What are your duty-rigs like? Do you have ANY?
Sorry US CREW... at first I wanted to laugh at loud... when I read about Sleep times? and How long I can work... 😛 But then you were being serious. 😉 OK... Here goes...
Our Union Web Site :
Our Contract 101 Page:
And Info on our Contract:
· "All trips assigned to GR Flight Attendants must report no earlier than the original trip’s scheduled report and be released no later than the original trip’s scheduled release time provided, however, GR Flight Attendants may be rerouted in accordance with Paragraph D.2., above."
· The "original trip’s scheduled report" refers to the report time on your first day of your original trip and the "released no later than the original trip’s scheduled release time", refers to the scheduled release time of your original trip. This language refers only to the first and last day of the trip and does not apply to days, which fall in between. If you had a turn day scheduled and were put on GR, both the original report and original release would have to be met. If you had a 3-day trip and a situation occurred, which caused you to be put on GR for the last 2-days of your originally scheduled trip, Crew Resources could assign you to report beginning at 12:01 A.M. on the first day of your GR shift and would have to get you back by your originally scheduled release time. If you had a 4-day trip and circumstances caused you to be put on GR for the first three days of your originally scheduled trip, Crew Resources could not assign you a trip which reported earlier than your originally scheduled trip and would have to get you back by 11:59 P.M. on the last day of your trip. It is necessary to call Crew Resources after 4 P.M. to find out if a shift has been assigned for the following day. The assignment must be made at the time of the call. If no assignment is made, the F/A is released for the following day and guaranteed the credit for the next days’ credit. If you bring up your line after 4 P.M. and do not see a trip assigned, it is still necessary to call Crew Resources to verify no trip has been assigned.
· "The on-duty period will be the period of time commencing from report to release."
· If you are sitting HOT at the airport and are given an assignment, be sure to calculate the time you have spent sitting HOT in addition to the scheduled duty period of the trip you have been assigned. Based on the time you reported for your HOT shift, you cannot be assigned a trip, which exceeds the scheduled duty periods listed on page 5-8 of our Agreement. For example: If you are assigned a HOT Reserve shift, which reports at 1700 and at 2100 you are called with a trip assignment which reports at 2200 and has a scheduled duty period of 7.30 hours, you can decline the trip. You have been on duty since 1700 and if you add the 7.30 scheduled duty period to the 4 hours you have been sitting HOT plus the hour in between your HOT shift and the actual assignment, this gives you a total duty time of 12.30, which exceeds the 12.0 "scheduled duty" time which you could have been scheduled for based on your report time of 1601-1900.
· Scheduled verses Actual: All pairings, which appear in the bid package, must be built using the parameters of the Hours of Service Chart. If your "scheduled report" is between the hours of 0500 and 1600 your pairing could be built with a maximum scheduled duty day of up to 13 hours. While working this pairing, if an irregular operation occurs, you are obligated to remain on the pairing until you are projected to exceed a 14.30-hour duty day (see How is Projected Duty Day Determined below). Depending on what time your pairing reported (not departed) you will have different bench marks for what the projected time is for electing to continue and receive the 1 for 2 incentive pay or electing to be removed and not exceed your duty limitations. For example if your report time was 1910, your scheduled duty could be built to 11 hours. If an irregular operation occurred you would be able to volunteer to continue or elect to be removed when your duty day was projected to exceed 13 hours. Know this section and point out this chart to Irregular Operations if they are not using the parameters based on your check-in time. (Please see "How is the Projection of Exceeding Duty Limitations Determined" below.)
· Tail-End DH Bringing You Back to Domicile: In the paragraph listed below the Hours of Service Chart, tail-end DH’s are explained. First and foremost these will be pairings that F/A’s will view in the monthly bid packets. The Company cannot create pairings with these parameters to place into COT or assign to Reserves. This paragraph explains that the last duty period of a trip may be scheduled for 4 hours beyond duty limitations for the purpose of deadheading to domicile. These trips are high-yield and provide bid-lines with fewer days away from base. If you do not like working long days, bid away from these pairings.
· Declining Reschedules or Reroutes Exceeding 15 Hours: In this same paragraph it details that if a reschedule or reroute causes a F/A to be projected more than 15 hours, the F/A may decline the DH segment. This language refers to pairings, which are not built with a tail-end DH. So, if you have a regular pairing that doesn’t have the tail-end DH segment and the pairing is rescheduled (reschedules occur prior to checking in for the trip) with a tail-end DH segment at the end of the duty day that exceeds 15 hours, the F/A may decline the DH segment and shall be subject to Section7-D.1. and D.2. If you are working a regular pairing, which does not include a tail-end DH and your pairing is rerouted (a change in the scheduled routing after the F/A reports in domicile) with a tail-end DH that exceeds 15 hours, the F/A may decline the tail-end DH segment and shall be subject to Section 7-D.1. and D.2. AFA filed Grievance #61 regarding Reschedules with Tail-End DH’s on August 17, 2000. The Company has rescheduled the DCA turns (the DCA turns have been delayed until September 26th) with a duty day of 15.21 hours. We have learned that if the F/A is notified (Lack of Notification Grievance #32) and wishes to accept exceeding their duty limitation and be paid the 1 for 2 incentive pay…they are being told they are not eligible for the 1 for 2 incentive pay. If the F/A declines the tail-end DH, they are being placed on GR and the trip is placed into COT or assigned to a Reserve. AFA believes the F/A should be able to accept the reschedule trip and be paid the 1 for 2 incentive pay or decline the rescheduled pairing and be subject to Section 7-D.1. AFA further believes the declined pairing cannot be placed into COT (as this was not a pairing viewed in the monthly bid packet) or be assigned to a Reserve.
SICK BANK USAGE: SECTION 15Each year all F/A’s receive a grant of 45 credit hours for sick leave usage. When calling in sick a Scheduler will usually ask if you are calling in sick for your entire trip. If you are not sure how you will feel for the rest of your scheduled days, it is a good idea to let them know you would like to be put on Guaranteed Reserve, so that in case you feel better you can pick up the rest of your scheduled trip or be assigned a trip, which fits the parameters of GR. If your trip is routed through Phoenix, the Scheduler will automatically put you back on your trip for the next day. For days you are available for GR and the Company does not assign you a shift, you will be released and guaranteed the credit from your originally scheduled trip for that day. At the end of the sick occurrence Timekeeping will adjust your line value (maximum of 75 hours) based on what your hours were at, at the time of your sick call and the hours available in your sick bank. If you were at 78 hours and as a result of calling in sick your line value fell to 68 hours, at the end of the occurrence Timekeeping would adjust your line value to 75 hours, provided you had sick hours available in your sick bank. If at the time of your sick call your hours were at 65 and the sick call resulted in your hours dropping to 55 hours, at the end of the occurrence Timekeeping would adjust your line value up to 65 hours. A few days after the sick occurrence your Union suggests that you review your payroll format and if your hours have not been adjusted properly, call Timekeeping at 480-693-1927 and requesting the adjustments be made to your line. There is a person that has been hired specifically to make these adjustments Monday through Friday. This is the only way to insure that trips, which are picked-up after the sick call, are being fully paid to the Flight Attendant and not being added to the Flight Attendant’s line value before supplementing from the Flight Attendant’s sick bank up to 75 hours. Remember you can also utilize your sick bank prior to going on STD, to care for the illness or injury of a spouse, parent or child or to supplement your income up to 85 hours in the second month of an OJI.
Sick Bank Carry-Over Grievance
A grievance was filed over the calculation of the sick bank rollover. In the contract, we can roll-over one-half of the unused portion of our sick bank if the total percentage of sick leave is at 2.8% or lower of total block hours. Historically as a work group, we never exceeded that percentage so 2.8% was a reasonable figure. However, in January, 2000, we held a meeting with the company to review sick leave utilization figures and discovered two different calculations to determine sick leave utilization. One calculation was based on the actual average daily block hours and the other sick leave usage calculation used fixed or planned average daily block hours. We worked through each of the calculation figures to see which was beneficial and which would increase our chances of getting the sick bank rollover. We determined that staying with the current 2.8% was better and improved our chances. Using the actual calculation would put us further back and we would never achieve the roll-over - so the grievance was closed and we stay with the 2.8% threshold.
· On June 21, 2000 your MEC officers met with the Director of Crew Resources, Tracy Carlson and the key department heads of Crew Resources to discuss how the projection is determined regarding duty limitations and the 1 for 2 incentive pay. Your MEC felt that the purpose of this section was to protect the operation from having flights canceled and that making the determination earlier rather than later is definitely an advantage to the Company. After 3 hours of discussions Ms. Carlson agreed that if a flight crew is in an irregular operation the following process would be used to determine a crews projection:
If there is a question as to the crew being projected over the duty limitations (based on the report time on the chart on page 5-8 of the contract) the F/A will speak with a senior coordinator.
The Senior Coordinator will determine if the crew is projected to exceed their duty limitation.
The projection will be determined by first subtracting the "scheduled duty" from the "actual duty". This figure is then added to the scheduled push time of your last leg, which will give you the time that your last leg must push by, in order for you to NOT exceed your duty limitations. For example: You have a 12.26 hour scheduled duty day, which reported at 0950. According to the Hours of Service Chart a F/A can elect to not exceed a 14.30 actual duty day in the event of an irregular operation occurring. You have worked PHXSFO and are scheduled to work SFOPHX PHXBWI and encounter a delay in SFO. Your scheduled push time for PHXBWI is 1740. If you subtract your scheduled duty (12.26) from your actual duty (14.30) you will come up with 2.04. If you add the 2.04 to your scheduled push time for your last leg (PHXBWI) (1740 + 204 =1944) you will determine that if your last leg does not push by 1744 you will be exceeding your duty limitation. Irregular Operations will also take into consideration whether your continuing flights navigate thru a hub in order to replace you. A F/A shall not be required to remain on duty beyond the maximum duty limits in Section 5 paragraph F. (There will be NO REDUCTION in ANY SCHEDULED GROUND TIME)
When the crew is projected over their duty limitation the Senior Coordinator will either: a) Record the crews acceptance to exceed their duty limitations and the crew will be expected to complete the trip; B) Will replace any crew member who wishes to not exceed their duty day limitations and will let the crew member know at what point they will be replaced (crewmember will never be required to exceed their duty limitations).
· If you are projected to exceed your duty limitations and have volunteered to continue your duty day and your flight cancels or your duty day does not exceed the limitations when actually flown, it is necessary to submit a pay exception form to receive the 1 for 2 incentive pay. Remember that the incentive is 1 minute of flight pay for each 2 minutes of on duty for the entire duty period. If you had volunteered to exceed your duty day and the flight canceled and the duty day actually worked was 10 would receive 5 hours of additional pay above what the actual credit for that duty day was.
· Please refer to the chart on page 5-8 of the contract to determine what the length of your duty day must be in order to exceed your duty limitation. (It is not always 14.30)
· The Minimum Rest Periods chart in Section 5-E of our contract lists the "scheduled", "waivable" and "actual" parameters for required minimum rest periods at domicile and at layovers. All rest periods are based on "scheduled" not actual times. For example: If you have been scheduled to arrive in your layover city at 0100, but due to an irregular operation you arrive at 0430 your rest could be reduced to 8 hours. Your original scheduled rest period is a minimum of 9:15 and is reducible by Scheduling to 8 hours.
· Scheduled Domicile Rest for Lineholders is 11 hours: waivable only by the F/A to 10 hours.
· Scheduled Domicile Rest for Lineholders on duty thru 0400 is 11 hours waivable only by the F/A to 10 hours.
· Scheduled Domicile Rest for Reserves is 10 hours: waivable only by the Reserve to 9 hours.
· Scheduled Domicile Rest for Reserves on duty thru 0400 is 1100: waivable by the Reserve to 9 hours.
· Layover Rest for Lineholders must be scheduled for 9:15 and is reducible by Scheduling to 8 hours, due to an irregular operation.
· Layover Rest for a Lineholder on duty thru 0400 must be scheduled for 11 hours and is reducible by Scheduling to 10 hours, due to an irregular operation.
· Layover rest for Reserves must be scheduled for 9:15 and is reducible by Scheduling to 8 hours, due to an irregular operation.
· Layover Rest for a Reserve on duty thru 0400 must be scheduled for 11 hours and is reducible by Scheduling to 10 hours, due to an irregular operation.
FAR 121.467
· FAR 121.467 under #3 states that a scheduled rest period may be reduced to 8 consecutive hours if the F/A is provided a subsequent rest period of at least 10 consecutive hours; this subsequent rest period must be scheduled to begin no later than 24 hours after the beginning of the reduced rest period and must occur between the completion of the scheduled duty period and the commencement of the subsequent duty period. This means if your minimum rest is reduced to 8 hours you must receive 10 hours of minimum rest within 24 hours of the beginning of your reduced rest period. Anytime your layover rest is reduced to 8 hours on a layover be sure that Irregular Operations schedules your next nights layover rest for a minimum of 10 hours.
Nov. 10, 2000
Re: Letter of Agreement
Grievance No. 24-66-2-06-99: Downgrades
This Letter of Agreement confirms the parties’ agreement regarding the resolution of the above-referenced grievance
1. The Association of Flight Attendants (“AFAâ€) has filed Grievance No. 24-66-2-06-99 (the “Grievanceâ€) with America West Airlines, Inc. (the “Companyâ€), alleging that the Company violated Section 7.D.5 of the parties’ collective bargaining agreement after November 7, 1999, by refusing to release from all duty a flight attendant in each downgrade situation.
2. A hearing on the Grievance was held before Arbitrator Fredric R. Horowitz on February 24, 2000, and March 21, 2000. On July 28, 2000, Arbitrator Horowitz issued an Opinion and Interim Award (the “Interim Awardâ€) remanding the matter to the parties for 120 days to develop appropriate guidelines under Section 7.D.5 and apply those standards to downgraded flights covered by the Grievance.
3. In accordance with the Interim Award, the parties desire to resolve all claims arising out of and relating to the Grievance under the terms of this Letter of Agreement.
1. Effective September 19, 2000, the Company will not release a fourth flight attendant from duty in the event of a downgrade in the following circumstances:
(a) Where the downgraded flight has a potential return down line on equipment with the same crew complement as the originally scheduled aircraft; or
(B) Where the downgraded flight has a projected load factor of 85% or greater, AND offers meal service. For purposes of this Letter of Agreement, “meal service†includes any meal, hot or cold, that is served to passengers on a tray, but does not include prepackaged snack service on a tray.
2. The Company will make payments to the individual flight attendants listed in the attached Exhibit A in the amount indicated for each flight attendant. The payments listed in Exhibit A shall be in full and complete settlement of both AFA’s claims against the Company arising out of or relating to the Grievance, and any and all individual flight attendant claims against the Company arising out of or relating to the Grievance. AFA expressly acknowledges and agrees that the amounts listed in Exhibit A constitute the sole and entire payment any flight attendant ever will receive from the Company for any and all claims arising out of or relating to any downgrade from November 7, 1999, to the date of this Letter of Agreement.
3. AFA shall withdraw the Grievance with prejudice.
4. The terms of this Letter of Agreement may be altered or amended only upon the written consent of both AFA and the Company.
5. This Letter of Agreement constitutes the sole and entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes any and all prior and contemporaneous agreements, promises, representations, negotiations, and understandings of the parties, whether written or oral.
Ok... Now in real Terms....
Minimum Rest:
Line Holders : Scheduled is 11 hrs. Waivable to : 10hrs. Lay over rest should be scheduled for 9:15 min.... and Actual down to 8hrs of rest....
On Duty thru 0400 (AM) Scheduled is 11hr and Waivable to : 10hrs. Scheduled to 11hrs min and actual down to 10 hrs.
Reserves : Get this....

Scheduled 10hrs min... and waivable to 9hrs. Scheduled down to 9:15hrs min. and ACtual can be 8hr of sleep.
Hours to work:
If you Report between 0500-1600 you can be Scheduled Duty no more than 13hrs. Your Actual Duty day may be up to 14.5Hrs... YOu can land 7 times
If you Report Between 1601-1900 You can be Scheduled Duty for 12hrs. your Actual Duty day may be up to 14hrs. You can land 7 times.
If you Report Between 1901-2200 you can be Scheduled for Only 11hrs. but your Duty day may be pushed up to 13hrs. You can only land 5 times
If you report
Between 2201-0459. You can be Scheduled Duty no more than 9.5hrs and No more than 10.5hrs of actual duty. You can only have 3 landings.
Also the last duty period of a trip may be scheduled for 4 hrs beyond duty limitations for the purpost of deadheading to domicile. If you are rerouted or rescheduled caused you to be projected to be on duty for more than 15hrs. You can decline a deadhead segment at then end of your duty day.