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First airplane ride


Aug 20, 2002
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Along the gulf of Mexico
With AA from Bos to Pvd with my uncle Al 40yrs ago my eyes open wide at the window seat.He worked with many fine people there in Bos and loved AA it was his life.I met a few of you who worked with Al and it was my pleasure to do so.I miss uncle Al he was my hero good to everyone.I visit Bos and when I do I look to see if the old hanger is still there with the big AA bird on the side of it.Uncle Al worked fleet service in Bos for a long time.Uncle Al passed Oct 2003.I will always remember my first airplane ride thanks AA keep up the good work MERRY CHRISTMAS AND GREAT NEW YEAR. 🙂
With AA from Bos to Pvd with my uncle Al 40yrs ago my eyes open wide at the window seat.He worked with many fine people there in Bos and loved AA it was his life.I met a few of you who worked with Al and it was my pleasure to do so.I miss uncle Al he was my hero good to everyone.I visit Bos and when I do I look to see if the old hanger is still there with the big AA bird on the side of it.Uncle Al worked fleet service in Bos for a long time.Uncle Al passed Oct 2003.I will always remember my first airplane ride thanks AA keep up the good work MERRY CHRISTMAS AND GREAT NEW YEAR. 🙂

What a great post! I hear stories like this everyday on the line. All I Have to say is Thank you. It means alot to hear stories like this..Happy Holidays to you Philjr!

What Unity? :up:
Guess you only get to have a first flight once. I'm glad we were able to make a good impression.

I cannot remember the first time I go on a plane. I know I was very young. I know everytime I get on a plane I am always amazed by the whole process. Now that I am behind the scenes, I am even more amazed.
Guess you only get to have a first flight once. I'm glad we were able to make a good impression.

I cannot remember the first time I go on a plane. I know I was very young. I know everytime I get on a plane I am always amazed by the whole process. Now that I am behind the scenes, I am even more amazed.

When I was 5, my aunt and uncle took me to National Airport to watch the planes take off. There was a wonderful observation deck at that time. As 5 year olds often do, I managed to "get away". I was later found in the American Airlines crew lounge.
I was lucky to fly for PanAm and TWA for most of my adult life. I retired as an AA f/a on 4-1. Talk about coming "full circle". Even though I was furloughed in 2003, being a f/a is something that never leaves you. I hope that AA will realize at some point how many outstanding workers their customers are missing.
Happy Holidays to all.
With AA from Bos to Pvd with my uncle Al 40yrs ago my eyes open wide at the window seat.

BOS-PVD in Dec. of '65: I'll bet you were lucky enough to be on a DC-6 nearing the end of it's 20-year career with AA. They were all gone by the end of '66--replaced by BAC-111s ("400 Astrojets"), and those short-haul New England and upstate New York routes were the last bastion of the ol' 'sixes'.
BHM-MEM on Southern Airways in 1957. It was in a DC-3, unpressurized. The flight took something like 2.5 or 3 hours (it's only 275 road miles from BHM to MEM). We landed at Tuscaloosa, Columbus, MS and Tupelo, MS before getting to Memphis.
MKE-MSP in 1976 on a NW 747. A late night flight, the plane was almost empty. Arriving in MSP I saw strange liveries; White planes with red W's on the sides, and 727's with solid orange, red and light blue paint jobs.
Mine was on a Southwest Airways* (not SWA of TX) Martin 202 from LAX to SFO via SBA and MRY in 1954. Came back on a DC-3 with stops at SJC, MRY, PRB, SMX, SBA and OXR. Hot summer day and it was an adventure keeping your lunch.

* Southwest Airways>Pacific Airlines>Airwest>Hughes Airwest>Republic Airlines>Northwest Airlines.
I have always had a warm spot in my heart for AA (heck, I'm Exec Plat now) because of a gate agent at LGA in the early 60s when I was just a kid. That was back when AA (and some other airlines like Mohawk and TWA) were running sightseeing (I think they called them "flightseeing") flights. I had been on a NY Airways helicopter once from LaGuardia to Idlewild (now JFK)and a small plane on a short flight out of the old Flushing Airport, but never an airliner. Anyway, this AA gate agent at LGA let my friend and I on a DC-6 sightseeing flight FOR FREE. I think those flights normally cost $5.95 or so and lasted about 30 minutes. Mohawk used to run them out of Idlewild using Convair 240s and those only cost about $3. Maybe the whole thing was a marketing ploy to get the Baby Boom generation hooked on air travel. It worked. 😀
I was 13 years old 1978 BNA-JFK on a Braniff 727 then on to Milan on a TWA 747...I probably (luckily)eventually ended up working with some of those crew members.
My first flight was from Frankfurt, Germany (where I was born) to McGuire AFB, NJ, in 1951, on a C-97. I was two years old. The first flight I remember was from McGuire to Keflavik, with a stop at Harmon AFB in Newfoundland, in 1959, on a C-118, which was the military version of the DC-6, IIRC.

My first ride on a jet was from Elmendorf AFB outside of Anchorage to McChord AFB, near Tacoma, WA, on a chartered Alaska Airlines Convair 880. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven.

<_< How about a British flying boat! From Long Beach Harbor,Calif.,to Catilina Island, Avalon, on Catalina Airlines, back in the the early sixtys! The years of Blonds,beer,and surf boards!!! B) Years later I saw the same aircraft down in the Carribian on a trip with my wife. I believe Atilis owned it then. I hear it's now in some Air museum in Florida?----- "Merry Christmas" Everyone!!! You too TWU informer!!!!