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F/A suspensions

WOW, considering that the east side were the first people writing up west side employees I would have to say that the easties are the writey up types not the west folks. Cannot wait till the USAirways finally dies like it should have done after it destroyed PSA and Piedmont.

sky high states: WOW, back at ya. YOU can not wait til thousands of honest, hardworking PEOPLE are OUT OF A JOB? Misplaced BLAME.

only stating opinions
sky high states: Hey Pitbull, how is suspension determined? Can they arbitrarily decide the number of days and/or is their contractual language for this?

only stating opinions

It's almost always determined by "past practice", and that's determined by what the union let's them get away with. With or without pay is determined by f/a contract sec. 24. Almost always, always, always suspension WITH pay, unless it is for Alcohol/drug related offense, theft of company property, or firearms. PERIOD. That 's ALL contractual.

They once tried to pull some SHITT when I was there for a f/a who pulled a slide, making second offense terminating. First offense 10 day suspension. I nipped that in their BUTTS! NEVER when I was there was there a suspension on the EAST for a pax being left on board. It was considered an operational discipline and a write up. ONLY for the offenses stated above where the company could suspend without pay did they follow through with suspension. The company thought twice about suspending f/as on the EAST because THEY HAD TO PAY THE F/A WHILE THEY WERE OUT BECAUSE THAT WAS CONTRACTUAL. If a f/a got suspended, it was like a paid vacation. So the company just didn't do that.

I don't know what the hell they are doing on the West side, but if I were on that MEC, I would be ensuring that the disciplines for these kinds of offenses were THE SAME AS EAST, AND SEC. 24 IMPLEMENTED asap, OR PICKETS SHOULD START FOR UNFAIR/PREFERENTIAL TREATEMENT OF F/AS AT USAirways!!!!!
Here's a question.....If somebody was terminated and the Union assisted in getting their job back.....would that person qualify for back pay if it turns out the Company was in the wrong for terminating the employee?
Haven't you figured out that USAir is the dog that just won't die? We will be around for the last laugh...long after American West is but a dim memory.
US Airways operated by America West. Thank goodness the old U is dead. What did it get us? Lowest wages, no pensions, two Xmas wondering if we had a job? Provincial minds running a NE regional airline. Alaska does the same thing and is still relatively healthy.
I don't know what the hell they are doing on the West side, but if I were on that MEC, I would be ensuring that the disciplines for these kinds of offenses were THE SAME AS EAST, AND SEC. 24 IMPLEMENTED asap, OR PICKETS SHOULD START FOR UNFAIR/PREFERENTIAL TREATEMENT OF F/AS AT USAirways!!!!!

sky high states: Granted, we all know YOU would of taken care of this abuse. Your record is all over the web. And, I get the feeling, you still care for all your colleagues, by your countless posts offering your wonderful wisdom here. You, go. AND, THANK YOU.

ONLY stating opinions
Unfortunately, "Writey-uppy" FAs exist on the East side as well.

One of the victims of a Writey-uppy Eastie recently posted her experience on the 66message board.
I would like to post it here, but do not feel comfortable copying from a secure board w/o permission.

The gist is two SANPHL jumpseat commuters took issue with a non-verbatim announcement to the effect that the flight was operated by America West.
Which it was.
Also posted was the original write -up.
The basis of the report supposedly being that the non-verbatim announcement was confusing to pax.
Caused lots of trouble for a senior and exemplory FA who has also been a big help to the union in the past, and to the rest of the crew.
Not to mention the entire base had to hear more warnings and threats about Verbatim Announcements.
(Verbatim Announcements are high on the priority list for West sup's nags)

Why would any FA at any company at any seniority level take the time to cause grief like this to another FA?
Why not just approach the FA you have an issue with and mention it?
Ridiculous and childish.
Not helpful at all.

Please, can't we all just get along?
Let just jump aaaaaaall over this ok. You have this instance of an east flight attendant writing up a west flight attendant for the "owned and operated" part of their announcement. NOW we are all "writyuppy" east flight attendants when the west is NOTORIOUS for writing each other up. NO SECRET. The east folks DO NOT write each other up unless you seriously have done something to p!ss someone off or compromised safety. Writyuppy easties......anything else? I had a f/a do the same thing to me on a 757 from PHX to LAS after we chatted for a few minutes. I went into the bathroom before landing and the announcement for landing was being made. She made it a POINT to say "We hope you enjoyed your flight this evening on Usairways OWNED AND OPERATED BY AMERICA WEST. I turned to her when I got out of the bathroom and said, "Honey you don't OWN anybody and tell a friend".
Hardly. My 10 years commuting out of SAN the crypt city? yeah right. HA HA HA HA
Let just jump aaaaaaall over this ok. You have this instance of an east flight attendant writing up a west flight attendant for the "owned and operated" part of their announcement. NOW we are all "writyuppy" east flight attendants when the west is NOTORIOUS for writing each other up. NO SECRET. The east folks DO NOT write each other up unless you seriously have done something to p!ss someone off or compromised safety. Writyuppy easties......anything else? I had a f/a do the same thing to me on a 757 from PHX to LAS after we chatted for a few minutes. I went into the bathroom before landing and the announcement for landing was being made. She made it a POINT to say "We hope you enjoyed your flight this evening on Usairways OWNED AND OPERATED BY AMERICA WEST. I turned to her when I got out of the bathroom and said, "Honey you don't OWN anybody and tell a friend".
Part of the reason everyone thinks the Westies are write up happy is because we are the only base in the operation hiring and have constant new hires on the property. I don't trust a lot of the newbies off the street. Come later this month new hires will start training, and additional classes to follow the rest of year. These new guys don't know the unwritten rule of NOT TO EVER write up co workers, NO NO NO!! They have to learn the hard way. Plus our inflight mgmt goes so far as to protect the fa that writes up another!! Ridiculous!
Part of the reason everyone thinks the Westies are write up happy is because we are the only base in the operation hiring and have constant new hires on the property. I don't trust a lot of the newbies off the street. Come later this month new hires will start training, and additional classes to follow the rest of year. These new guys don't know the unwritten rule of NOT TO EVER write up co workers, NO NO NO!! They have to learn the hard way. Plus our inflight mgmt goes so far as to protect the fa that writes up another!! Ridiculous!
Don't worry, hopefully they will soon be displaced after merger to LGA!!
Let just jump aaaaaaall over this ok. You have this instance of an east flight attendant writing up a west flight attendant for the "owned and operated" part of their announcement.

No, you have gossip about an allegation that an east F/A wrote up west F/As. Deliver proof otherwise the entire event is fantasy.

If it had happened, who cares. The worst I can see is "counseling". If any kind of discipline was involved, both sets of F/As should take to task the supervisors. A concerted effort goes a long way.