Tom, just burn the miles and get out. I am furious. Over 3 million miles on this carrier. I take my seat, mind my own business, don't drink the booze, and often don't eat. Here we are, not bothering anyone, and not doing anything they haven't offered, and's pay up or get out you mooch. A lot of my travel is SEA, and AS has added service to BOS, EWR and MIA. One phone call. They matched status, and I bought 4 RT tix for the first quarter. As for my north/south, I already have metal thanks to my Amex Centurion. Now all I have to do is figure out how to dump the million miles in DM my wife and I have. Without partners, it's a lot a trips to Erie! What a wakeup call this has been. They had gotten me to the point out of PBI where I was either traveling the night before I wanted to leave, or driving 50 miles to Lauderdale, because most of the AM service was dropped. Good riddance.