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F/A suspensions

A dear friend of mine was suspended for 30 days for leaving a passenger on board awhile back. We were convinced the gate agent let the passenger back down the jetway.

sky high states: The 30 suspension held? Didnt they look into who let the passenger down the jetway and/or look into the Senior F/A doing a visual of all disarmed doors prior to leaving the aircraft? They didnt believe the word of THREE F/A's. And, the WEST UNION didnt do a great job if the suspension remained intact. Apparently, the Company is walking all over the Union out there. :down:

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We had a string of these incidents a few years ago. I wouldn't say that the company is walking over the west union. I think when the company has to self disclose to FAA and they are fined. The company takes a strong stance first with threaten of termination, then the union fights it down to a suspension. It seemed all of a sudden come 2002 these over the top disciplines were the norm. This is how its been since the SS is running the show.
This is all too true. This really came into to play when the SS took over. A dear friend of mine was suspended for 30 days for leaving a passenger on board awhile back. We were convinced the gate agent let the passenger back down the jetway. Then she was on probation for a year following the suspension. The union did a great job defending the crew ...However Inflight wouldn't budge. Its crazy but thats how it is here in Phoenix. The only way THEY justify their jobs. I'm just concerned when they are going to start practicing this on the EAST... or at least try to.

This would not happen on the East. Losing one months pay is an extreme discipline. The company must prove that the pax was left on board, and that the agent did not open the door to let the pax back on the plane.

Most importantly, Sec. 24 does not permit the company to suspend without pay! They can only suspend without pay if the infraction was alcohol, drug or firearms related, or theft of company property.
I very good friend of mine just completed 15days suspension for the whole crew "forgetting" a passenger onboard, in ONT. Poor things were all RSV and the company wanted a 30-45day suspension, but they union said it's to much of a financial harship on our salary so the company said 15days or termination... there are so f****** ridicoulous... let me get in one of them meetin's I'll be like heres my badge I work to hard to put up w/ your crap.... I'd be done, what an insult... the union WAS very sh*tty to my friend and pretty much already had the meeting w/ the company before my friend showed up for his meeting and they just told him what was gonna happend... was such BS.... i'm going back to CLT as soon as the contracts are done and there's slots, sh*t even BOS or LGA is sounding good..lol
I very good friend of mine just completed 15days suspension for the whole crew "forgetting" a passenger onboard, in ONT. Poor things were all RSV and the company wanted a 30-45day suspension, but they union said it's to much of a financial harship on our salary so the company said 15days or termination... there are so f****** ridicoulous... let me get in one of them meetin's I'll be like heres my badge I work to hard to put up w/ your crap.... I'd be done, what an insult... the union WAS very sh*tty to my friend and pretty much already had the meeting w/ the company before my friend showed up for his meeting and they just told him what was gonna happend... was such BS.... i'm going back to CLT as soon as the contracts are done and there's slots, sh*t even BOS or LGA is sounding good..lol
How is management finding out about these incidents? Who/what/and where is there source of information?
I very good friend of mine just completed 15days suspension for the whole crew "forgetting" a passenger onboard, in ONT. Poor things were all RSV and the company wanted a 30-45day suspension, but they union said it's to much of a financial harship on our salary so the company said 15days or termination...

sky high states: Hey Pitbull, how is suspension determined? Can they arbitrarily decide the number of days and/or is their contractual language for this?

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I very good friend of mine just completed 15days suspension for the whole crew "forgetting" a passenger onboard, in ONT. Poor things were all RSV and the company wanted a 30-45day suspension,

sky high states: Am I reading this right? ALL CREWMEMBERS were disciplined?

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Man are they in for a rude awakening. HUGE.

WOW, considering that the east side were the first people writing up west side employees I would have to say that the easties are the writey up types not the west folks. Cannot wait till the USAirways finally dies like it should have done after it destroyed PSA and Piedmont.

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