Here at East, the F/A j/s seats are supposed to be given out 10 minutes prior to departure. They went to that policy about 10 years ago. It was implemented to allow senior commuters a better chance at not missing their connections. Some agents still hand them out at 30 minutes, which I think is a better idea. That way the j/s is allowed to board the a/c, great the crew, and stow their bags.It is written in our contract section 30-3 lines 36-40 . I can only speak about the F/As (east). It's seniority up until thirty minutes, then it's by check-in time, which is marked on the triplicate j/s form. If you are a pilot, you would have seen the white form which the A F/A keeps, the pink and yellow forms go to the G/A and ops. I also think the rules may be on the back of the form as well. It is all paper since we do not have the option of calling anywhere to reserve since it is by DOH.