Flight Attendant Contract


Aug 22, 2003
What impact will pilots agreement have on Flight Attentants contract?

What me too items are going to change?

If there are any changes will they get credit for any give backs?

If there are any changes will they go back to Oct. 15?
The Company proposal today presented to AFA SUCKS!

This will be e-lined on PIT e-line.

Its truly, truly bad and no protections.

Un friggen belivable!
The proposal is posted on the MEC Website www.afausairways.org

There is only on consolation....the company is offering a small package to leave as a voluntary furlough with no recall. Ther is also no contesting of unemployment.

I think many, many of us will leave here becaue the proposals is not good. At the very least the reserves will move up finally and hold blocks of time. Perhaps the company can start recalling the INVOLUNTARY furoughees also.

That was the intent of that provision....to give f/as an opportunity to leave and "bridge" themselves over. By being able to collect unemployment benefits, the f/as will be able to go through "career link" and get education/skill relief to change.

I see that the reserves system is in buckets, with LTO...really bad. AFA will try to impress on the co to modify. Again, one consolation to the reserves is that they WILL move up and many will finally hold lines as the more senior folks take the "out package". Just FYI...this out is "OPEN" to all f/as not just senior folks.

I do see that if the company hires off the street or recalls the INVOLUNTARY furloughees, they will not make more that $24.75 6th yr pay for the duration of this agreement 2009. So the folks on mainline property presently will be the only ones who move up longevity steps. Pension looks frozen too. Vacation, sick, Dead head all suck bad. Low's pays 5 weeks vacation for folks who work 20 years.

Our company pays max 21 days for the f/as even if they are here for infinity.

Profession is over with this contract, all airlines will follow. Time to move on.

For those who love to fly no matter what the pay...go at it...its all yours. :up:
This no-cost item would have made ALOT of involuntary furloughees lives easier over the past three years:

10. The Company agrees on a prospective basis that employees on voluntary furlough and involuntary furloughees be allowed to work other employment within the aviation industry and if another employer requires a furloughee to resign from US Airways, that US Airways will not process the resignation.

And this is almost the exact pay scale for the MidAtlantic division, give or take a dollar. Interesting.


Year 1: $16.18

Year 2: $17.54

Year 3: $18.76

Year 4: $19.98

Year 5: $21.24

Year 6 and above: $24.75


Of course, not one of those pay scales apply to a single US Airways F/A on the property right now, because everyone is year six and above.
Yup, the tidal wave of resignations will start shortly, if they havnt already. This is quite a sad proposal from the company. Best of luck to all those that do stay. PITBull, have you got any attrition numbers of in the FA ranks over the last 2 months?
I believe sept. includes the VISP II so the total is approx 235. Then looks like 43 for November retirement. And that's all I have. Don't have attrition yet for OCT. until Oct. is over. NOvember # only reflect retirement.

I suspect a mass risignation. The company. If the provision with the VOL. furlough, nor recall stays on the proposals and it gets ratified, I suspect the co. will have it go into effect AFTER the holiday months to ensure coverage.

The company is moving to freeeze the pension which is much better than termination. But that does not mean they won't try to terminate. They want AFA not to challenge termination if the move towards that ...THEY CAN KISS MY ASS.

The company will no longer have a pension liability if the pensions are frozen. The wages are reduced substantially and there are no more accruals if this passes.

I have 24 years....I will see what gets ratified, if there is no movement to improve these proposals, I may exist.
Oh, and one more thing that is just as outrageous as their reserve system...Maternity.

No way you can give only 60 days of medical to a pregnant f/as. We are still primarily female in this industry, and I find that discriminatory ADA.
60 days maternity isnt bad , its about on level with everyone else. Pit bull, ive said all along, reality isnt pretty but it is reality. You have a choice now, lave or stay. Its reality, plain and simple....
:angry: Well, I would like to thank management, for saving their own jobs. They got exactly what they wanted, a work force that doesn't want to be here any more. They will get what they wanted, a low cost employee group. We will see, how many will stay here, because the turn over rate will be very high. Who in their right mind would want to work for a management team that treats you like sh!!t. To Glass, Bronner, and all the others in management may you all spend eternity, where you all so richly belong.
usfliboi said:
60 days maternity isnt bad , its about on level with everyone else. Pit bull, ive said all along, reality isnt pretty but it is reality. You have a choice now, lave or stay. Its reality, plain and simple....

Typical guy response saying its ok to have 60days of medical coverage for you and your baby that is to be born.

Hell, who cares about prenatal care, and all the doctor visits, and heck if you have some complications that equals thousands and thousands of dollars so what...still have a jumpseat to sit on , right?

I-d-i-o-t through and through! :down:

Shovinist PIG! You must have been born in some kind of barn (deleted by me)
Duhhhhhhh Fliboi. Do you have any idea how many months it takes to have a baby? Gee Beav, more than 60 days. Get real. Should she not take prenatal vitamins and not go to the doctor until the due date? That way she can save the 60 days in case something is wrong with the baby.
Oh, and forgot to tell you all that the duration proposed is 2010..way beyond the ATSB loan guarantee pay off.
PITbull said:
I-d-i-o-t through and through! :down:

Shovinist PIG! You must have been born in some kind of barn (deleted by me)
You a being too nice. You may have to misspell some of the words so he can understand what you are talking about.
PITbull said:
Again, one consolation to the reserves is that they WILL move up and many will finally hold lines as the more senior folks take the "out package". Just FYI...this out is "OPEN" to all f/as not just senior folks.



"Voluntary Leaves with No Recall (“VLNRâ€￾s) will be granted by the Company in seniority order subject to the needs of the service. VLNRs may also be offered to offset or to avoid future furloughs."

So I guess that this will be based on seniority, and suspect that the VLNR will go rather senior (particularly if unemployment compensation is not contested). The term "involuntarily furloughed" will be but a memory, as people will jump ship in droves.

Reading the proposal didn't make me angry, just really quite sad. So many men and women at US Airways have worked so hard over the years, and given so much of themselves, only to be confronted with this. I would speculate that this proposal "as is" stands absolutely no chance for ratification. If anything similar to this is "imposed" judicially, well.... fasten seat belts and brace.

Best to all,

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