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EPA Human Testing

One must wonder why Lisa is leaving.

If the shocking allegations contained in a lawsuit filed last Friday by responsible science advocate Steven Milloy are accurate, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a major scandal on its hands. As reported by the National Legal and Policy Center, Milloy initiated litigation in U.S. District Court in Virginia, based on evidence he accumulated via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). He alleges that the EPA engaged in disturbing experimentation that deliberately exposed human beings to airborne particulate matter the agency itself considers lethal. The experiments were conducted at EPA’s Human Studies Facility at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. “That EPA administrator Lisa Jackson permitted this heinous experimentation to occur under her watch shocks the conscience,” said Milloy.

The suit accuses the EPA of paying as many as 41 participants $12 an hour to breathe in concentrated diesel exhaust, for as long a two hours at a time. The exhaust was directly piped in from a truck parked outside the Chapel Hill facility. According to the lawsuit, the fine particulate matter, called “PM2.5,” was piped in at levels 21 times greater than what the EPA calls its “permissible limit.”
Yet even that phrase is misleading. In testimony delivered to Congress in September of 2011, EPA chief Lisa Jackson claimed that exposure to fine particulate matter of 2.5 microns–or less–was lethal. ”Particulate matter causes premature death. It’s directly causal to dying sooner than you should,” she testified at the time.
Milloy learned about the experiments last year, after reading about them in a government-supported scientific journal. In June, he filed a complaint with the North Carolina Medical Board, accusing Drs. Andrew Ghio and Wayne Cascio, both of whom were employed by the EPA, along with Dr. Eugene Chung, who worked for the University of North Carolina, of violating EPA standards of conduct in human research and the Hippocratic Oath. “During these experiments, the study subjects were intentionally exposed to airborne fine particulate matter (‘PM2.5&prime😉 at levels ranging from 41.54 micrograms per cubic meter to 750.83 micrograms per cubic meter for periods of up to two hours,” Milloy wrote to Dr. Ralph C. Loomis, president of the NC Medical Board. “The EPA also believes that PM2.5 is carcinogenic to humans,” he added.
Dr. David Schnare, a former EPA litigator who is now director of American Tradition Institute’s Environmental Law Center, which filed the lawsuit, painted a detailed and chilling picture of exactly how the experiments were conducted. “EPA parked a truck’s exhaust pipe directly beneath an intake pipe on the side of a building,” he revealed. “The exhaust was sucked into the pipe, mixed with some additional air and then piped directly into the lungs of the human subjects. EPA actually has pictures of this gas chamber, a clear plastic pipe stuck into the mouth of a subject, his lips sealing it to his face, diesel fumes inhaled straight into his lungs.”

Most of your posts are off the wall and somehow I bet you think you own this forum.
15,361 posts? Don't you have something better to do?
Hows about some fresh air.
The question all the Obamanites refuse to answer is not who started this practice but, why is the Annointed One allowing it to continue !

Playing the "It's not Barrack's Fault" game, is getting very old !
Most of your posts are off the wall and somehow I bet you think you own this forum.
15,361 posts? Don't you have something better to do?
Hows about some fresh air.

Hey look ! The FNG chimes in on things he has no knowledge of ! By the looks of your avatar and your reply, you and tree would make a cute couple ! Looks like you've been getting a little more than fresh air !
Hey look ! The FNG chimes in on things he has no knowledge of ! By the looks of your avatar and your reply, you and tree would make a cute couple ! Looks like you've been getting a little more than fresh air !

That's ok sweetcakes, I saw your number on the wall in stall three.
I have not looked into it yet bot does anyone know if all Fed dept are just subject to Congressional over sight or are they also subject to judicial over sight as well? I know the War Dept (AkA DoD) is given quite a bit of leeway in the name of national defense and 'security'. I do not know if other departments are given the same latitude.
In a perfect world I would have cured cancer and been a world famous F1 driver in my off time.

Since we live in reality how about you explain how US drilling oil will give us $1 gas. If we are selling oil at the same time we are importing oil that seems to defeat the purpose. We consume over 18 million barrels of oil per day. We are only producing 8 million a day. The two largest producers are Russia and SA at 9 million a day. In order for us to meet our daily needs we would need to either double our production (more than the top two producers in the world) or completely take over the production of one of the top two producers.

So please explain how this:

I'm specifically interested in the part about gas selling at $1. I really want to know how that works on a free oil market with other nations buying oil.
In a perfect world I would have cured cancer and been a world famous F1 driver in my off time.

Since we live in reality how about you explain how US drilling oil will give us $1 gas. If we are selling oil at the same time we are importing oil that seems to defeat the purpose. We consume over 18 million barrels of oil per day. We are only producing 8 million a day. The two largest producers are Russia and SA at 9 million a day. In order for us to meet our daily needs we would need to either double our production (more than the top two producers in the world) or completely take over the production of one of the top two producers.

So please explain how this:

I'm specifically interested in the part about gas selling at $1. I really want to know how that works on a free oil market with other nations buying oil.

You caught me. I was tired and meant THE SAVINGS FROM EXPORTING AND SELLING OIL. Poor me said import instead.

You really shouldn't try to pick a fight over the how and the why. You seem to chose your battles, and I am not going to let you drag me into a twistem grudge match.

The key word in my statement is POSSIBLY meaning it might or it might not. Again, I am not a politician nor do I hope to run for office anytime soon. Ask your politicians in Europe how they can lower the price of gas!
You said if we drilled all the oil our prices could possible drop. All Im asking is how this would work. Gingrich said he could get it down to $2.50 and everyone said he was full of crap. The market dictates the price of oil. BP and Shell are not going to sell oil to the US for a loss when they can sell it to India or China for a profit.

Not sure how import or export affects your argument. May be you can restate your statement with the corrections.

Europe pays the same market rate for oil that everyone else pays. Their fuel prices are higher at the pump because they tax the crap out of it.
You said if we drilled all the oil our prices could possible drop. All Im asking is how this would work. Gingrich said he could get it down to $2.50 and everyone said he was full of crap. The market dictates the price of oil. BP and Shell are not going to sell oil to the US for a loss when they can sell it to India or China for a profit.

Not sure how import or export affects your argument. May be you can restate your statement with the corrections.

Europe pays the same market rate for oil that everyone else pays. Their fuel prices are higher at the pump because they tax the crap out of it.

Don't forget, they have to transport it by rail or truck...we have a transmission system across the land which keeps cost down.
You caught me. I was tired and meant THE SAVINGS FROM EXPORTING AND SELLING OIL. Poor me said import instead.

You really shouldn't try to pick a fight over the how and the why. You seem to chose your battles, and I am not going to let you drag me into a twistem grudge match.

The key word in my statement is POSSIBLY meaning it might or it might not. Again, I am not a politician nor do I hope to run for office anytime soon. Ask your politicians in Europe how they can lower the price of gas!

OK, found the post you were referring to. Still does not make sense. What oil are we going to export? We consume 18 MBD. We only produce 9 MBD. Are you saying that we can drill enough to double our production of oil? Actually if we are going to export oil would need to more than double our production.

I'd love to see some support for this idea. I have not read anything that indicates we have the capability to do this.

Then there is the issue that so long as oil is explored and extracted by companies independent of the Fed that the oil will be sold at market value. The oil companies are not going to sell it at a loss and they are not going to produce enough oil to saturate the market to drop the price of oil to the point where they cannot make a profit.

So how does this work in your perfect world and how will this translate to the world we live in?
You said if we drilled all the oil our prices could possible drop. All Im asking is how this would work. Gingrich said he could get it down to $2.50 and everyone said he was full of crap. The market dictates the price of oil. BP and Shell are not going to sell oil to the US for a loss when they can sell it to India or China for a profit.

Not sure how import or export affects your argument. May be you can restate your statement with the corrections.

Europe pays the same market rate for oil that everyone else pays. Their fuel prices are higher at the pump because they tax the crap out of it.

I can't see the link between EPA human testing and oil at one dollar. Have I missed something?
You said if we drilled all the oil our prices could possible drop. All Im asking is how this would work. Gingrich said he could get it down to $2.50 and everyone said he was full of crap. The market dictates the price of oil. BP and Shell are not going to sell oil to the US for a loss when they can sell it to India or China for a profit.

Not sure how import or export affects your argument. May be you can restate your statement with the corrections.

Europe pays the same market rate for oil that everyone else pays. Their fuel prices are higher at the pump because they tax the crap out of it.

Technically our prices should drop if we drill our own oil and sell it. But our government bein what it is might say"they are payin $4 a gallon now. they'll be happy paying $3.50 forever!"

I witnessed the 1973 fuel embargo from a European point of view. In 1976, European politicians sold their countries out for lower fuel prices. How? They made an agreement with Saudi Arabia that they would allow Muslim immigration to get them jobs for lower fuel prices.

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