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End of PIT hub???!!!

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't USAir Group Inc pay for nearly ALL of the construction of the PIT midfield terminal, simply to turn over the keys to Allegheny County? It seems I remember that Uncle Ed (Colodny) dumped about $500 million into that facility. Allegheny County came out smelling like a rose because it (ultimately) got ownership of a building it paid very little for. Meanwhile, US is STILL paying for the PIT airport. Cost us about $11 per passenger to fly them through there.

Folks up there should also keep in mind that we are still in the top five of employers in Allegheny. 11,000 employees there. Carefull what you wish for concerning our future...that's an awful lot of people on the unemployment line at once for a city of the size of PIT. Does anyone remember the early 70's or has everyone convieniently forgotten how bad it was?
[BR]tvlr-[BR][BR]You don't by chance have a Harvard MBA, do you? 🙂 The average US employee has over 15 years - do you honestly think another carrier would come in and offer better wages? I don't think so. Sure, wish for el cheapo air to come in. Just remember when your business bottom line is affected by the lower per capata wage in the county don't come crying to us, we and our money will be outta here.

You don't by chance have a Harvard MBA, do you? 🙂 The average US employee has over 15 years - do you honestly think another carrier would come in and offer better wages? I don't think so. Sure, wish for el cheapo air to come in. Just remember when your business bottom line is affected by the lower per capata wage in the county don't come crying to us, we and our money will be outta here.

Oh exjetgurl...........you're starting to sound like Lilninja from the MCO res office crying all the time in your postings. Do you work at the PIT airport? Do you see the lack of PAX coming through now? Let's face it, USAirways is not going to use this airport to it's fullest ability. It's clear. If the county commissioners had some balls they would be courting another airline now. But as usual with Pittsburgh political types, they will wait until it smacks them in the face then decide to react.

And no I don't have a Harvard MBA, I'm just a simple everyday customer that flies U daily/weekly and I watch how U's presence is shrinking in PIT. But I do work for a company that promotes it's employees to be proactive when they see that working conditions are not correct and need a possible change. And that's what the Allegheny County Commissioners need to be right now......PROACTIVE. Or PIT will just be another underutilized airport.
There have been discussions between Allegheny County Airport Director Kent George and the company about expanding PIT gates at some point in the future when the recovery occurs, although the conversations have centered on MDA. I believe PIT will remain a hub and will likely see a significant amount of EMB-170/175 flying. From a RJ perspective, this will an intimidating Express product from a corporate/customer perspective.

When the restructuring is complete, I believe PIT will be like CVG. PIT will also have MDA headquarters, ground training, pilot training, and maintenance facilities.

ALPA & company MDA negotiations are intensifying and there must be a pilot contract by December 28. There should be significant RJ orders/expansion announced within the next few weeks.

In response to some of the posts...

I believe the new airport at PIT was financed through bonds that were rated and sold based on a long term lease committment by USAir. USAir did contribute monies, but I think most of that went to certain leasehold improvements specific to USAir facilities at the new terminal.

I would imagine the problem Allegheny County has is with the USAirways bankruptcy, the long term lease is open. This probably is lowering the bond rating.

(This is a very elementary analysis... Anyone with specifics ... PLEASE correct me if im wrong...)

I went through PIT this weekend. With downsizing inevitable, my opinion is USAirways should pull out of Concourse E and consolidate all ops to the A,B,C (intl) concourses. This does the following...

1. Relieves USAirways from some lease liability (Concourse E).
2. Consolidates all operations to one building.
3. Stops competition from opening jet gates (if USAir was to abandon gates in A,B,C)
4. Retains gates that could be coverted back to mainline in the future.
5. Leaves the least attractive Concourse E available for future use (I doubt any other airlines would be takers).


Your idea has merit if the gate economics are beneficial. I will forward your suggestion to appropriate US parties.


Hey Chip. According to Daves latest hotline several more RJ deals will be announced in the next few weeks. Would you care to hazard a guess as to which companies will finally find out if they are golden or not?
[BR]trvlr64 -[BR][BR]I am not a US Airways employee. I am a former employee whose spouse is still employed by US Airways (for now). I work as a consultant for a large corporation, which means I travel a lot. So, I do know where you are coming from. Still, I think it's foolish to think another airline is going to pick up the slack if US goes under. The problem is how many airlines have come into PIT only to pull out or reduce service down the road? If the people of PIT want cheap carriers in here why don't they support them? Simply put, there's not enough local traffic to warrant it, second, the frequent fliers want to stick with one airline for the bennies. The only thing that works out of PIT with US Airways around is charter airlines. It's foolish to come in here knowing the background and limited capacity this airport provides. Therefore, it's not going to get any better than US Airways and a Mid-Atlantic operation. Just my two cents.

This is the last full week for negotiations between US/MDA & the MDA ALPA Negotiating Committee before the parties submit there last proposal to the Board of Arbitration.

Unless a TA is reached, at the end of next week the parties will prepare written and oral arguments for 30 days of Arbitration. Then the Arbitrator will have 30 additional days to provide a contract Opinion and Award, no later than December 28.

In my opinion, we could see the following RJ agreements:

MDA - EMB-170 & EMB-175 orders/options.

Allegheny, Piedmont, & PSA - 37, 44, & 50-seat orders/options.

Midway - 50-seat CRJs.

Mesa - 50-seat RJs with the pilot group participating in J4J.

Atlantic Coast & Skywest - If UA files for a formal reorganization, then we could see either or both of these carriers seek to fly for US Express as an affiliate carrier, provided the pilot groups agree to J4J. However, if UAL enters bankruptcy and dramtaically downsizes the pilots from these two regional airlines could be faced with the prospect of furlough and a reduction of flying or agreeing to J4J. In fact, it would not surprise me if this transfer of flying from UA Express to US Express is already in the works.

I think Biz Bites in the PG put it well one time. When Air Tran Pulled out of a market.

Pittsburghers love to complain about high fares and US Air
But It seems that old habits die hard.

Midway7 said: With downsizing inevitable, my opinion is USAirways should pull out of Concourse E and consolidate all ops to the A,B,C (intl) concourses.

Chip comments: Midway, I forwarded your comments to senior management and I recieved the following response:

We need the gates for RJs to build max connections. Savings would be minmal. That isn't the problem.


Thanks for forwarding the idea... If they are keeping concourse E, one can expect them to retain ALL of A and B also. I guess the plan is to convert a large amount of the flights to RJ and use the gates for that. I would imagine some of the converted gates (likely Concourse B) will remain in a flex state and could go back to mainline in the future.

I will use the RJ's but hope to hell we can get over this recession and get some mainline back. I really like using mainline USAirways at PIT.


Midway 7
On 10/20/2002 12:01:01 AM ClueByFour wrote:

As for the county, I live in Cranberry for a reason.

.... oh how I miss good ole Cranberry Township...... sorry just getting sentimental for a moment.... we now return you to your regularly scheduled bickering.
[P]In my opinion, we could see the following RJ agreements:[BR][BR]MDA - EMB-170 & EMB-175 orders/options.[/P]
[P][STRONG]Okay.[BR][/STRONG][BR]Allegheny, Piedmont, & PSA - 37, 44, & 50-seat orders/options.[/P]
[P]Midway - 50-seat CRJs.[/P]
[P][STRONG]Do you really think Midway will ever happen? Perhaps the 3.5 Mil US dollars was for those LGA and DCA slots and no more? Last I heard Midway was still looking for money? [BR][/STRONG][BR]Mesa - 50-seat RJs with the pilot group participating in J4J.[/P]
[P][STRONG]Mesa MEC has not agreed to the J4J program! Management may have but that is not ALPA! Until Jonathon O. complies to a merged seniority list per a final arbitration CCAir and the NON union Freedom Air included I don't think so? ALPA National is Hawkeyed on this![BR][/STRONG][BR]Atlantic Coast & Skywest - If UA files for a formal reorganization, then we could see either or both of these carriers seek to fly for US Express as an affiliate carrier, provided the pilot groups agree to J4J. However, if UAL enters bankruptcy and dramtaically downsizes the pilots from these two regional airlines could be faced with the prospect of furlough and a reduction of flying or agreeing to J4J. In fact, it would not surprise me if this transfer of flying from UA Express to US Express is already in the works.[/P]
[P][STRONG]Why would Skywest, a non-union carrier agree to J4J's? How would that sit with the Skywest pilot group? ALPA Mainline pilots flying with non-union pilots and superceding the skywest seniority list at a non-union carrier and making more money?[/STRONG][/P]
[P][STRONG] Real hard time with that![/STRONG] [/P]
[P][STRONG]Atlantic Coast? Why US? United is going to pull down mainline service right? They would need ACA to fill the void. AirWhiskey(UA Codeshare) has already signed on with AirTran for RJ flying (AirTran Connection). How will United maintain some of the mainline flying city pairs without mainline aircraft? (this situation is no different than US in LEX, SDF, ASH, TOL, TRI, DAY ect.) With Midway possibly out of the picture US puts Mesa in for twenty more RJ's to cover the Midway flying (LGA and DCA slots and some other flying) to tide over to late spring early summer for first arrival of RJ's at MDA and possibly WO?[/STRONG][/P]
[P][STRONG]Of all of those US mainline pilots currently on furlough, I would venture a guess and say that a majority came from Regional Airlines? Given thier experience with those company's and more specificaly the management practices of those company's, why would they want to go back? $50,000.00 Per/Year is not alot considering the work rules and supreme BS involved in hours on duty and scheduling practices of these company's! These people have had a taste of the pay off for the BS. (Few people outside the airline industry really understand the scheduling/duty time sitch vs. pay)[/STRONG][/P]
[P][STRONG]The code share pilot groups that agree to the J4J requirement are antisipating few if any US mainline pilots to ACCEPT J4J positions! Do I have to spell this out too?[/STRONG][/P]
[P]Why do so many airline pilots vote Republican when the Replublicans are so anti-union/organized labor? This is a concept I will never understand?[/P]
Why do so many airline pilots vote Republican when the Replublicans are so anti-union/organized labor? This is a concept I will never understand?[/P]

thats easy... because to the Democrats the average pilot is someone rich who needs to pay more taxes, but to the Republicans they are someone who works for a living and needs to pay less taxes.

when you make enough to only take home half of what your employer pays you, you will vote Republican too.

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