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Express Beverage Service on Mainline

Passengers are still not allowed to bring their own drinks on board. What are you going to do? Let them die of thirst? Get your lazy ass and do a beverage service on this flights! Phx and Las are very hot cities and we are going to lose customers with attitude like yours.
Wrong, oh misinformed one....

Effective Tuesday, September 26, TSA Is Adjusting The Ban On Liquids, Aerosols And Gels

There are two major changes:

1. Travelers may now carry through security checkpoints travel-size toiletries (3 ounces or less) that fit comfortably in ONE, QUART-SIZE, clear plastic, zip-top bag.

2. After clearing security, travelers can now bring beverages and other items purchased in the secure boarding area on-board aircraft.

DHS website

Passengers can bring anything they want on to drink as long as it's bought inside the airport secured area. They are just following our guidelines. Get over it.
Obviously you are one of those misinformed former AWA f/a's who think you saved USAirways. How many times does Doug Parker need to say w/o this merger AWA would not have survived either. Lets not beat this dead horse again. As far as seniority goes, US was once an awesome airline to work for, why else would we have people here for 40 yrs. Why do you think the seniority at AWA is so junior? Let me guess could it be because they have always been a poor paying airline with less then appealing work rules. NEXT!!

Well the reason we are junior is because our airline AWA was founded in 1983. US is made up of many carriers some of which carried their senority and bitter attitudes with them. Hope that clarifies that issue.

Like it not, we worked for low wages, and continue to do so to keep our jobs. Many of our AWA employees gave up alot to keep the airline running back in the early days. Just as all of you at the OLD US did to keep your company afloat during 2 bankruptcies! Let me remind you, you were DAYS of losing your precious senority..and your job. Without AWA AQUIRING (yes aquired your Bankrupt airline) YOU would not be here today to gloat about your precious senority..but instead worrying about which basket of Fries or which burger needs to be flipped at McDonalds!

WE are a family..ONE airline...get used to it, as you are a part of the NEW US...and we all need to stick together.

The start of this thread was to remind ALL of us to take care of the passenger...its not that difficult to roll out your beverage cart and provide our paying passengers a beverage on the flight to Vegas. Stop being lazy and take care of OUR passengers. I get sick to my stomach to hear that on long haul flights thos LAZY FAs stick a bag of pretzels, water and a stack of cups out infront of your closed curtain galley for OUR passengers to help themselves when you should be doing YOUR job! Maybe if you got up off your C&D sized bottom to provide a beverage service, OUR passengers would not decide to fly Southwest.

Well the reason we are junior is because our airline AWA was founded in 1983. US is made up of many carriers some of which carried their senority and bitter attitudes with them. Hope that clarifies that issue.

No, the reason you are so junior is because your management realizes that they can only control young naive children. US East is made up of many very educated and experienced professionals. Hope that clarifies the issue!

WE are a family..ONE airline...get used to it, as you are a part of the NEW US...and we all need to stick together.

Maybe if you got up off your C&D sized bottom to provide a beverage service, OUR passengers would not decide to fly Southwest.

I am guessing your invitation to the family reunion will get 'lost'.
Well the reason we are junior is because our airline AWA was founded in 1983. US is made up of many carriers some of which carried their senority and bitter attitudes with them. Hope that clarifies that issue.

Like it not, we worked for low wages, and continue to do so to keep our jobs. Many of our AWA employees gave up alot to keep the airline running back in the early days. Just as all of you at the OLD US did to keep your company afloat during 2 bankruptcies! Let me remind you, you were DAYS of losing your precious senority..and your job. Without AWA AQUIRING (yes aquired your Bankrupt airline) YOU would not be here today to gloat about your precious senority..but instead worrying about which basket of Fries or which burger needs to be flipped at McDonalds!

WE are a family..ONE airline...get used to it, as you are a part of the NEW US...and we all need to stick together.

The start of this thread was to remind ALL of us to take care of the passenger...its not that difficult to roll out your beverage cart and provide our paying passengers a beverage on the flight to Vegas. Stop being lazy and take care of OUR passengers. I get sick to my stomach to hear that on long haul flights thos LAZY FAs stick a bag of pretzels, water and a stack of cups out infront of your closed curtain galley for OUR passengers to help themselves when you should be doing YOUR job! Maybe if you got up off your C&D sized bottom to provide a beverage service, OUR passengers would not decide to fly Southwest.

Where would AWA be today with this merger?? 1983 huh? Well looking at your seniority list, there isn't that many people with over 15 yrs, so that means the bulk of your seniority list is less then 15 yrs. Not to mention the extremely high turn over AWA has always had.

Lets not go there on how great you are to your customers, I have traveled many times on AWA even prior to this merger, as a paying passenger an as a non rev. I was less then impressed. If those passengers are "yours" then you would be flying those routes. Get over yourself. Talk about old and bitter. NEXT!
No, the reason you are so junior is because your management realizes that they can only control young naive children. US East is made up of many very educated and experienced professionals. Hope that clarifies the issue!


Well if that was infact the case (which is not) YOU the OLD US would not have visited bankruptcy not once but twice!

Well if that was infact the case (which is not) YOU the OLD US would not have visited bankruptcy not once but twice!



Don't waste your time and energy on US1YFARE. If you read his old posts, he is a passenger who used to bash the OLD US Airways. It amazes me how he praises the old us airways now. LOL...What a fool!

He is just causing some conflict between the two groups and wants us to fight with one another. I have seen the seniority list at US Airways east and it's not that bad. Remember, we have PIT, BOS, LGA, PHL, CLT, LAS and PHX F/A hubs. Even if some transfers to PHX, there are also those senior f/a's here on the west who are going to transter in the east and it's all going to even itself out. I don't think it's that bad. I have jumpseated on the east metal and have talked to the f/a's and they even told me the same thing. One even said, oh....if I transter to PHX. My base seniority is going to be about the same. We have alot of F/As here who have 20 years and more, so chill don't get aggravated with US1FARe. He's a fool and doesn't know what he's talking about. He's not even a flight attendant and doesn't even work here. I don't even know why he sticks his nose in the flight attendants business.
He just wants to create chaos.

Stay focused and we all need one another for the picketing on the 31st!
Then why the heck does he bash the flight attendants in the west and calling us unprofessional? Doesn't he realize that west has alot of former US east f/as, former Delta, TWA, Eastern, American etc? We have alot of professional and experienced flight attendants here. He doesn't know what he's talking about.

Stay focused and if you are off on the 31st. Better show up at the picketing!

We all have a chance of seeing some major improvement in the merged contract if we all stick together.

If we don't stick together, we are all going to get screwed and end up with the bankcrupt US east contract until 2012!
He doesn't know what he's talking about.

I've seen many of your people in action. they could be in a skit on saturday night live.

keep wearing your jeans...keep talking to yourself as you go about your business on the plane...keep verifying who will make the cell phone announcement when the plane lands...keep verifying your liquor counts...keep counting the headsets...keep writing up your fellow flight attendants for going overwing...keep pouring half the mini in drinks...it's all good...and funny has heck too (except for the 1/2 mini part...that is just pathetic)...talk about the fool

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