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Flight Attendant Jumpseating

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Colby said:
but I say Why should the Pilots be able to J/S .... and F/A s can't.... I think an F/A would be able to take control of F/A responsilbilities more than a BeechCraft Pilot could take control of a 737-400..... There are differences that we all can conform too !!
Because the pilots fought for the right to control the cockpit jumpseat and the ability to "extend the courtesy" to pilots from other airlines. Also, there is an FAR that says the pilot is the final say on who occupies the cockpit jumpseat. I doubt, however, that any pilot for a commercial airline would allow a Beechraft-qualified pilot to jumpseat.

As I have said before. The FARs regarding cabin jumpseats are limited in their scope. It's the airlines that set most of the restrictive rules, and the flight attendants at the various airlines have never made an issue of it. I think that the fact that JetBlue has been so generous in its rules is what has made everyone take a second look at their own airline.

I agree with you 100% The whole reason I started this Thread is simply to try and get the F/As to take some sort of Action on this.... I guess maybe when I get back on line I could try and start checking into more INFO on this Matter...... True there are a lot of airlines that allow Jumpseating ... BUT some of them are NO USE to me..... There is another reason for this whole thought process but I can't get into it on here.... Let's just say a Friend of mine got into trouble over a Similiar situation !!!
In addition to Co. policy, cabin jumpseat rules may be part of the contract between the carrier and it's flight attendants. U's agreement with AFA provides that the cabin jumpseat is for the exclusive use of flight attendants on U's seniority list.
Back I think it was the AFA BOD meeting in 99' (the one held in LA), we put forth a resolution to have AFA do a study on each airlines jumpseat policy for flight attendants and contacts for jumpseat agreements. The study was concluded the summer of 2000, and from what I was told was distributed to all the BOD members (MEC and LEC Presidents). I resigned as a MEC/LEC officer, due to going to our mainline carrier just before the study was posted so unfortunately I do not have a copy of it but if someone is a AFA flight attendant, call the Int'l office and I am sure you could get a copy of the study.
In addition, I can tell you that Frontier Airlines has many jumpseat agreements with different carriers, from charter, regional, national carriers and major carriers. At Frontier if the other carrier will do a reciprocal agreement with us it is done.
Hope this helps.
Not that I know of. AFAIK, we get the same non-rev discount as other AA employees (i.e., ZED fares).
Can AA flight attendants jumpseat on AA joint venture partners BA or JAL?
To the best of my knowledge, only Jet Blue allows us to actually occupy a FA jumpseat.

I note this thread is almost ten years old. I doubt if aircraft qualification is the reason most airlines don't allow FAs to occupy other airline jumpseats. You don't have to be qualified on an aircraft - I can jumpseat on a 777 although I'm not qualified on it.

You can only sit on a JB jumpseat if their f/as are allowed to sit the jumpseat on your carrier.. recip only
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