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EPA Human Testing

OK, found the post you were referring to. Still does not make sense. What oil are we going to export? We consume 18 MBD. We only produce 9 MBD. Are you saying that we can drill enough to double our production of oil? Actually if we are going to export oil would need to more than double our production.

I'd love to see some support for this idea. I have not read anything that indicates we have the capability to do this.

Then there is the issue that so long as oil is explored and extracted by companies independent of the Fed that the oil will be sold at market value. The oil companies are not going to sell it at a loss and they are not going to produce enough oil to saturate the market to drop the price of oil to the point where they cannot make a profit.

So how does this work in your perfect world and how will this translate to the world we live in?

Look up!
I can't see the link between EPA human testing and oil at one dollar. Have I missed something?

Yeah. You're a newbie and have to adjust to quotations, past discussions, current and future predictions, and basically putting Cybil at the wheel!
Yeah. You're a newbie and have to adjust to quotations, past discussions, current and future predictions, and basically putting Cybil at the wheel!

This is how one addresses internet etiquette?
Technically our prices should drop if we drill our own oil and sell it. But our government bein what it is might say"they are payin $4 a gallon now. they'll be happy paying $3.50 forever!"

I witnessed the 1973 fuel embargo from a European point of view. In 1976, European politicians sold their countries out for lower fuel prices. How? They made an agreement with Saudi Arabia that they would allow Muslim immigration to get them jobs for lower fuel prices.

So who do you think this "we" is? The US does not drill it's own oil. Oil companies (multi-national ones) drill oil and they do it to make money. Lot's of money. Our government does not control the cost of oil. The market does. The first person in our government who could cotrol the cost of oil would probably have a state renamed after them.

You still have not explained how the oil companies can more than double it's oil production in order to export oil drilled on US land.

You also have not explained how or why oil companies would drill so much oil as to reduce their profit margins to pennies on the dollar compared to what they are making now.

Is this how you would run your business?
Whats wrong ? You runnin' out of numbers, on the bathroom wall, to call ?

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