually has a brain. Anyways... back on point.

There is absolutely no reason for a crew to tolerate any abuses from any passengers for any reason. It's about time the flight crews started standing up for themselves and start kicking abusive passengers off of the plane.
Hey Hopeful - TFC - either of you been at a JFK or LGA bound gate when either a delay or cancellation is announced? Ever been at that gate when it happens in MIA?


Was at LGA for 10 years
Been in MIA for 6

Still a die hard New Yawker
(Deleted by Moderator)
I've found people who've never been to or lived in New York are generally the ones that love to perpetuate the myth that all NY'ers are rude,pushy loudmouths who have a fit when things don't go their way.

It couldn't have been Caribbeans coming home could it? Lord knows they are like church mice, quietly waiting in line with their well behaved children and acceptably sized carry on baggage.

I've seen what comes off those A300's, all that is missing is chickens and goats...

That being said, in true New Yawk fashion, I too would like to extend to you an invitation to (Deleted by Moderator)
Im from okiehoma and when I went on a field trip back in 99 I found that New yorkers were some of the nicest people that I've met "myth busted" I was shocked because Ive always been told they were rude and mean
Obama actually has a brain.

So does my Yellow Lab. Doesn't make her qualified to run for office...

I have to say that having worked at JFK as a midwesterner, the real NYC passengers were a lot easier to deal with than the snobs from Kalifornia, or anyone heading to points south and east of MIA.... At least when you told the NY'ers to shut the hell up, they did. And they'd respect you for putting them in their place. 😉
As someone who is a Texas, you should probably know that joke is regularly told about George Bush and John Coryn down here. Obama actually has a brain. Anyways... back on point.

There is absolutely no reason for a crew to tolerate any abuses from any passengers for any reason. It's about time the flight crews started standing up for themselves and start kicking abusive passengers off of the plane.

Oh c'mon - anyone's name can go there. That's the way the story was designed; quite a bit like "The Boat Race".
Oh c'mon - anyone's name can go there. That's the way the story was designed; quite a bit like "The Boat Race".

Back to topic:

This is old news. We had police stationed at the LGA- West Palm flights and actually had tee shirts that said, "I survived flight 4 and flight 5".

New York- Florida flights are notorious for bad behavior. Don't know where the folks are from but rarely did one go without incident. And "back in the day", trays would come back stripped, all tea, sugar, and sugar substitutes gone, and if you needd to evacuate, a deck of cards was thrown down the slide.

Some things NEVER change.
I heard that when the crew arrived at the plane the passengers started booing and it went downhill from there.
I heard that when the crew arrived at the plane the passengers started booing and it went downhill from there.
I heard the same and can't blame the crew for being wary of flying. It's hard enough to deal with an obnoxious few, but intolerable to fly with a passeneger melee.
Just completed a 4 day domestic narrow body trip a couple of weeks ago. Most of my flying in the last 15 years has been international with a few scattered transcons now and then, I was amazed at the attitude difference between now and then.

It's sad to say, but this country has become a nation of whiny "blankblanks". Every leg had some jerk standing by the podium calling the crew and agents various names with no care if the were overheard.

Some of the references to New Yorkers have it right. A NYer may get in your face, but if you explained a delay or problem from a pilot perspective that was totally out of the crews or AA's control, we'd both have a mutual agreement and go on. Today, there are so many whiners that I've initially tried to reason with their complaints, but they do not want to accept any response to their abuse other than total submission to their "feelings" on the situation, no matter how screwed up they may be. Their "self esteem" issues become the most important part of any problem. It's like that now everywhere in this country.
...there are so many whiners that I've initially tried to reason with their complaints, but they do not want to accept any response to their abuse other than total submission to their "feelings" on the situation, no matter how screwed up they may be. Their "self esteem" issues become the most important part of any problem. It's like that now everywhere in this country.
The cheaper the fare they paid, the bigger their whine is.
I supect the issue is the gate not giving timely and accurate inforation. This happens in MIA alot. Most likely said crew was late and not why, or waiting on aircraft to come in etc.

I supect that this is a lack of communication issue. Not suprising in MIA
I supect the issue is the gate not giving timely and accurate inforation. This happens in MIA alot. Most likely said crew was late and not why, or waiting on aircraft to come in etc.

I supect that this is a lack of communication issue. Not suprising in MIA

They speak English in Miami????

I'll bet the agent made a PA saying the crew "overslept" or didn't show up at the airport on time...some paxs probably heard "crew didn't show up", most didn't understand English and needed translation, and all hell broke loose.

Gate Agents and CSM were thus spared the trouble of facing the ire of the paxs by placing the blame on the crew.
This happens a lot in MIA and DFW, blame the FAs for every delay.

Bet they weren't ready for the crew's decision to walk off and it backfired on them, now they had to rebook everyone and stay later than usual.