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End Of June

USA320Pilot said:
The ALPA Negotiating Committee (NC) met with management twice last week and one of the reasons there have not been more meetings is Bruce Ashby’s schedule.

Glad the negotiations were not so important that he had to break his schedule.

USA320Pilot said:
In addition, the MEC has been briefed on bankruptcy proceedings by its advisors and believes the company will most likely file for court protection later this year.

Old spin heard it before tired of hearing it.

USA320Pilot said:
Separately, the company has hired bankruptcy financial and legal advisors who are working on the filing and management has been in discussion with ATSB staff personnel about keeping the loan guarantee intact, if the company elects to proceed with a “judicial restructuringâ€￾ as indicated in the recent SEC filing.

Old spin heard it before tired of hearing it.
For what it's worth, here is the ALPA negotiating committees update for July 2.....

This is the Negotiating Committee update for 7/2/04:

This week we met with the company on Tuesday discussing items that didn't pertain to the Transformation Plan—this was due to the fact that Bruce Ashby was in Charlotte; we discussed cleaning up some old Letter of Agreements (LOA) having to do with such things as MetroJet and Parity.

Then on Wednesday and Thursday, we met with the company and discussed items pertaining to the Transformation Plan; the entire time was spent discussing JetBlue-like productivity; on Thursday the company gave us a five page hand-written working paper outlining JetBlue productivity issues such as: PTO days for sick and vacation; minimum day; hours of service; scheduling and rescheduling.

The committee is disappointed in the company in three different areas:

1) The company still has not given us a proposal of any kind.

2) Company has not addressed returns for our significant proposal that we gave them last week.

3) The company has not valued our proposal.

Needless to say we are disappointed in the lack of progress on the side of the company. We meet with the company next week in PIT starting on Wednesday afternoon.

That's all for now.
BoeingBoy said:
For what it's worth, here is the ALPA negotiating committees update for July 2.....
Wonder why USA320Pilot didn't post this, oh we know why, not good for the spin
usairways_vote_NO said:
""Adding to the tension is the lack of time. New Chief Executive Officer Bruce Lakefield, worried about low-cost competition and the airline's federal loan requirements, wants union leaders to agree to new cuts by the end of June and for union members to ratify the changes in August. That way, the company can implement any savings by September, ahead of a key deadline set by the federal government"" Let me add my little spin here that they had left out ...and before any judgement on the Airbus outsourcing arbitration case.

Well it is now July and only one union has made any progress at all.

What now? To the cornfields with USAirways?

Remember how everything is so set in stone with USAirways as per USA320Pilot, well they missed another deadline and they are still here.
I'm interested in veiwing 2 quarter results that should be out by end of July....see what the "dogs" are doing.
Last week on MSNBC Business Channel an airline analyst said he expects both USAirways and Southwest to show profits for the second quarter.

Should be interesting to see if this is true and how the company negotiations continue.
mwereplanes said:
Have the black helicopters left yet? Why is that car parked in front of my house? Is that a video camera strapped to that dog's collar? Is Elvis dead? Who shot Kennedy? Did we really land on the moon? Why is that chipmunk looking at me? And why is that squirrel looking at him? Am I asking too many question?

You sound like Mel Gibson
totobird said:
Last week on MSNBC Business Channel an airline analyst said he expects both USAirways and Southwest to show profits for the second quarter.

Should be interesting to see if this is true and how the company negotiations continue.
Well Q2 is always US's best quarter with heavy loads to Florida and the Caribbean. There are three other quarters in the year to worry about.
Management shouldn't be asking for a penny more than they NEED. These guys are STILL using the Siegel playbook. Scarey announcements WILL be forthcoming. Count on it.
When Siegel's December 60-90 day window came and went, I believe it delayed the point-to-point schedule modifications from June to Sept. Lately, reflecting current inaction, US has said the change will be phased in over some longer period.

At each decision point, the cash balances have been lower. My expectation is that if there is no labor agreement by summer's end when the airline will go cash negative, the lawyers will be running things again.

Just my outsider's opinion.

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