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Final Descent For Us Airways?


First off, what does my time at U have to do with the price of tea in China? That seems to be a typical unionista dig, crap on the guy lower on the totem pole to save himself. Maybe you should be more sympathetic to a certain ALPA captain around here because that seems to be ALPA logic.

I can tell you this. I'd much rather have my own job performance determine my future, than simply be locked into a vacation and pay schedule determined by an arbitrary date of hire seniority number. I am sure you work harder than people ahead of you, and I am sure there are people that work harder than you both behind and ahead of you on the list. Why should you let the reward for your performance be determined by the lowest common denominator that AFL-CIO unions have boiled down to? Keep away from child labor and stuff that. It is morally reprehensible and there are laws set up to prevent that. This isn't the 1920s and no one is going to work 12 year olds 60 hours a week.

Fact is, I was much better off before the IAM shanghi'd my work group against our will without a vote and am much better off now without having to pay someone for the right keep a job that I was immenitely qualified for on my own before the union came a knockin for a part of my paycheck. BTW, did I mention even before concessions I took home less after the IAM contract took my dues out?

Would you be willing to let job performance determine your annual pay increase? Would you be willing to let job performance dictate who gets laid off when times get bad? If not, vote yes and try to your dying breath to keep U in business, because that is the way it works in the real world. If you think your job performance can stand with anyone (and judging from your posts I think that statement is true), then why do you count on the union to protect the guy who cannot stand on his own to your detriment?

I take offense at some of your comments to Bob. Regardless of his feelings on unions, don't think for a minute that he and the rest of the "Roaches" of which I am a proud member, don't care about the employees. We certainly do. Contrary to your belief, we organized and held this meeting to contribute to the continued survival and success of US Airways and its employees. The experience and service offered to us by the employees of this airline are a primary reason we stay loyal--and that point was made repeatedly at our meeting.

The problems faced here are more than difficult. On one hand you have some of the best people in the business who are asked to give yet again. On the other hand you have a market which will no longer support current wage scales. This problem may actually have no answer--but you have to try to find one.

I respect that you and your bretheren have other issues with the company--I am not going there. I also admit that we don't have as much at stake as you all do...but the fact is we DO care, and we're only trying to help....

My best to you all.....and I mean it.
Art, thank you for your continued loyal support of U employees and the company. I know you genuinely care and do really wish us all the best. It is becoming even more increasing apparent that the company has no use for the employees who have helped to make this company endearing to our customers all these years.

If the big guys didn't see fit to fill their little winky dinky pockets with millions everytime they exited the doors, maybe the folks who have dedicated their entire lives to this industry would find some extras from their winky dinky pockets to toss in to the pot.

I, frankly am not pro or against UNION or COMPANY at this point in time. Just trying to make a living and get by. Winter is coming and their will be gas to pay. 🙁

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