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Aug 20, 2002
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Was US Airways the only airline impacted by the hurricane? NO, but to hear Dave's excuses, we were. I suppose, Jet Blue (JFK), Southwest (BWI), Continental (EWR), United(IAD) were somehow mysteriously spared the impact of the storm. We are again reporting losses when our competition is reporting gains. Is it possible our business model is flawed? Is it possible our upper management is incompetent? I think the days of denied accountability by our management should end. Fix this airline! That's what you are paid to do!
Not to be taking the side of Uncle Dave or anything but.... Remember where the majority of our business exists from compared to the other carriers mentioned... IE UA is not Only IAD, Continental is not ONLY EWR, Jet Blue is Not only JFK etc..

I know it doesn't sound good...it sounds like another exuse but.. when I listened to his weekly update today..As I believe you did I was thinking more in terms of this might be a help some where down the road...Hell, How many other airlines have the Majority of East Coast flights????
If Jet Blue is not only at JFK, where else are they? JFK was hit by the blackout as well as the storm. CLT was spared the brunt of the storm wasn't it???? With our track record, any irregular operation is an excuse for financial disaster.
With all the massives furloughs, cutbacks on system timetables,

added Clone Soldiers BTW< at my station we are NAGGED every AM about this

60% or WE WILL LAYOFF!!!

Where have ALL the cost savings disappeared?

IN CCY'S LOSER'S POCKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :down: :down: :down:
Most of Jetblues flights go into and out of JFK only about 33 flights are out of LGB and IAD so to say that the reason we were not affected as much as USAirways was would be a false statement. The reason we did so well during the blackout was because every employee who worked for Jetblue was forced to come into the airport (unless they could not get transportation) and almost everyone showed up. The employees who were already in the airport were forced to stay and some of us were there for 20 hours. We didn’t have computers so everything was done by hand. Jetblue had a computer failure a few weeks before so we go into the practice of printings manifests for all flights each night for the next day. David Neelman was even at the airport helping us take bags to the ramp passing out water to customers and helping us board the aircraft. We were affected very much so by the black out, but we all worked together like a team. Many people say that we are new and things will change. They say that eventually Jetblue will get too big and won’t be able to deliver that extra special service to our customers. I tend to differ. JFK is huge for Jetblue, over 900 people now work for Jetblue in JFK and another 500 in forest hills, that’s allot of people, but we all pulled together and made a bad situation into a good one.
I know that this sounds corny, but it’s true. I saw it with my own eyes and it was on the blackout, incredible. So the next time the CEO of US Airways tries to blame the company's financial issues on the black out, should we really think the problem was the blackout? Or does it have to do with the relationship between management and employees?

I wish you all the best and JetBlue. You all have true spirit and know what team work is all about. You just happen to have a great quarter back who knows all the plays, anticipates the moves, understands and respects the talent of all his players and who fosters and builds team work to achieve victory.

I was truly impressed with Neelman's interview on CNBC. Every question posed to him by Maria Batoroma, he prefaced his responses with, "our employees" are this and our employees are that, and we treat them with respect " , etc.... Sure shows he is a man of his word for sure during that "black out". You deserve all the success in this Industry. You are are remarkable, and I applaud your efforts to provide true quality service to your customers specifically when adverse condition arise. :up:

PS. As we are starving here at U for good management, becareful , we may just kidnap your CEO. 😉
Dilligas said:
I nominate "Joe Isuzu", remember him? At least he made us smile while he lied right to our face about everything and anything. He should be our company spokesperson at the very least.

Flashback: http://www.tvacres.com/admascots_joeisuzu.htm

Talk about pathological!!!
Maybe Dave should end his Friday messages with the phrase: "you have my word on it!" 🙂