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f/a''s time to give AA 33% of your VC. JUN-APR rebid

FA Mikey

Aug 19, 2002
Reaction score
AA is wasting NO time on this. Amazing nearly 3/4 of our prior contract changes. Took from several months to several years to implement. Designing software and all that. But these will go right in. Underfly will start May 01.

Vacation bidding started on the 18th and will end on the 24th. If you have June - April you must rebid. May vacation will be given the option of just shorting it up

Well, how nice HI10 is clear and my 4 weeks are simply, two and a half. I now get to rebid with my new shorter vacation.

Heres the other kicker folks. Look when your vacation starts now. If you bid A it starts on the 5th. You fly any trips prior to the start. B starts on the 12th, C on the 18th and D on the 24th of the month.
The company should not be able to implement anything until they have those signed certifications in hand.

***** ***** ***** ***** *****
really? hearing these complaints from Yes voters just sounds so silly. Do you think you have the right to complain about your vacation loss? please spare us from your complaints, you voted Yes and gave them back willingly to carty. Need a quarter? sorry but phone calls are now 35 cents and i can''t spare the extra 10 cents to give you to dial someone who gives a damn because you gave that back to carty too.

On 4/18/2003 1:04:53 AM FA Mikey wrote:

AA is wasting NO time on this. Amazing nearly 3/4 of our prior contract changes. Took from several months to several years to implement. Designing software and all that. But these will go right in. Underfly will start May 01.

Vacation bidding started on the 18th and will end on the 24th. If you have June - April you must rebid. May vacation will be given the option of just shorting it up

Well, how nice HI10 is clear and my 4 weeks are simply, two and a half. I now get to rebid with my new shorter vacation.

Heres the other kicker folks. Look when your vacation starts now. If you bid "A" it starts on the 5th. You fly any trips prior to the start. "B" starts on the 12th, "C" on the 18th and "D" on the 24th of the month.

Unfortunately, as with the TWU all they need is agreements with the Union Leadership. Jim Little signed off on giving away Good Friday of this year (prior to DOS) and vacation earned last year. Unfortunately "they can do that". At least you guys can vote them out. Little is appointed. We are stuck with him.
On 4/18/2003 5:54:35 AM coldplay wrote:
really? hearing these complaints from Yes voters just sounds so silly. Do you think you have the right to complain about your vacation loss? please spare us from your complaints, you voted Yes and gave them back willingly to carty. Need a quarter? sorry but phone calls are now 35 cents and i can''t spare the extra 10 cents to give you to dial someone who gives a damn because you gave that back to carty too.
The only way there was a yes vote from me. Is if someone from AA called in with my SS got my pin and changed my vote.
On 4/18/2003 7:27:59 AM FA Mikey wrote:

The only way there was a yes vote from me. Is if someone from AA called in with my SS got my pin and changed my vote.


oh my apologies Mikey, I must have missed your change of heart post, the one where you said you attended a meeting and finally saw the truth and Bob O. got blown away by your 180

I was skipping most of your posts this month because if I wanted to hear any more Yes propaganda, all I had to was go talk to the nearest FSM in DFW or call John Ward and Jeff Bott.

so i do apologize, But please take note that we (and this includes you) NO voters should not tolerate any whiny complaints about anything from the YES voters. They gave in and were willing to hand over our lives to Carty, and to hear them whine and #### about the coming losses and discomfort we''re about to feel for the next 8-10 years, is good enough reason for any red-blooded human being to walk up and ####-slap them
without fear of being arrested for assault and battery.
On 4/18/2003 7:27:59 AM FA Mikey wrote:

The only way there was a yes vote from me. Is if someone from AA called in with my SS got my pin and changed my vote.

[SIZE= 12pt]It was easier than that. No one needed your Social Security number. The PINs were sequential following the alphabetical order of each base roster. Anyone who knew his or her own PIN could determine the PINs of each and every fellow flight attendant at his or her base by simply accessing the rosters on the Flight Service web site. I believe that the employee numbers are equally easy to obtain.

Supervisors and other management personnel could obtain all of your personal information from Sabre, including your Social Security number and other information which was used early on to verify identity such as date of hire.

Many reported that on the day of the extended vote, the union office issued PINs, on the phone, to those who were unable to get through to the AAA due to jammed phone lines. [/SIZE]Obviously, such a list was available to those at the union headquarters who had a motive to change the outcome of the vote.

Then, there were those who were erroneously listed as not being dues current, because the union's office was unaware of their furlough or OVL status. How many of the "Ineligible" votes are due to such clerical errors?

Those problems were not unique to the APFA. The exact same voting system was used by the APA and the TWU. 10,000 TWU members were unable to vote due to not having received their PINs.
On 4/18/2003 1:04:53 AM FA Mikey wrote:

AA is wasting NO time on this. Amazing nearly 3/4 of our prior contract changes. Took from several months to several years to implement. Designing software and all that. But these will go right in. Underfly will start May 01.


Hey Mike,

Don't feel it's only you guys. Over here at UAL we haven't even finished voting on the thing and our May schedules reflect all the changes...not to mention communications from scheduliing management re: certain changes. Let's face it...management sucks big time...their arrogance is causing me to seriously reconsider...this in light of the fact that AFA did due diligence in taking the company to task re: the VALUE of our givebacks, and for the most part the company playing fair. I suppose I should learn to NEVER give them any credit at fairness. I'm now reconsidering my YES vote...and trying to track down the author of the aboved mentioned communication for an explanation.

BTW, to all, where is little miss muffitt? Don't see her around now that you guys caved.