Fire averted at SFB


May 8, 2006
Sanford, FL (AP) - A fuel-truck driver at Orlando Sanford International
Airport is being called a hero for extinguishing a fire in a tanker
loaded with 10,000 gallons of aviation fuel just feet away from two
jets packed with hundreds of British tourists. Airport officials say
Chris Pugliese "averted a horrible catastrophe."

Pugliese had just pulled his truck under the wing of a Boeing 767,
operated by Flyglobespan, when the truck's engine stalled. He walked
toward the back of the truck where the engine is located, and saw
flames. The tanker driver says he relied on his training to keep from
panicking and put out the fire. Two nearby jetliners were loaded with
passengers and ready to depart for the United Kingdom. Crews estimated
the two planes held 500 to 600 passengers. The planes were moved to
different gates before taking off.
Sanford, FL (AP) - A fuel-truck driver at Orlando Sanford International
Airport is being called a hero for extinguishing a fire in a tanker
loaded with 10,000 gallons of aviation fuel just feet away from two
jets packed with hundreds of British tourists. Airport officials say
Chris Pugliese "averted a horrible catastrophe."

Pugliese had just pulled his truck under the wing of a Boeing 767,
operated by Flyglobespan, when the truck's engine stalled. He walked
toward the back of the truck where the engine is located, and saw
flames. The tanker driver says he relied on his training to keep from
panicking and put out the fire. Two nearby jetliners were loaded with
passengers and ready to depart for the United Kingdom. Crews estimated
the two planes held 500 to 600 passengers. The planes were moved to
different gates before taking off.
Excellent.... For once, smart thinking by a "Gas Passer". That could have been ugly.