Saw our first (Customer Relations issued of course) Aircheck evoucher tonight. Had the record locator on the letter so we booked the reservation and then thought, we've never done one of these or even knew they existed. Since an Airchecks value is dependent on the amount of the ticket, is the computer going to know what to deduct? So, instead of taking a chance (which is what you do almost any time you type something into QIK) we printed the voucher to use the old way. The computer actually told us there was no coupon available to exchange for the ticket when we entered the vchr number. So, has anyone else had one of the new evchr for Airchecks? How did you ticket it and if you did the EVHCR Redemption did it automatically deduct the correct amount? Anyone in training here who can clue us in on the front line?
Gotta love this one too. The same customer actually had ANOTHER evoucher
from our wonderful service to use tonight. The letter from Customer Relations was very professional looking and told the customer he had a $300 voucher to use on his next flight, all he had to do was to call rez and give the name and record locator listed at the bottom of the page to the agent to book his flight. Slight problem. There was no record locator on the letter for the agent to find his Evchr! :blink: Sometimes I wonder why I even give 1/2 a care that anything is attempted to be done correctly. Its obvious that many others get to phone it in every day so why do we continue to beat ourselves up over this stuff? Used the letter as the vchr and the customer ended up happy. Somewhere theres a $300 vchr floating in space for someone who can locate it. :down:
Gotta love this one too. The same customer actually had ANOTHER evoucher