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Final Descent For Us Airways?

maybe if mgmt's pay was so high then usair would be a ok and i dont buy for one that the govt atsb forced usair out of bankruptcy.
USA320Pilot said:
Hear Story



Ok captain thanks for not writing anything because the audio speaks for itself.

This guy seems to think the pilots can save the day and I hope so because unless management can raise the dead, the IAM MEMBERSHIP simply washed their hands of this entire mess, and if you find that impossible to believe, call the IAM leadership and ask them what feedback they are receiving from the membership.

Do I like this? OF COUSRE I don't like this! Reality being what it is, NASTY.

This really doesn't surprise me because the trust has been destroyed and the ones responsible were rewarded for the loss of that very precious virtue which seems to be coming back to roost. Even Ray Neidl addressed this. It’s a damn shame.
robbedagain said:
maybe if mgmt's pay was so high then usair would be a ok and i dont buy for one that the govt atsb forced usair out of bankruptcy.

US Airways has lost $143 MM in 2004. Senior management's salary is nowhere even close to that.

Please return your head into the sand now.
my head has never been in the sand. may be yours is. oh wait u dont work for usair i do. i have seen my fair share of paycuts i bet you havent
You're still missing the point, robbed. Senior management could work for free and it still wouldn't put much of a dent in the $143M. You don't have to work at US to see that.
ITRADE said:
US Airways has lost $143 MM in 2004. Senior management's salary is nowhere even close to that.

Please return your head into the sand now.
Senior Management claims to have 700m in annual savings that they are sitting on. It is time for senior management to produce a return on their bloated compensation.

Career Furloughee
All these people who start out their posts with the negative news of failure and gloom… not a bit of variety. One-track mind, stuck in a rut like an old 45 RPM. (If you don’t know what a 45 RPM is ask someone who is 50 years old!)

If they spent half as much time pounding the pavement for a new career they just might find out that it is possible to do something besides work for a bunch of...

excellent link there mister 320pilot.....yesserree......
so what he says is with pissed off creditors and pissed off employees...who will be willing to invest??
i believe its time to accept the facts here sir...it will be done this spring...i hate to see it but i have accepted this reality now.so should you. :up: :shock: :huh: :blink:
Phoenix said:
All these people who start out their posts with the negative news of failure and gloom… not a bit of variety. One-track mind, stuck in a rut like an old 45 RPM. (If you don’t know what a 45 RPM is ask someone who is 50 years old!)

If they spent half as much time pounding the pavement for a new career they just might find out that it is possible to do something besides work for a bunch of...


45! Hell, I know what a 78 is!!!
cavalier said:
45! Hell, I know what a 78 is!!!
You never see those anymore (well, almost never). Those disks were mighty fragile, even though they were twice as thick as the vinyl ones.

'Course, I also remember making punch cards for an IBM System 3. No integrated circuits in that baby. 🙂
Phoenix said:
One-track mind, stuck in a rut like an old 45 RPM. (If you don’t know what a 45 RPM is ask someone who is 50 years old!)

Wanna buy some 8 track tapes? :shock:

~~~la la la la la ~~~~ (KAA---CHUNK) --- ~~~la la la la la~~~~ 😀
PineyBob said:
Totally OFF subject Dilligas but I thought you might like to know that ONE anonymous (to the board) front line employee attended RoachFEST '04 and i am happy to report that the individual is alive and well and still employed at US Airways and to date has not been harrassed in any way. The individual was an ACTIVE participant and I personally heard one very pointed question posed by this person.

I also find it interesting that none of the Testosterone poisioned IAM so full of bluster here chose not to attend. Pehaps it was because the meeting was positive and upbeat. 2 concepts the IAM seems to be unable to grasp. Ditto the pilots.

So your pronouncements of retaliation seem to be so much internet poopy ka ka. I'll keep you posted should the situation change.

In fact Dilligas the most touching thing was when this individual shook my hand (Among many) and said "thank you for trying to save my job"

In that minute it became crystal clear why I worked so hard to be heard. If it all turns to feces and the place closes, I'll be the last one off the last flight.

Your hatred of the IAM and unions in general paint a picture of a wanta be, wanta be executive elbow rubber and reason for your wooing sessions. It very obvious bobby boy. I bet your face gets all flushed when you shake their hands and you tremble at the same time with tingles up your spine.

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