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Fleet service clerks are filing for a representational vote @JetBlue

was a true beating. wth happened? i search social media and find no interest from employees. Looks like awful organizing, left handed cards and drunken promises

Looks only about half of eligible voters bothered to show up, and of those that did, ~64% Voted no. Brutal.
That was a bit of a surprise.
Either bad organizing or a rush to try to get organized prior to merger and they failed to get legit amount of sigs.
As both of you have stated, very awful and indeed brutal. What is also very telling is the super low participation which tells me this was not from within the ranks organization and was more like the IAM trying to push their way in. As they have stated in many, many media reports leading up to this vote that they have been trying to organize the fleet service group at JB for years.

Tim and Kev., I still am in hopes the mechanics at JB will get organized or at least have a vote on it too.
A 7th Airline, 2nd in Canada files for AMFA's Class and Craft Mechanics Union to represent their AME's:

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Someone mentioned on a FB organizing page that this was more a vote against the IAM itself than representation. Take that with the usual fistful of salt.

More interestingly, they also mentioned that right after the 50%+1 threshold was met, the IAM sent out a "thank you" email (my term) that had everyone that signed listed on it. Again, I don't have a way to verify that, but it caught my attention for several reasons.

At first blush, it seems like another stepping-on-a-rake moment for the GL. Looking at it from the other way, it's a fantastic pressure test for organizers to see where a campaign is really at.
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That is interesting. Never heard of a UNION doing that before. Maybe they knew, and released all the names as a jab back at the employees. What kinda suks, is now the co knows who was pro union. Never heard of that being done except for a challage filing by a company in an appeal case that they wanted proof of the 50+1 that would trigger the vote. Since the union had more time during the appeals waiting process and the back and forth with the NMB and such, they were able to keep building their list to over 70% that signed cards and of course union representation prevailed.
I just don't like a union (any union) voluntary offering a list of who was pro union so that now the co knows. They can get sued I do believe as, the signed cards are private in order to keep the co from applying any pressure to individuals. A SICK and totally unprofessional move by the IAM if all that is true. Very sad, but, typical of the industrial unions. Sorry to hear this.
That was a bit of a surprise.
Either bad organizing or a rush to try to get organized prior to merger and they failed to get legit amount of sigs.
As both of you have stated, very awful and indeed brutal. What is also very telling is the super low participation which tells me this was not from within the ranks organization and was more like the IAM trying to push their way in. As they have stated in many, many media reports leading up to this vote that they have been trying to organize the fleet service group at JB for years.

Tim and Kev., I still am in hopes the mechanics at JB will get organized or at least have a vote on it too.
A 7th Airline, 2nd in Canada files for AMFA's Class and Craft Mechanics Union to represent their AME's:

Do you even read and think before you post?

In order to call for an election that’s when signatures are checked and matched on the A-Cards.

Time for you to read the NMB Representational Manual.
At first blush, it seems like another stepping-on-a-rake moment for the GL. Looking at it from the other way, it's a fantastic pressure test for organizers to see where the campaign is really at.

Where which campaign is really at? If you mean this campaign for JetBlue it’s over. Unions that belong to the AFL/CIO have to spend either 5% or 10% of their dues intake towards organizing so they may keep going with it. But right now until JetBlue Rampers get stepped on by management like a bunch of cockroaches they’ve already spoken. They don’t want a Union.

Now if you’re talking Delta they always throw their best selling point at you that unfortunately Unions also can’t beat.

Where which campaign is really at? If you mean this campaign for JetBlue it’s over. Unions that belong to the AFL/CIO have to spend either 5% or 10% of their dues intake towards organizing so they may keep going with it. But right now until JetBlue Rampers get stepped on by management like a bunch of cockroaches they’ve already spoken. They don’t want a Union.

Now if you’re talking Delta they always throw their best selling point at you that unfortunately Unions also can’t beat.

Any campaign, really. I edited my earlier post for clarity.
Any campaign, really. I edited my earlier post for clarity.

I’m sorry, I really mean it. But this loss at JetBlue really makes climbing the mountain that is Delta Airlines that much harder. I sit across from JetBlue Rampers on my Bus ride and I don’t even want to talk to them anymore. If anything bad comes their way I have zero sympathy.
Maybe, maybe not? It was already a steep climb. Not sure that B6 makes that harder than it already is.
It usually is at JB. I was hoping the fleet group would unionize as long as they were represented. Still holding out for the Mechanics to get unionized as well. IF JetBlue Mechanics get it done that will leave one last remaining airline currently holding a drive for AMFA Representation, with WestJet now filing, that leaves AA and JB, and BTW this organizing list was 7 deep at one time. It really has been a busy couple years for AMFA Organizing...

I sit across from JetBlue Rampers on my Bus ride and I don’t even want to talk to them anymore.
That's just petty and silly.

You don't know how they voted, and even if you did, its pretty shallow to base whether or not you talk to somebody on their desire to join a union or not.
That's just petty and silly.

You don't know how they voted, and even if you did, its pretty shallow to base whether or not you talk to somebody on their desire to join a union or not.

It’s currently a disappointment in the collective. From what I’ve heard (rumor) the majority of the yes votes came from FLL and it was BOS and JFK that voted no. Anyway I don’t have anything to talk to them about now besides the usual hello or goodnight. They’re on their own now.

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