C'mon JetBlue Mechanics and Related. More airlines and Mechanics groups are choosing AMFA for their representational entity and going with the Mechanic specific Class and Craft Union, AMFA. Get those cards in folks, make sure you are represented prior to merger complete with Spirit.
Congrats to the L3 employees for choosing AMFA Representation;
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Congrats to the L3 employees for choosing AMFA Representation;
National President Welcomes L3 Technologies MAS at CFB Trenton Aviation Professionals October 3, 2022 -- AMFA is extremely honored that the professionals at L3 Technologies MAS (L3) at Trenton, Ontario have chosen us to represent you as your union. We look forward to starting the collective bargaining process and working to increase the standards in your workplace. The focus of AMFA will be to build the craft/trade, highlight and recognize the importance of aircraft maintenance engineers, aircraft technicians and apprentices (the maintenance group), and occupational support services (OSS). You should be extremely proud of your accomplishment in becoming the first AMFA-represented trade group in Canada. Canada is among the top five most prosperous countries in the world and has a vast unionized workforce that includes more than 100 Aerospace and Defense Contractors, many wanting a trade-specific union like AMFA. |